[title of] Vice-Chancellor's Directive
The title should be informative and reflect the contents of the directive. As the first word of the title is used for alphabetical listings of directives avoid ‘The’, ‘University’ or ‘UTS’.
AbstractIn 1–2 sentences, summarise the purpose of the directive. The abstract and the directive table (below) comprise the document coversheet on the UTS policy website and should enable users to quickly assess the scope and content of the directive.
Dates / Directive or amendment approved
Directive or amendment takes effect
Directive is due for review (up to 5 years) / [xx/xx/20xx]
Approved by / Vice-Chancellor
Implementation Officer / Insert position details for the person responsible for
day-to-day implementation and advice
Relevant to / All staff and/or all students (UTS website)
Limited access (internal to UTS only)
Related documents / List associated documents, including forms
[insert hyperlinks or file numbers]
Legislation / List associated legislation or Rules of the University [insert hyperlinks]
File number / Contact UTS Records (ext 1242) to obtain a file number
Superseded documents / List all documents replaced by the directive
Review notes / Use this for update advice, such as a directive review or proposed development/review of supporting documents
1. Purpose
2. Scope
3. Definitions
4. Directive principles
5. Directive statement
6. Roles and responsibilities
7. Acknowledgements
8. Version control and change history
How to use this templateThis template has been developed to establish a consistent approach to all UTS directives. To ensure a standard presentation of directives, the following fonts are used:
· for text in paragraphs, tables (including the directive table and abstract) and any bullet point lists — Arial, size 11
· for subheadings (under main headings) — Arial, bold, size 11
· for the main headings (already included) — Arial, bold, size 12
· for the footer — Arial, size 9.
Descriptive text under each heading is provided as a guide and can then be deleted.
1. Purpose
Provide a succinct rationale for the directive (i.e. why it is needed and what its implementation should achieve).
2. Scope
State who will implement the directive and who must comply with the directive (e.g. all students; all staff). Identify areas or issues included in the directive, as well as areas or issues specifically excluded.
3. Definitions
List key definitions, particularly if they relate to compliance with legislation, or attach a glossary.
4. Directive principles
Provide clear and concise statements of the University's intent and of the principles that govern what will be done in relation to the directive's area of activity.
5. Directive statement(s)
Use numbered subheadings as required (see below). Detailed statements on implementing the directive should be in supporting documents, such as procedures and guidelines. Using keywords in the subheadings can improve search engine results.
5.1 Directive statement subheading [insert as many as required]
and related content
6. Roles and responsibilities
List the key positions responsible for implementing the directive across the University. Statements must be consistent with the UTS Register of Standing Delegations and relevant sections relating to academic matters in the UTS: Calendar.
Accountable Officer: [insert position title and contact details] is generally the member of the senior executive responsible for managing directive compliance and initiating the directive review process (at least every five years).
Implementation Officer: [insert position title and contact details] is the primary point of contact for advice on implementing and administrating the directive; for establishing and maintaining the official file; for proposing amendments as required; and for managing the consultation process when the directive is due for review.
Other positions and committees: list the positions and committees who need to take action regarding the directive and a short statement of what is expected of them.
7. Acknowledgements
List significant external documents and external organisations that should be acknowledged.
8. Version control and change history
Date / Version / Approved by / Amendment[title of] Vice-Chancellor's Directive
[draft xx/xx/20xx] 3