Established through State Act 29 of 2006
Sponsored by TTD and Recognized by UGC
Alipiri-Chandragiri Bypass Road, Tirupati – 517502
Prof G.S.R.Krishna Murthy
Registrar Phone–0877 2264404
Date – 04-01-2017
It is a widely acknowledged fact that the Vedas and Vedic texts are the sources for many kind of human knowledge. There are many scientific facts which are useful to the mankind that are hidden in Vedic literature. Discovering the Vedic sources for many scientific theories and innovations of today and bringing them out in a meaningful format will boost up further research in both the Vedic and Scientific fields and will result in great benefit of the present and the future generations of the mankind. Modern Scientists and traditional Vedic scholars have a major role to play in this endeavour.
The S.V.Vedic University, Tirupati (A.P), a unique university of its kind and the only one in the entire country fully devoted to Vedic studies has been established in the year 2006 with the promulgation of a State Act of Andhra Pradesh, with the following major objectives:
To conduct research and propagate the relevance of knowledge system and the wisdom contained in the Vedic Literature for meeting the challenges of life in the technology driven contemporary society.
To bring out the profoundness of the rational approach and the scientific temper, presented in the Vedas in the context of pursuit of knowledge and realization of higher levels of consciousness.
To consolidate, revive and promote the Vedic learning and Sanskrit study so as to integrate the scientific thought contained in the Vedas particularly in the disciplines of mathematics, astronomy, agriculture, meteorology, chemistry, metallurgy, yoga, humanities, social sciences and management with the modern scientific and technological studies, so that through integration of Vedic and Scientific concepts advancement of scientific knowledge can be facilitated.
To bring out awareness about the authentic interpretation of the Vedas in India and abroad, facilitation proper understanding of richness of the rational approach to life and scientific temper presented in the Vedic knowledge system.
In furtherance to realization of a few of its objectives,the S.V. Vedic Universityhas taken an initiative and launched a programme through its‘Centre for Veda - Science Research’, inviting research proposals from various institutions as well from other individuals interested in aspects of harmonizing Vedas and Science.The Research Proposals shall be submitted to Registrar of the university by postor through E-mail ()so as to reach on or before 30th January, 2017.
The Format(Annexure - I) and detailed guidelines(Annexure - II) for sanction of the Research Project related to Veda-Science is submitted along with this notification. The Principal Investigator(i.e. Individual or an Institution),is to be filled the format and submit along with the necessary documents to S.V.Vedic University.
The Research Proposals will be accepted for administrative and financial sanction by the University subject to the following:
- Proposers of the Research Projects should ensure that their proposals are in conformity with the guidelines given and submit them in the prescribed format and in full shape within the stipulated time period.
- The Research Proposals are to be cleared, mutatis mutandis, by the Expert Committee of the sanctioning University constituted for the purpose.
- On the administrative sanction of the Research Project, the Principal Investigator shall submit the permission letter in suggested format from the concerned chief executive of the institution concerned for allowing the Principal Investigator to carry on the research as per the sanction orders.(The suggested format is attachedAnnexure - III)
- The Principal Investigator of the Research Project shall enter into an agreement with the S.V. Vedic University on the conduct of the sanctioned Research Project.
- The financial sanction and release of grants for the sanctioned project shall be as per the approval given by the concerned University statutory bodies and authorities.
- The sanctioning University reserves the right to inspect the facilities being availed by the Individuals/Institutions of sanctioned research projects, at any time during the period of the research project.
Sd/- Registrar
(Annexure - I)
(To be filled by applicant)
1. Project Title: “……………………………………………..”
2. Broad Subject:
3. Duration in months:……. Months
4. Total cost:………………Lakhs
5. Foreign Exchange Component:
6. Principal Investigator:
7. Designation:
8. Department:
9. Institute Name:
10. Address:
11. Date of Birth/Sex:
12. Telephone Fax Gram e-mail:
13. Co-Investigator 1:
14. Designation:
15. Department:
16. Institute Name:
17. Address
18. Date of Birth/Sex:
19.Telephone Fax Gram e-mail
13.1. Co-Investigator
14.1. Designation
15.1. Department
16.1. Institute Name
17.1. Address
18.1. Date of Birth/Sex
19. Telephone Fax Gram e-mail:
20. Project Summary:
21. Key words
22. Technical Details
22.1. Introduction
22.1.2. Definition of the problem
22.1.3. Objective
22.2. Review of status of Research and Development in the subject.
22.2.1. International status:
22.2.2. National status.
22.2.3. Novelty importance of the proposed project in the context of current status:
22.2.4. If the project is location specific, basis for selection of location:
23. Target beneficiaries of the proposed work:
24. Review of expertise available with the PI, the proposed Investigating group/Institution in the
Subject of the project.
25. Patent details (domestic and international), if applicable:
26. Environmental impact assessment and risk analysis:
27. Proposed impact assessment:
28. Sustainability:
29. Work Plan
29.1. Methodology:
29.2. Organization of work elements
29.3. Time schedule of activities giving milestones (also append to bar diagram and mark it as
Section 410):
29.4. Do the physical and financial targets (given in section 300-351) match with each other:
29.5. Suggested plan of action for utilization of research outcome expected from the project:
30. The development of “outputs” and “outcomes” of the project:
31. Economic implications of the proposed work, if any.
32. Budget estimates:
Sl.No / Item / Budget / In Rupees1st year / 2nd year / 3rd year / Total:
A. / Recurring
B. / Non-Recurring
1.Equipments and Furniture
2. Others
Grand Total (A +B)
Note: Details should be submitted year wise for each of the above recurring and non-recurring subheads.
33. List of facilities being extended by parent institution(s) for the project implementation.
1) Infrastructural Facilities:
Sr. No. / Infrastructural Facility / Yes/No/ Not requiredFull or sharing basis
2. Equipment available with the Institute/ Group/ Department/ Other Institutes for the project:
Equipment available with / Generic Name of Equipment / Model, Make & year of purchase / Remarks including accessories available and current usage of equipment34. Enclose the Detailed Bio-data of the Investigator(s)/Co-Investigator(s) including
Name, Address, Date of Birth, Institution’s Address etc.
Academic Qualifications (University/College from where attained, year of passing, class, Thesis title etc.)
Publications list (Title of paper, authors, Journal details, pages, year etc.)
Patent list, if any
List of Projects implemented
Project Title:
I/We have not submitted this project proposal elsewhere for financial support.
I/ have explored and ensured that the equipment and basic facilities described in the Research proposal, will actually be available as and when required for the purpose of the project.
I/We undertake that spare time on permanent equipment will be made available to other users.
I/We abide by the conditions laid down by Vedas & Science Forum.
Name and signature of the Investigators
1.Certified that the organization welcome the participation of Sri ______, ______(designation with department and college) as PI and Sri ______(designation with department and college) as Co-PI for the project and that in the unforeseen event of discontinuation by the PI, the Co-PI will assume the responsibility for completion of the project. Information to this effect endorsed by me will be promptly sent to Vedas and Science forum of SVVU.
2. Certified that the equipment, other basic facilities and other administrative facilities as per terms and conditions of the grant, will be extended to the investigators throughout the duration of the project.
3. The organization shall undertake the financial and other management responsibilities of the project.
Name, Designation, Address and Signature of the recommending authority
(Annexure - II)
Established through State Act 29 of 2006
Sponsored by TTD and Recognized by UGC
Alipiri-Chandragiri Bypass Road, Tirupati – 517502
- The grant will be released for the specific research project sanctioned and should be exclusively spent by the PI/Institution/University on the project related activities within the stipulated time.
- On receipt of administrative sanction the Principal Investigator shall submit the Permission letter from the Institution providing the facilities to do the research and shall also enter into an agreement with the Project Sanctioning University, before receipt of research grants.
- The PI shall submit receipts for the released grants.
- Grants in instalments will be released by the sanctioning University after receipt of specific request letters from the PI/Institution/University, duly mentioning the progress made in the ongoing research project.
- A 10% of fund will be retained with CVSR and will be released after the submission of Final Report of the Project along with statement of expenditure and utilization certificate.
- The Institute/University shall maintain separate accounts for the project. The interest accrued if any, earned should be reported to the Centre for Vedas Science Research (CVSR) while submitting the Statement of Expenditure/Utilisation Certificate and this will be adjusted towards subsequent instalments to be released.
- The Institute authorities will be responsible for full infrastructural facilities by way of accommodation & space, water, electricity, communication etc. that are essential for smooth implementation of the project. The grant shall not be utilized for construction of any building or renovation of any building unless specific provision is made for that purpose.
- The host Institute/University/PI shall ensure that the fund released towards the project is used exclusively and appropriately for that research project only.
- Any expenditure incurred prior to the issue of the financial sanction/ approval order and after the expiry of the sanctioned duration of the project will not be admissible.
- The Institute/PI shall settle the accounts within 6 (six) months from the date of completion of the project.
- Any un-spent balance out of the amount sanctioned must be surrendered to the CVSR through a crossed Cheque/Demand Draft payable at Tirupatidrawn in favour of “The Registrar, Sri Venkateswara Vedic University” after the duration of the project is over.
- The PI shall submit periodical progress report on the research project undertaken once in 3 months to the sanctioning University.
- The following documents need to be sent to the CVSR after the project duration is over along with the DD/Cheque for the unspent grant, if any:
i)Audited Utilization Certificate and Statement of Expenditure (in duplicate) giving expenditure details, financial year-wise from date of start till date of completion;
Signature of the Principal Investigator Signature of Head of the Institute (with seal)
ii)Three copies of Project Completion Report with publication list, patents filed/likely to be filed, Doctorates from project and other manpower trained along with one softcopy of the Project Completion Report including an Executive Summary; and
iii)List of assets acquired through non-recurring grants.
iv)Medium of the project should be invariably in English.
- For permanent and semi-permanent assets acquired solely or mainly out of the non-recurring grants, an audited record in the form of a register in the prescribed format shall be maintained by the Institute. The term “Assets” includes (a) the immovable property acquired out of the grant; and (b) movable property as mentioned in the sanction order. The Institute is required to send to the CVSR a list of assets acquired from the grant.
- All the assets acquired from the grants can be considered on the Institutional Inventory list as gifted by the CVSR but should not be disposed off or encumbered without the prior sanction of CVSR. However, the CVSR has the discretion to allow other Investigators from the same Institute to utilise the assets for projects sanctioned by the CVSR or advice the Institute to transfer them to any other Institute if it is considered appropriate.
- The Principal Investigator (PI) will furnish Progress Report of the work on the project after attaining the following benchmark in the first 6 (six) months of project implementation:
i)Appointment of manpower, providing date of appointment & qualifications.
ii)Status regarding procurement of equipment sanctioned under the project.
Subsequently, five copies of the progress report should be submitted in the prescribed format after completion of every year.
- In addition, the CVSR may designate Scientist/Specialist or an Expert Panel periodically to review the progress of the work being carried out and to suggest suitable measures to ensure realisation of the objectives of the project.
- At the end of each Financial Year (FY) and at the time of seeking further instalment of grant, the PI has to furnish the following documents strictly as per CVSR formats:
a)Two copies of audited Utilization Certificate (UC) and up to date Statement of Expenditure (SE) including expenditure for the previous financial year (in original);
b)Technical Progress Report as mentioned above in Para 8, if not sent earlier.
c)List of equipment under non-recurring grant acquired till that Financial Year.
- The PI shall attend Monitoring Meetings/Workshop to present the progress/outcome of the research project, as and when organised.
- The host institute will not entrust the implementation of the work for which the grant is being sanctioned to another institution or PI nor will it divert the grant receipts to other institute as assistance.
- In case the Institute is not in a position to implement or complete the project, it should refund to CVSR the entire grant received by it or the balance grant with it, with interest.
- All the personnel including Research personnel appointed under the project, for the full/ part duration of the project, are to be treated as temporary. They are not to be treated as employees of the CVSR or Vedic University nor permanent employees of the Institute and the CVSR will have no liability, whatsoever, for the project staff after completion of the project duration.
- For the implementation of the research project, the PI will take the assistance of the Institute in the process of selection and appointment of sanctioned research personnel/staff and payment to them.
Signature of the Principal Investigator Signature of Head of the Institute (with seal)
- CVSR reserves the right to terminate the project at any stage if it is convinced that appropriate progress is not being made or the grant has not been properly utilized.
- The project becomes operative within 30 days from the date on which the Draft/Cheque/Electronic Transfer is received by the implementing Institution. If the project is not initiated within this stipulated period, the implementing institute is bound to return the full amount with interest, if any to CVSR.
- a) If the PI to whom a grant for a project has been sanctioned, wishes to leave the Institution where the project is based, the Institute/ PI will inform the same to CVSR immediately and will ensure that the Co-PI, if any is appointed in consultation with the CVSR takes over the responsibility of project implementation. Consultation on this with CVSR needs to be done before relieving the PI.
b) In the cases where the PI leaves the institution and wants to continue the project in the new institution, the CVSR allows the transfer of the project along with balance grant and the assets to the new institute provided that the notice has been given in advance, the administrative authority of both institutes agree in writing, and the project aims can still be achieved.
c) If the PI wishes to terminate the project being implemented/leave the institute without seeking transfer of the project to another institute, he/she shall inform the CVSR through the Institute authorities immediately. The implementing institute should not incur any expenditure from the date of termination of the project or the date of resignation of PI. The institute will also arrange for submission of documents as mentioned in Para 8 above.
- The PI has to seek the consent of CVSR if he/she intends to stay away from the implementing institute (except for field work related to the sanctioned project) for a period not more than twelve weeks continuously.
- The PI who is not affiliated to any Institute/University has to implement the project in CVSR in Vedic University. However a Vedic Scholar shall be co-investigator from S.V. Vedic University. The necessary approvals for the utilization of the project grant under various sub-heads have to be obtained from Registrar, S.V. Vedic University. No advance amounts are permitted to the PI. The expenditure incurred has to be claimed from the Registrar, S.V. Vedic University on reimbursement basis only.
- Principal Investigators who wish to publish technical/ scientific papers based on the research work done under the project in journals of high repute are permitted to do so. However, they should formally acknowledge the assistance received from Vedas & Science Cell of S.V. Vedic University.
The PI shall inform the CVSR about any papers that may be published from the project implementation even after the completion of the project tenure. A soft copy of the technical paper published should be sent to the Vedas & Science Cell for record purpose.
- To ensure ownership of the results of research, the research results should not be published without taking prior action by the PI/Institution/University to secure legal protection for the research results.
- The projects identified by the CVSR that have potential for generating know-how in the form of product/ process/ design etc. through patents, copyrights etc. should preferably follow their Institute guidelines for patenting/ getting copyright. A copy of such application should also be sent to the Vedas & Science Cell of S.V.V.U.
Signature of the Principal Investigator Signature of Head of the Institute (with seal)