Square Bay – Site ND7, Temple Quay

May Consultation - Comments form

Thank you for viewing the exhibition which shows proposals for a residential led, mixed-use development on land within the Temple Quarter Enterprise Zone. The vacant site, known as ND7, is located next to the Ibis Hotel, bordered by Anvill Street to the north, Avon Street to the south and New Kingsley Road to the west.

The scheme comprises commercial space at ground floor level, creating active

street frontages, above which there will be 166 one, two and three bed apartments. The accommodation will be arranged around a central landscaped courtyard with undercroft car parking.

Square Bay and the project team are keen to hear your views on these latest proposals before the scheme is finalised and a planning application is submitted to Bristol City Council.

Please answer the following questions, then either post your completed form in the comments box provided or return to ABC, at the address below. Responses received by Monday 19 May will be included in the summary feedback report which will accompany the planning submission.

Q1. What do you like or support about the emerging proposals?

Q2. Do you have any concerns or queries about the proposals?

Q3. Do you have any views about the proposed mix of uses?

Q4. From your local knowledge of the site and the surrounding area are you aware of any other constraints or issues that might influence the proposals?

Q5. Do you have any further comments or suggestions?

About You:

 I am a local resident  I work locally

 Other (please specify group or organisation)......

If you wish to be kept informed about the progress of the project, please provide the following contact details.

Name: / Date:
Organisation (if applicable):
Email address or postal address

Please post your completed form in the box provided at the exhibition or return it to the address below by Monday 19 March 2014.

Avril Baker Consultancy (ABC), 5 Lilymead Avenue, Bristol BS4 2BY

e-mail: Tel: 0117 977 2002

The exhibition boards will also be available on the Easton & Lawrence Hill Neighbourhood Forum website

The information you provide will not be passed to any third party and will only be used to communicate with you about this specific project. If at any time you wish to have your details removed from our database, please contact ABC on 0117 977 2002