News from the Super Stars

For the Week of Feb. 11-15

Our Super Days

Monday, Feb. 11 - Mrs. Ballard talked about respect. We talked about counting large numbers of objects in math. In phonics we learned about dipthong oi and oy. We made our post cards for the post office.
Tuesday, Feb. 12 – No school Water main break!
Wednesday, Feb. 13 – We went to the post office to buy a stamp, mail our post card and have a tour! We made our valentine envelopes to hold our valentines.
Thursday, Feb. 14 – Happy Valentine’s Day! We graphed candy hearts and wrote about our graph. We made a card. We had our party as well as music, library, and PE.
Friday, Feb. 15 – We took math assessments. We also took a phonics assessment. We made a project for Presidents! Day! /
A Note from Mrs. T
Book orders are due on Wednesday, Feb. 20the. Please make checks payable to IWES Activity Fund!
Please read with your child every night. I try to lake this easy with book in a bags. Remember to return them each day!
Thanks to all who brought Kleenexes! We needed them!
Keep Reading!
Spelling Words for the test on Wed., Feb. 20
far, much, play, gave, upon, after, handy, dribble, spell, shapeless, says, should
Six friends came to my slumber party. We stayed up until three. Mom made plum tarts for us. The sweet crust was tender and good.
Strategy for the Week
Practice, practice, practice those addition and subtraction facts. While you are in the car for a short ride give your child some facts to figure out!
We have also been working on adding dimes and pennies. Give your child some of these coins and ask them to tell you how much they have!
Check out this website
Check out this ag site for kids!

Find out about some popular farm animals!

Upcoming Events

- Six Flags Reading Program papers are due the end of February!
- Character Ed Program at the Middle School – Feb. 20Character assembly for respect – Feb. 29
- FFA Animal Fair at the High School – Feb. 21
- Mrs. Luhman’s program called “CHEESE!”
- Dr. Seuss Day – March 3
- Mrs. Ballard to talk about responsibility – March 11 /

New Vocabulary Words

Book 3 – Story 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and Saxon
new, grow, old, any, would, their, try, fall, school, says, together, too, eat, now, live, have, give, they, people, where, know, why, under, world, move, work, learn, many, something, earth, eye, mother, early, only, were, any, other, word, answer, love, another, brother, heard,
Book 4 – Story 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and Saxon
work, because, buy, some, found, after, who, blue, were, always, done, been, far, clean, carry, together, again, once, today, four, country, tomorrow, always, work, done, live, light, little, how, pretty,
Book 5, Unit 1 – Story 1,2
before, come, right, off, our, four, over, many, all, so,

Character Pillar for the Month

We will be finishing up with respect shortly. Does your child show respect at home as well as at school? Do they treat others as they want to be treated? Do they listen well? / BirthdaysBirthdays in February –
Ryan on February 6