ReadMe for PASW® Data Collection and Survey Visualization 5.6 Patch 5

Last updated 19thOctober 2010



Who Should Install this Patch?

How Do I Install Data Collection and Survey Visualization 5.6 Patch 5?

Issues Resolved in 5.6 Patch 5


Author – Desktop Author

Reports for Surveys - Desktop Reporter

Professional – mrStudio

Interviewer - Interview Player

Data Model

Paper/Scan - mrPaper/mrScan

Translation Utility – mrTranslate

Known Limitations

Author – Desktop Author

Reports for Surveys - Desktop Reporter

Professional - mrStudio

Interviewer - Interview Player

Data Model

Paper/Scan - mrPaper/mrScan

Translation Utility – mrTranslate

Third Party Software Legal Notices

Who Should Install this Patch?

The patch is available for any machine running any of the Data Collection and Survey Visualization 5.6 applications:

  • Author
  • Reports for Surveys
  • Interviewer
  • Professional
  • Translation Utility
  • Paper/Scan

How Do I Install Data Collection and Survey Visualization 5.6 Patch 5?

When you run the Data Collection and Survey Visualization 5.6 Patch 5 installer on your machine, it will verifywhichapplicationsare installed, and install only the required files for the applications currently installed. If no applications are installed, you must first install the appropriate applications from the Data Collection and Survey Visualization 5.6 installation CD.


  • Ensure that you backup all customizable files prior to installing the patch. For example, many of the application configuration files can be customized to meet your business requirements. The patch will overwrite these files.
  • Ensure all applications are closed before starting the patch installation. The Data Collection and Survey Visualization 5.6 Patch 5 installer may initiate a system reboot to complete the installation procedure.
  • If you have previously installed Paper (without Scan) and then installed Data Collection and Survey Visualization 5.6 Patch 3, you should delete the files and each %USERPROFILE%\Application Data\Microsoft\Word\STARTUP\ directory) prior to installing Patch 5. Deleting the files prior to installing Patch 5 will resolve potential problems when launching Paper or Scan.


Do not attempt to install Data Collection and Survey Visualization 5.6 Patch 5 over the following products:

  • Release 5.5 or earlier Dimensions products.

Installing the patch:

Copy the PASW Data Collection and Survey Visualization5.60.050.msi file to your computer, and double click the file.

You will need to have administrative privileges, and if you installed the products using a specific user, you should log on to the machine as that user to install the patch.

Installing the patch from the command line:

You can install the patch from the command line. This is useful for system administrators who want to install using "silent installation." A silent installation runs on its own without intervention so users are not required to provide input to dialog boxes. For complete information about silent installation options, refer to your Microsoft documentation related to Microsoft Installer (MSI).

  1. Open a command prompt. For example, in Windows XP, click Start and go to:

All Programs


Command Prompt

  1. Change to the directory that contains the Microsoft Installer (MSI) file (PASW Data Collection and Survey Visualization5.60.050.msi).
  2. Enter a command in the following format to install the MSI package using msiexec.exe:

start /WAIT msiexec /i "PASW Data Collection and Survey Visualization 5.60.050.msi" /qn /l*v "mylogfile"

The options are:

Option Description

  • start /WAIT - Optional. Tells the command prompt to wait until the command is finished before returning. This is very useful in a silent installation, as otherwise the log needs to be continually examined to determine when the installation is complete.
  • /i - Required. Specifies the program is to install the product.
  • /qn - Required. Runs the installation without displaying the external user interface.
  • /l*v "mylogfile" - Optional. Runs the installation with verbose logging, and logs to a specified .txt file.


The following example installs Patch 5 products into the default folder without logging the installation:

msiexec /i "PASW Data Collection and Survey Visualization 5.60.050.msi" /qn

Uninstalling the patch:

You cannot use the Windows Control Panel -> Add or Remove Programs feature to uninstall the patch. If you need to uninstall the patched applications, you can do so by running the patch executable file.


  • Patch 5 includes all of the fixes from patches 1 through 4. If you have not already installed these patches, there is no need to do so before installing Patch 5.
  • Data Collection does not support products patched at different levels. When the patch installer prompts you to select which products to install/upgrade, any products currently installed on your system are selected by default. If you elect not to patch a product installed on your system, the patch installer removes that product.
  • When you install the patch, it will add an entry to your Add/remove programs list saying it is present.
  • If Windows automatically repairs a Data Collection and Survey Visualization 5.6 product after the patch has been installed, you will need to uninstall and install the patch again in order to restore the patched files for the repaired product. A repair will typically occur only after one or more product files have been deleted. When a repair takes place, the product installation dialog may appear after you start a Data Collection product, and details of the repair may also be logged in the Windows event log.
  • Patch 5 provides support for application virtualization via the VMWare family of virtualization products. Microsoft Virtual Server is not currently supported.
  • If you uninstall the patch, it will delete all the new files that it installed but it cannot restore the original versions of files that it updated. Therefore, uninstalling the patch can result in Dimensions products that do not work correctly.

Issues Resolved in 5.6 Patch 5


  • 149515
    The conditional style mr Is Randomized is now installed with Paper.
  • 150709
    After installation, the key IVFilesToBeCopied is now added to the Windows registry.

Author – Desktop Author

Author - Desktop Author: General

  • 149779
    Deleting a GOTO destination no longer results in an unreadable MDD file.
  • 149866
    Default analysis values (export values) are no longer set differently in the Build activity than in Author or Base Professional (which resulted in problems with exporting to .sav).
  • 151657
    You can now preview questions that include analysis categories.

Reports for Surveys - Desktop Reporter

  • 139565
    Weights are no longer ignored when weighing banner points by different weights.
  • 14477, 151702
    Means created from n25 in Quantum to .pkd file no longer displays the wrong mean values or no mean value after editing the variable.
  • 148178
    The web-deployed version of Reports for Surveys now functions properly when installed on a system where a previous version of Reports for Surveys is already installed.
  • 148323
    The variable Clear edits option now clears edits for unedited table variables.
  • 148711
    Tables that contain more than 256 columns no longer produce the error Table Error Column > 256 when viewed in Microsoft Excel 2007.
  • 149487
    Tables are no longer empty for the HDATA view when using data files created in version 5.5.
  • 149510
    The non-English version of the Excel export .dll no longer causes the base row to have format number with one decimal place.
  • 149516
    The Effective Base now consistently displays for all tables.
  • 150446
    Tabulation Medium Access is now honored.
  • 150926
    Exporting tables to Microsoft PowerPoint no longer fail due to a conflict with SPSS Advantage for Excel 2007.
  • 151348
    Exporting to Powerpoint 2007 no longer produces a VBA Macro Error when exporting a custom chart and a 2007 template.
  • 151483
    You no longer receive the error Object reference is not set to an instance of object when the regional settings language is set to Turkish.

Professional – mrStudio

  • 134074
    The application no longer crashes when debugging with the browser window "undocked".
  • 145359
    The Locals window and the Stop button in the debug toolbar are now available when toggling between the Browser and the Routing tabs.
  • 148606
    The counts are no longer missing, or different, for the last categories between the input to the output.
  • 148610
    The Output pane no longer returns to blank upon script completion.
  • 149469
    The CsvFieldDelimiter custom property now works when the delimiter is a semicolon.
  • 150755
    Copying coded responses via a .dms script now work as expected.
  • 151421
    The contents of the Output pane no longer disappear.

Interviewer - Interview Player

  • 141400
    Errors are no longer encountered when creating deployment packages. Importing data into .dpz files also now works as expected.
  • 149691
    You can now skip no response questions during full verification.
  • 151312
    You no longer receive a Bad Index error when synchronizing data with the server.

Data Model

  • 139804
    Exporting case data via the job.dms script, created by Export data, no longer results in invalid metadata in the .mdd file created by the .dms script.
  • 147718
    Data is now included in the last category of an ExplodeMultiPunch multiple response question when it is left unanswered.
  • 149665
    SQL update statements now update all relevant records on .ddf data files.
  • 150167
    The Triple-S DSC now provides the correct size calculation for multiple-choice categoricals.
  • 150675
    Reusing question variable names no longer results in the question type automatically changing.
  • 151023
    MDM2Quantum no longer produces incorrect base column Quantum syntax for grid variables when the column categories use punch substitution.
  • 151112
    All categories are now included in the merged .mdd file.
  • 151163
    When using a Double variable in Quanvert data, through Desktop Reporter/Reports for Surveys, the profile table now provides the correct results.

Paper/Scan - mrPaper/mrScan

  • 147842
    Recognition fields now display correctly in Microsoft Word 2007.
  • 149781
    Questions no longer output in the wrong order when a template reference is present.
  • 150806
    Script items imported from Author to Paper no longer disappear from the document when other question looks are changed.
  • 151175
    Text is no longer absent from categories that follow analysis categories.

Translation Utility – mrTranslate

  • 150790
    After installing the patch, the Help > About menu now displays the correct version information.

Known Limitations

Author – Desktop Author

Author - Desktop Author: Questions Pane

  • 44159 - 28791
    The display order of items in the Question pane design view can change when questions are placed into a section.
  • 45800 - 71160
    The Template name box does not validate the template name.

Author - Desktop Author: Routings Pane

  • 42948 - 51924
    When grouping items in a page, the selection order decides the order in which questions are placed on the page.
  • 45746 - 52408
    In some cases, it is possible to drag an Other node out of its parent question, if dragging between Routing and Question lists.

Author - Desktop Author: Shared Lists Pane

  • 44517 - 29383
    The context menu is missing for shared lists in the Shared Lists pane.
  • 46613 - 71286
    If the name of the shared list is the same as one of its responses' names, the shared list cannot be attached to a question.

Author - Desktop Author: Question Repository

  • PASW Data Collection Adapter Plugin for PASW Collaboration and Deployment Services Installation
    The Question Repository features are only applicable when the PASW Data Collection Adapter Plugin for PASW Collaboration and Deployment Services is installed on the appropriate PASW Collaboration and Deployment Services server. Refer to the topic “PASW Data Collection Adapter” in the Data Collection Developer Library for more information.
  • 45028 - 29452
    When inserting a question item with multiple routings, only the first routing is inserted.
  • 45486 - 29501
    Applying a template from the Library pane provides no indication that the selection has been applied.
  • 103674
    A misleading “not authorized” error message is displayed when you fail to access a repository due to a problem with its configuration.

Author - Desktop Author: General Issues

  • 44235 - 71419
    You cannot undo a Routing name change.
  • 44629 - 52020
    It is not possible to base an If..Goto on special responses.
  • 44643 - 29392
    A CATI routing activated through Author can change the question order when imported into Interviewer Server - mrInterview.
  • 44646 - 52022
    Validating a document does not catch duplicate label declarations. This can cause Interview Preview and Activate to Interviewer Server - mrInterview to fail.
  • 44689 - 52024
    It is not currently possible to use numeric grids for If..Goto items.
  • 44702 - 29401
    When performing an Edit | Replace, the text "replace with" is appended to last occurrence of the searched text.
  • 44708 - 29402
    When performing an Edit | Replace, all instances are replaced, instead of prompting to replace each found instance.
  • 45303 - 29485
    Find cannot find text entered in the description on a special response.
  • 45306 - 29486
    Find cannot find NumericResponseGrid Response name text.
  • 45682 - 52241
    The Questions pane is not correctly updated when copying questions between Author instances.
  • 45705 - 29692
    Selecting “Print” from Print Preview causes the document to be edited.
  • 46507 - 71269
    Numeric grid questions in do not provide the option for adding helper fields.
  • 46858 - 30673
    Cannot display the correct page after using the script "LoopName.Ask()" in the Routing Section.
  • 47264 - 71385
    The Case data cannot be replaced after modifying response content.
  • 47404 - 71419
    After modifying a routing name, section name, or page name, you cannot undo/redo the modification.
  • 47453 - 71429
    No error message is displayed in cases where the AutoAnswer Min value is larger than the AutoAnswer Max value for Numeric Date/Time questions.
  • 175384 - 48728
    Routing for the “includes exactly these” condition in the If .. Go To dialog does not work as documented. It resolves to True if the respondent chooses any of the selected responses and no others, rather than all of the selected responses and no others.

Reports for Surveys - Desktop Reporter

Note: Most of the known problems in this section also apply to the Web-deployed version of Reports for Surveys - Reporter.

  • 45378 - 29492
    Reports for Surveys - Reporter will occasionally encounter an error when populating results using "Sort by Column Significance."
  • 45468 - 29499
    You cannot change a variable name, and then change the name back to its original value.
  • 102913
    The Web deployed version of Reporter does not have as many stylesheet options as the desktop version.
  • 103423
    When running table results from a .pkd file, Reports for Surveys - Reporter ignores calculations done with the Keep and OP= options applied in Quantum.

Professional - mrStudio

  • (no reference number)
    Data Link Properties dialog box sometimes creates the “mrOleDB.Provider.2” Provider connection property without the trailing ".2". When using the Data Link Properties dialog box to select data sources and generate a connection string, either by double-clicking on a .udl file, or from within WinDMSRun, the Provider connection property may sometimes be created as mrOleDB.Provider instead of mrOleDB.Provider.2. However, this does not appear to lead to any problems.
  • (no reference number)
    Working with SPSS Statistics .sav files. Professional - mrStudio provides only limited support for running multiple exports to the same .sav file and for .sav files that contain Japanese characters. For further information, please refer to the topics entitled “Transferring Data From SPSS” and “Transferring Data To SPSS” in the Professional Data Management Scripting section of the Data Collection Developer Library.
  • 37879 - 26436
    The HTML Tidy feature in Professional - mrStudio moves mrRef tags from the head to the body of the template.

Interviewer - Interview Player

None at this time.

Data Model

  • 36966 - 25717
    The Quantum DSC does not recognize { as a valid punch character.
  • 43948 - 126106
    The result of the following expression in mrScriptBasic is False:

If ((0.05 + 0.01) = 0.06) Then

Paper/Scan - mrPaper/mrScan

Problem launching Paper or Scan from Word 2007 – Paper and Scan are not included in the Word Options > Add-Ins list (147097).

When Paper/Scan is installed in an environment with Microsoft Word 2007, a Word 2007 setting disables the Paper/Scan templates. The following steps detail the process of enabling the Paper and Scan add-ins:

  1. After installing Paper and/or Scan, start Word 2007.
  2. Click the Microsoft Office button in the upper-left corner and select Word Options.
  3. Select Add-Insfrom the list of available options on the Word Options dialog.
  4. Select the Word Add-ins, from the Manage drop down menu at the bottom of the View and manage Microsoft Office add-ins dialog, and then click Go... This displays the Templates of Add-ins dialog.
  5. On the Templates tab, ensure that the template is selected and then click OK.

Problem starting certain versions of Word 2003

If you are running Word 2003 with no service pack, or a service pack earlier than Service Pack 2 applied, you may encounter the following problem when attempting to start Word: "Word cannot open this document template (C:\Document and Settings\...\".

To solve this problem, please install Office 2003 Service Pack 2, obtainable from Microsoft.

Using Word XP with Paper - mrPaper

If you have Word XP and want to use it with Paper - mrPaper, it is advisable to uninstall Word 97 or Word 2000 before installing Word XP. It has been noticed that upgrades to Word XP without uninstalling earlier versions can cause some Word options to change. Depending on which options change, this may affect the validity of the questionnaires that you create with Paper - mrPaper.

For example, the Hidden Text option is normally switched off so that scanning information is not visible when you display the questionnaire. If this option is switched on by the upgrade to Word XP, then any questionnaires that you create will contain incorrect scanning definitions until you switch the option off again.

If you use Word XP with its default settings, you will see additional information displayed at the end of some of the character styles in the drop-down list of style names. For example, the Paper - mrPaper style mrQuestion Short Name will be displayed as mr Question Short Name + Bold, and mr Category Is Go To will be mr Category Is Go To +7pt. To change the default settings so that just the basic style names are shown, choose Format, Styles and Formatting and then select Custom Configuration.