2015 / 2016
P.2 Contents……..Aims & Objectives……..Trustees……....Internal Auditors
P.3. Chairperson’s Report
P.4. Treasurers Report, Publicity, Advertising & Sponsorship
P.5. Entertainments & Fundraising Report
P.6. Canteen Report
P.7. Training Report, Lettings, Carnival
P.8. Petit Report
P.9. Senior Drama Group Report, Ladybirds Report
P.10. Springwell Art Group Report, Mini Monkeys & Dynamite Club Report, Jolly Crafters Group Report, GAP Group Report
Aims and Objectives
The association abides by the constitution and aims to: -
Promote the benefit of the inhabitants of Springwell Village and the neighbourhood without discrimination, to provide a safe environment for the promotion of activities in the interests of social welfare for recreation and leisure time aimed at improving the quality of life of members and surrounding neighbourhood.
We maintain and operate within charity law, covering a wide range of activities and are open to all age groups and abilities.
In achieving it’s objects S.V.C.V. will not discriminate upon the basis of age, sex, race, religion, disability, status of sexuality.
Tracey Cowper Diane Ellwood Susan Holt
Tracy Masters
I was delighted to welcome to the Management Committee Aimie Coburn and Amy Hunt, two young ladies with fresh ideas and oodles of enthusiasm. We've had a busy, exciting year, with a very successful 50th Anniversary, combined with Carnival Week - a wonderful 50 days of celebrations, involving every group involved with Springwell Village Community Venue, and bringing in many more new faces to celebrate a tremendous milestone in our history. We heard many wonderful stories from people who remembered "the good old days", and took great pride in sharing those memories. A truly special time for us all.
The Pantomime was very successful indeed, and enjoyed by large audiences each night, delighting in yet another delightful production.
My thanks go to Carole, Vice Chairperson for supporting me and Suzanne in our roles, to Vicky for keeping the books balanced, and to Suzanne for her unstinting hard work and support.
As always, I am delighted to give thanks to our wonderful team of volunteers, particular Gladys for running the Tea Dance, Jackie for managing, with support from her team - the Cozy Cafe, and Jean for running the Gap Group and supporting Suzanne. I must not forget the A-Team, Alan, Allen and Clem who work tirelessly in their bid to maintain our Venue to such a high standard.
We continue to have support from Springwell Village Residents Association, The Washington Trust and Oxclose & District Young People's Project in various ways and we are delighted to see the relationships grow from strength to strength.
We never take our success for granted. It is and always will be due to the dedication of a strong management committee, unstinting support from our team of volunteers (who are always looking to enlarge the team), and from the residents of Springwell Village and surrounding areas enjoying the activities and productions of Springwell Village Community Venue.
I look forward to another successful year with continued support from everyone.
Thank you very much.
Lynn Scott
We have had another successful year. But we must remember all the hard work that goes into it.
I would like to thank Suzanne because without her we would be at a loss as she works wonders.
Our Pantomime went well this year and was a success. Thank you all.
You may have noticed in the financial report that on the advice from our Accountant we have combined Entertainments Committee and Carnival Committee together and also combined the Toddlers and Kids Club as one which is under the heading of Children's Groups.
We must remember our Cozy Cafe which is a great success. Jacquelyn and all our volunteers are doing a tremendous job which is keeping the venue going.
Thank you for all your support and please we always need more volunteers.
Here's wishing more for the forthcoming year.
We celebrated our 50th Anniversary this year and it was a huge success. Financially there was a lot of expenditure incurred and . I’m sure there are many memories to be told. It has been a fantastic time this year celebrating – I’m sure enjoyed by all - I wish everyone success for the next “50 years”.
Vicky Adgar
Publicity, advertising and sponsorship plays an important role in raising the profile of the Venue and informing people of the wide variety of activities and events on offer. Activities and events are publicised and advertised as much as possible and the Carnival programme was distributed widely, flyers are regularly given to both Springwell Village Primary School and George Washington School and we are grateful for both their continued support.
There has been a lot of interest generated from the website and we continue to keep it updated and welcome any suggestions. Many thanks to Clem Armstrong who updates all the notice boards and posters as well as keeping the website diary page up to date.
The SVCV Facebook page is going well, the amount of members have increased over the last three years and we encourage people to join our page and spread the word.
Sponsorship has also continued with particular thanks to Village Photography. All of our other sponsors are also sincerely appreciated and help greatly towards the costs incurred during Carnival and Pantomime Week.
Many donations have been received for a variety of events e.g. raffle prizes for the monthly dance, items for Carnival stalls and Spring and Xmas Fairs etc. These are sincerely appreciated as every little helps, many thanks to all.
Lynn Scott
The Entertainments Committee have planned a variety of entertainment and fundraising activities to include the the 50th anniversary celebrations that started in August 2015. We have continued with the weekly Tea Dance, weekly 50/50 Dance, weekly Jazz night, Acoustic Nights, Family events, Spring and Xmas Fair, Tynemouth Fair, N.Y.E. Dance.
Sequence dance:
A huge thanks to Gladys Chicken who continues to run the weekly Tea Dance on behalf of the venue, the dance would not run without the commitment of Gladys and the Management Committee sincerely appreciate all her hard work and dedication. The music is provided by a weekly dance teacher - Jean Hodgkinson who we thank for her commitment to the weekly Monday and Thursday dances.
50th Anniversary:
In 2015 we celebrated our 50th Anniversary with a 50 days of events, parties, entertainment and celebrations.
This was a huge celebration and was such a success and full credit to everyone involved for making so many memorable moments for young and old and past and present members. Fifty years is such a huge achievement for any organisation but we feel that is especially so for a small village community centre like ours... and it is only a success because of the local community and people who support it. We value every single volunteer no matter how much time they give, each one is a valuable asset to the centre.
Canteen Report
Another successful year for the ‘Canteen’, although maybe a modern name is needed now we are over 50 years old.
Cozy Café
The café continues to be open 4 days per week, we have a regular team of volunteers who man the café. Thank you to Emma, Annie, Jean, Carole, Diane, Liam, Vicky, Kathy, Sheila, Judith, Mathew, Charlotte, Dorothy, Karen, Marion, Suzanne, Lewis, Vicky, Joanne, Pauline and Mary. Everyone working in the café does so as a volunteer and this should be acknowledged.
Thank you also to the team working behind the scenes, Alan C, Alan H, Clem and Neil, who have put up shelving/hooks/holders, moved fridges ,moved fridges again and sometimes had to move them a third time, (I think we've got them right now), repaired equipment and continue to do all the ‘odd jobs’ that keep us up and running.
If anyone is interested in joining the ‘Cozy Crew’ please let either Suzanne or me know, even an hour would be brilliant, we need more crew members to help!!!!!!!
Everyone has worked so hard to ensure the café is a success, each year it continues to grow and brings a new dimension and new faces into the venue. THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH!
Mini Monkeys/Dynamite Club
The children’s clubs are well established and continue to be busy, with Dawn and staff operating the tuck shop for/with the children and young people, thank you to those who are involved.
Coffee Mornings
A massive thank you to Stella, Betty and the ladies who have continued to manage the coffee mornings, and thank you to all the ladies who continue to support and attend the coffee mornings. This is a long established group and it is lovely to see the continued support.
The pantomime, drama show, petit and mini divas have all presented shows which have used the canteen facilities including tuck shop and snacks, thank you to all those who gave up their time to help weekly and during the show, it is really appreciated The pantomime especially requires a huge team of volunteers, thank you to Stella and Betty who do most nights, and a thank you to all the other volunteers, I don’t want to list them as I would hate to leave anyone out, everyone is brilliant, Thank you all!
The cafe has continued to be open for the carnival, open days, training events and craft fairs, making drinks and snacks. Thank you to those who have shopped, cooked, cleaned and washed–up, Mary, Dorothy, Carol, Ann, Marion, Annie, Suzanne, Diane, being the regulars in the kitchen. Thank you also to the outside cookers! Neil and Chris, BBQ ing in the car park.
This year continued making our own meals for the summer carnival review, and we have catered for a couple of events including bookings and afternoon teas, a massive thank you to all who help, its all hands to the deck at these times and we have a great amount of volunteers who are willing to give up their time to prepare food, serve and clear up afterwards.
If anyone would be able to support the canteen during any event, please contact me or Suzanne to offer your services, all help will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you to everyone.
Jacquelyn Foggin.
This year Sunderland College have delivered a variety of free community courses including I.T. cupcake and art and crafts and each course has been well attended.
We continue to have full support from Sunderland Council ‘Digital Challenge’ team who update the PC’s and help with and queries or concerns, without their support we would not have an electronic village hall and could not offer training.
Monumental Training offered our cafe volunteers free training in Level 2 certificate in Food Safety in Catering (QCF). All of the volunteers passed successfully and we are extremely grateful for the support from Monumental Training.
The venue maintains a host of weekly lettings that enables us to have a consistent income whilst providing a varied weekly timetable for all. These lettings consist of : Romero School of Dance, Mini Divas, Sandra Taylor Art Class, Jittabugs and Clubbercise. The Mini Divas continue to hold their annual show at the venue and as always it was another huge success.
Throughout the year we have had regular bookings from Gentoo, Bensham Hospital, Foster Care Solutions, National Childbirth Trust and a variety of other organisations.
Once again we have seen a busy year with private hirers i.e. Children’s parties, 21st Birthdays, Anniversaries. These provide additional income and we continue to promote and advertise the hire of the venue for such events.
2015 saw Carnival Week themed around our 50th Anniversary and it was a successful week with events for all enjoyed by over 500 people across the week. We also received sponsors and funding support for some of the events and many thanks to them for their support...... Village Photography, Gentoo, Library Services.
Carnival Day was officially opened by Miss Teen Newcastle.
This year we crowned both a Princess and Prince as this was a special year.
Ayse Hepozel
The Carnival Committee organizes the week long events and consists of just a few volunteers, meeting a handful of times prior to Carnival Week and the committee are always keen to listen to any suggestions and new ideas. New members to the Committee would of course be welcomed with open arms!!
Finally a huge thank you to everyone involved during Carnival Week, your time and help is always appreciated.
The Carnival Committee.
Myself and co-helpers, Chelsie and Kate had a successful year running petit performing Arts. We had 15 children attending Petit each week. We played games, learned new dance routines and songs. At the start of May Suzanne asked if the class would like to take part in the 50 years celebrations. We learned two new dance routines to perform at two events happening over the celebrations. The children really enjoyed performing on the exhibition day and carnival day. It then gave us the idea to put on a show in December. We started rehearsing for the show; Sing along with Petit at the start of September. The children really enjoyed learning the new songs and dances. They were very excited to showcase all of their hard work. We had a very good turnout for the show and lots of good comments made by the audience.