Sunday 9:30 am Sunday School

10:30 am Worship

NO Evening Services

Tuesday Fellowship Hall Reserved (Blake Martin)

Wed. 6:00-7:30 Missions Pizza & Pool Party at Morris’

6:45 pm Youth SOLID Worship

6:45 pm Prayer Service

7:00 pm Choir Practice

Thurs. 10:00 am Lydia’s Helping Hands

Finance Report

Weekly Undesignated Offerings Needed to Meet the Budget: $6,577.79

Undesignated Offerings Received 5/17: $7,179.00


Monthly Offering Needed to Meet Building Loan Payment: $7,250

May Offerings: $5,830

Mildred S. Smith Offering for Missions in the KBA

Given: $475.00

OFFICE HOURS (Administrative Assistant)

Tuesday–8:00-12:00; Wednesday–8:00-4:00; Thursday–8:00-4:00

Announcements for Sunday bulletins are due by 9:00am on Wednesdays.

Newsletter info is due on the 3rd Tuesday of each month.

Worship Guide

May 24, 2015


Hebrews 10:25

Not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.

Encouragement With Praise


Processional of Graduates

Please stand and worship with us if you are able.

Congregational Praise (John Krier – “The National Anthem”)

Choral Praise “I Pledge Allegiance to the Lamb” Adult Choir


Ministry Opportunities


Encouragement and Instruction For Our Children

Reading of Scripture

Children’s Lesson

Encouragement With Gifts

Please stand if you are able.

Offertory Music

Offertory Prayer


Special Music Shana Herndon and Hailey Brinson

“Stars and Stripes Forever”

Encouragement With God’s Word

Reading of Scripture

Message Blake Martin

Encouragement To Respond

Invitation “I Surrender All” #366

Benediction “Grace, Love and Fellowship”

Sermon Notes 5/24/15

Speaker: Blake Martin


Jacky Watts (438-3355), Carl Branham (420-1099),

Joe Cashion (408-8544), Butch Davis (729-4064)

PASTORAL VISITS – If you would like a visit from our pastor, please use the attachment to this bulletin to make the request, and drop it in the offering plate. If you would rather make an appointment by email, our pastor’s email is: .


No Evening Services

Missions End of Year Pizza and Pool Party

Wednesday, May 27th – 6:00-7:30 pm – Morris’ Home

See a RA or GA Leader for more info.

Mildred S. Smith Offering for Missions in the KBA

Named after a local Southern Baptist who was diligent for many years in serving the Lord locally, we collect this offering to be used for local mission efforts only. Pray about your gift.

The 2015 Week of Prayer for Associational Missions is May 17-24.

Please use one of the daily prayer guides (located in church foyer) as we pray for each other in Kingdom Ministry.



JUNE 7-12

5:30 to 8:15 pm

Invite Your Friends!

Nursery Workers Today: Tammy & Abby Hornsby

Nursery Workers 5/31: Tammy & Abby Hornsby

Pray for the New York Mission Trip - July 5-11, 2015

If you would like to donate hand-crafted items that will be used as door prizes during a tea party on the mission trip, please contact Barbara Nelson, Vada Arant, or Kathy Allen.

Visit our church website for the weekly worship bulletin, monthly newsletter, church documents and much more!