Minutes of Regular
Buffalo-Hanover-Montrose Schools
Monday, August 24, 2015
Board Room, 214 1st Avenue NE, Buffalo
7:00 PM
1. / CALL TO ORDER by Chair Sue Lee at 7:05 p.m. AND ROLL CALLPresent: Ken Ogden, Jeff Trout, Melissa Brings, Sue Lee, Stan Vander Kooi, Patti Pokorney. Laurie Raymond arrived at 7:19 p.m.
A. / Pledge of Allegiance
B. / Public Comment – None
C. / Approval of Agenda
Pokorney/Vander Kooi to approve
Motion carried 6-0
A. / Board Calendar Dates
1. / Monday, August 24, 2015 - New Staff Breakfast 7:45 a.m. BHS C219
2. / Wednesday, September 2, 2015 - District Welcome Back 9:00 a.m. BHS PAC
3. / Monday, September 14, 2015 - Board Workshop 4:30 p.m. Northwinds Elementary
4. / Monday, September 28, 2015 - Board Meeting 7:00 p.m. Board Room
A. / Personnel Consent Agenda
APPOINTMENT – All appointments are contingent upon satisfactory completion of a criminal background check. Approve the following appointments:
1. David Kilgore, Math Teacher at Buffalo High School, effective August 24, 2015. This is a replacement for Emily Haugh.
2. Jennifer Blair, Counselor at Buffalo High School, effective August 24, 2015. This is a replacement for Peggy Zimmer.
3. Amanda Rodgers, part-time (.5 FTE) Family and Consumer Science Teacher at Buffalo High School, effective August 24, 2015. This is a replacement for Barb Swenson.
4. Crystal Aurich, Speech Language Pathologist at Discovery Elementary and ECSE, effective August 24, 2015. This is a replacement for Ruth Atkinson.
5. Denise Wahlin-Fiskum, part-time (.376 FTE) Media Specialist at Buffalo High School, effective August 31, 2015. This is a re-hire.
6. Shauna Pinoniemi, 5th Grade Teacher at Northwinds Elementary, effective August 24, 2015. This is a restructuring of FTE allocations.
7. Brandon Aldrich, English Teacher at Buffalo Community Middle School, effective August 24, 2015. This is a replacement for Heather Strand.
8. Kristi Clouthier, District Family Advocate, effective August 24, 2015. This is a replacement for Khristi Hinnenkamp.
9. Amy Hoff, 5th Grade Teacher at Montrose Elementary, effective August 24, 2015. This is a replacement for Diane Jones.
10. Kevin Kray, Physical Education Teacher at Buffalo Community Middle School, effective August 24, 2015. This is a replacement for Josh Ortmann.
11. Suzanne Jurek, Special Education Teacher at Parkside Elementary, effective August 24, 2015. This is a replacement for Teresa Borgstrom.
12. Gordon Chalmers, Special Education Teacher at Buffalo Community Middle School, effective August 24, 2015. This is a replacement for Rob Sohler.
13. Kristin Vogeler, ECSE Teacher, effective August 24, 2015. This is a replacement for Jodi Altringer.
14. Kiz Gorham, Math Teacher at Buffalo Community Middle School, effective August 24, 2015. This is a replacement for Christian Frederiksen.
15. Ben Presler, Science Teacher at Buffalo High School, effective August 24, 2015. This is a replacement for Charlie Keifeinheim.
16. April Larsen, Special Education Teacher at Tatanka and Montrose Elementary Schools, effective August 24, 2015. This is a replacement for Lacie Adelman.
17. Bridget Hanson, part-time (.906 FTE) Title I Teacher at Parkside Elementary, effective August 24, 2015. This is a re-hire.
18. Arliss Wallenta, Title I Teacher at Northwinds Elementary, effective August 24, 2015. This is a new position.
19. Krystin Willman, ESP at Parkside Elementary, effective September 8, 2015. This is a replacement for Nicole Jacobson.
20. Anthony Nowezki, 2nd Shift Custodian at Buffalo High School, effective August 10, 2015. This is a replacement for Joe Stoddard.
21. Brittany Doboszenski, ESP at wRight Choice, effective September 8, 2015. This is a replacement for Jamie Broman.
22. Jenny Holovnia, Health ESP at Buffalo High School, effective September 8, 2015. This is a replacement for Britta Diem.
23. Lori Lipinski, Special Education ESP at Tatanka Elementary, effective September 8, 2015. This is a re-hire.
24. Lauren Hennies, Media ESP at Buffalo High School, effective September 8, 2015. This is a replacement for Judy Loberg.
25. James Hulet, ESP at Parkside Elementary, effective September 8, 2015. This is a reallocation of site hours.
26. Danielle Iverson, part-time (.813 FTE), Special Education Teacher at Buffalo High School, effective August 31, 2015. This is a re-hire.
27. Jennifer Robeck, part-time (.66 FTE) ECFE Teacher, effective August 31, 2015. This is a replacement for Peggy Koegler.
28. Jill Mischke, ESP at Tatanka Elementary, effective September 8, 2015. This is a replacement for Jill Thompson.
29. Katherine Lovegren, Special Education ESP at Northwinds Elementary, effective September 8, 2015. This is a replacement for Colleen Thineson.
30. Amanda Shikder, ESP at Montrose Elementary, effective September 8, 2015. This is a new position.
31. Becca Young, part-time (.688 FTE) ELL Teacher at Buffalo High School, effective August 31, 2015. This is a re-hire.
32. Ashley Johnson, part-time (.376 FTE) ELL Teacher at Buffalo High School, effective August 24, 2015. This is a partial replacement for Becca Young.
33. Traci Christensen, part-time (.532 FTE) Special Education Assessment Teacher at Northwinds Elementary, effective August 24, 2015. This is a replacement for Shylla Webb.
RETIREMENT/RESIGNATION/TERMINATION – Approve the following resignations/retirements/terminations:
1. Jennifer Beck, Food Manager at Parkside Elementary, retirement effective August 24, 2015.
2. Kathy Quady, Scheduling Assistant/Registrar at Buffalo High School, retirement effective December 31, 2015.
3. Colleen Thinesen, Special Education ESP at Northwinds Elementary, resignation effective July 24, 2015.
4. Sue Weber, ECSE Teacher, resignation effective July 15, 2015.
5. Rebecca Young, ELD Teacher at Buffalo High School and Hanover Elementary, 1.0 FTE resignation effective June 5, 2015.
6. Rob Sohler, Special Education Teacher at Buffalo Community Middle School, resignation effective June 5, 2015.
7. Jodi Lachermeier, ESP at Discovery Elementary, resignation effective August 10, 2015.
8. Wendy Haas, Special Education ESP at Northwinds Elementary, resignation effective August 28, 2015.
9. Kjersten Frechette, Special Education ESP at Buffalo Community Middle School, resignation effective August 19, 2015.
10. Lisa Kleven, KidKare Supervisor at Northwinds Elementary, resignation effective September 4, 2015.
11. Alexis Hanson-McNeil, Supervisor at Montrose Little KidKare, resignation effective August 14, 2015.
12. Erin Myhrer, Elementary ELD Teacher, resignation effective June 5, 2015.
TRANSFER/CHANGE IN ASSIGNMENT - Approve the following transfers/changes in assignment:
1. Heather Strand, from English Teacher at Buffalo Community Middle School to 5th Grade Teacher at Parkside Elementary, effective August 31, 2015. This is a replacement for Christy Eckenrode.
2. Roy Henry, from District-wide Maintenance to Head Engineer at Buffalo Community Middle School, effective July 23, 2015. This is a replacement for Jon Emery.
3. Colleen Manninen, Special Education Teacher, from .5 FTE at Hanover Elementary and .5 FTE at Northwinds Elementary to 1.0 FTE at Hanover Elementary, effective August 31, 2015.
4. Megan Scherer, Physical Education Teacher at Buffalo High School, from .667 to .766 FTE effective August 31, 2015.
5. Tracy Madsen, from Food Service Assistant to Food Manager at Parkside Elementary, effective August 31, 2015. This is a replacement for Jennifer Beck.
6. Danielle Kruzel, from Supervisor to Lead Supervisor at Tatanka Elementary KidKare, effective September 1, 2015.
7. Tracy Johnson, Science Teacher, from 1.0 FTE at Buffalo High School to .8 FTE at Buffalo High School and .2 FTE at Buffalo Community Middle School, effective August 31, 2015.
8. Randy Paumen, from Head Engineer at Northwinds Elementary to District-wide Maintenance, effective August 26, 2015. This is a replacement for Roy Henry.
9. Rollie Dehmer, from 2nd Shift Custodian at Buffalo High School to Head Engineer at Northwinds Elementary, effective August 26, 2015. This is a replacement for Randy Paumen.
10. Cathy Aquilar, from Montrose Little KidKare to Northwinds Elementary KidKare, effective August 31, 2015. This is a replacement for Lisa Kleven.
11. Rebecca Vossen-Mathies, from .616 to .59 FTE Teacher at Northwinds Elementary and additional assignment as .41 FTE Title I Teacher at Northwinds Elementary, effective August 31, 2015.
B. / Check Disbursements
Payroll checks # 202213 through 202413 and 212276 through 213422 amounting to $1,003,838.34. P-card disbursement checks 43797 to 44141, totaling $134,050.12. Handwritten checks 164669 through 164671. Bill-pay wires 43795 through 43796. and 44142 through 44145. Employee reimbursement checks 90008127 through 90008199, and Accounts Payable checks 167982 through 168365, for the period of July 15 – August 17 as follows:
01 GENERAL FUND 1,441,361.70
02 FOOD SERVICE 14,060.25
05 CAPITAL OUTLAY 193,810.89
06 NEW BUILDING 1,461,540.31
09 ACTIVITY FUND 35,560.66
TOTAL $3,207,923.72
C. / Electronic Fund Transfers
A list of the electronic fund transfers occurring in the official depositories (for the period of July
8 - August 16) is as follows:
Date / Vendor & Purpose / Amount
07/09/15 / Xcel Energy – Utility / $ 3,025.09
07/10/15 / MN Dept. of Revenue – State Taxes / 22.90
07/10/15 / Chicago USA Tax Pmt – Federal Taxes / 233.67
07/13/15 / MN Dept. of Revenue – Interest / 2.28
07/15/15 / Delta Dental – Dental Insurance / 17,537.96
07/15/15 / District #877 Employees – Employee Payroll / 302,693.96
07/15/15 / Chicago USA Tax Pmt – Federal Taxes / 109,107.04
07/15/15 / District #877 Employees – Employee Reimbursement / 1,067.68
07/15/15 / MN Teachers Retirement Association / 25,033.46
07/15/15 / MN Public Employees Retirement Association / 32,953.07
07/16/15 / MN Dept. of Revenue – Sales Taxes / 1,739.00
07/16/15 / MN Dept. of Revenue – State Taxes / 16,600.62
07/16/15 / Educators Benefit Consultants – Deferred Annuities / 9,527.73
07/17/15 / Select Account – Health Insurance / 6,000.00
07/20/15 / Xcel Energy – Utility / 602.73
07/22/15 / Delta Dental – Dental Insurance / 10,130.25
07/29/15 / Delta Dental – Dental Insurance / 10,504.15
07/29/15 / Bond Trust – $20,340,000 2008 G.O. Bond / 251,800.00
07/29/15 / Bond Trust – $31,215,000 2012 G.O. Bond / 467,925.00
07/29/15 / Bond Trust – $3,855,000 2013 G.O. Bond / 30,262.50
07/29/15 / Bond Trust – $10,845,000 2009 G.O. Bond / 246,993.75
07/29/15 / District #877 Employees – Employee Reimbursement / 4,318.89
07/29/15 / Bond Trust – $32,620,000 2015 G.O. Bond / 470,486.90
07/30/15 / Chicago USA Tax Pmt – Federal Taxes / 827.97
07/30/15 / District #877 Employees – Employee Payroll / 297,053.90
07/30/15 / MN Teachers Retirement Association / 24,960.58
07/30/15 / Chicago USA Tax Pmt – Federal Taxes / 108,061.41
07/30/15 / MN Public Employees Retirement Association / 34,312.52
07/31/15 / Educators Benefit Consultants – Deferred Annuities / 9,527.73
07/31/15 / MN Dept. of Revenue – State Taxes / 201.76
07/31/15 / MN Dept. of Revenue – State Taxes / 16,503.24
07/31/15 / Chicago USA Tax Pmt – Federal Taxes / 1,160.78
08/03/15 / MN Teachers Retirement Association / 690.00
08/04/15 / Xcel Energy – Utility / 55.82
08/04/15 / Xcel Energy – Utility / 3,896.18
08/04/15 / BMO Corporate MasterCard – P-Card / 130,499.44
08/06/15 / Delta Dental – Dental Insurance / 10,021.85
08/12/15 / Delta Dental – Dental Insurance / 12,955.47
08/12/15 / Xcel Energy – Utility / 3,102.36
08/14/15 / District #877 Employees – Employee Payroll / 338,162.89
08/14/15 / MN Public Employees Retirement Association / 35,924.19
08/14/15 / Chicago USA Tax Pmt – Federal Taxes / 120,387.16
Total / $ 3,166,873.88
D. / Minutes - July 13, 2015 Regular Meeting
E. / Donations/Grants totaling $28,468.22
F. / 2015-16 Memberships
1. / Minnesota School Boards Association
Brings/Ogden to approve
Motion carried 6-0
Would like more info regarding use of grant money.
A. / 2015-16 District Handbooks, Scott Thielman
Two revisions since the first presentation of the BHS Handbook. Revised listing of “Activities” versus “Other Recognized Activities” and deletion of language regarding Captain’s Practice.
Pokorney/Brings to approve
Motion carried 6-0
B. / 2015-16 Board of Education Meeting Calendar Revision, Scott Thielman
Flipped locations for February and March workshops between Buffalo High School and Buffalo Community Middle School due to scheduling of conferences.
Vander Kooi/Ogden to approve
Motion carried 6-0
C. / Resolution - Authorized Signers for Electronic Fund Transfers, Gary Kawlewski
Revised to add Allison Robinson as an Authorized Signer for Electronic Fund Transfers.
Be it resolved the following persons are authorized to make electronic fund transfers: Scott Thielman, Gary Kawlewski, Miranda Kramer, Erica Fiske, and Allison Robinson.
Pokorney/Brings to approve
Motion carried 6-0
D. / Resolution - Authorized Signatures Accepted by Official Depositories, Gary Kawlewski
Revised to add Allison Robinson as an Authorized Signers accepted by the Official Depositories.
Be it resolved the following authorization signatures be accepted by the official depositories. The authorization signatures are as follows: Sue Lee -Chairperson, Patti Pokorney – Clerk, Laurie Raymond – Treasurer; Scott Thielman, Gary Kawlewski, Miranda Kramer, Erica Fiske, and Allison. Robinson.Brings/Trout to approve
Motion carried 6-0
A. / Levy Process for 2015 Payable 2016,Gary Kawlewski
December 14, 2015 is date set for Truth in Taxation presentation as part of the Regular Board meeting. Two major pieces in the levy are Qcomp and the Long-Term Facilities Maintenance revenue program. LTFM was known as the Alternative Facilities Revenue Program. There has been a long-standing inequity in this area of school funding. Will levy for these maintenance projects. Will develop a 10-year plan of district projects and present it for Board approval. Levy formula for LTFM uses pupil counts, building age, etc.
PP – NHCC new President Barb
SV/PP – Construction Committee
New Teacher Induction Program started today.
Bus Driver meeting August 21st.
Safe Schools August 20th
Welcome Back on September 2nd.
9. / OTHER
Trout/Pokorney to adjourn at 7:43 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Patti Pokorney, Clerk
ISD 877 Board of Education