AUGUST 19, 2014
8:00 AM
The Aug. 19, 2014 EDA meeting was called to order by Chair Paul Pieschel at 8:00 AM. Those present include Pieschel, Ben Luense, Ken Koll, Barb Jones, Dan Hillesheim, City Attorney Paul Muske, and City Clerk Amy Vogel. Absent were Mike Rothmeier and Chett Bisel. Others present were Alan Flor and Nick Seidl.
Flor presented their business plan for acquiring the Richert’s Bus Service. They are looking at a couple of banks for financing with Ken Richert agreeing to finance half. Included in the sale are the buses, real estate and existing 5-yr school contract beginning this year. There are about 14 employees. They have been working with Rob Anderson, Brown Co EDA, to put this business plan together and now they are working with Region 9. They are not putting in any own equity outside what their current business, Saw Works Construction LTD, has in assets. It was noted that the financing bank may want to have an SBA guaranty. An EPA inspection will likely be needed. The EDA will review the business plan and maybe schedule a special meeting if needed.
Motion by Luense, second by Koll to approve the July 15, 2014 minutes. All ayes.
Motion by Luense, second by Hillesheim to approve payment of the audited claims. All ayes.
Motion by Luense, second by Jones to approve the financial statements. All ayes.
Motion by Jones, second by Hillesheim to accept the loan report. All ayes.
Motion by Luense, second by Jones to approve write off of $1,250 and $2,492.10 from the LeBon Entertainment loans as per the loan agreement. All ayes.
The annual picnic for Parkview Place was set for Wednesday, Sept. 10, 2014 at 5 PM with chicken, ribs and drinks being provided.
Koll asked about an RO system that was put in place by a previous tenant. It no longer works. The EDA agreed to remove the unit since the other units don’t have it. If the tenants wish to install a new system, it would be at their own expense.
The 2015 budget was reviewed. It was noted that shingles may need replacing on the very early units in about 5 years. Motion by Luense, second by Koll to increase all apartment rents by $10/month effective Jan. 1, 2015. All ayes. Koll asked that it be included in the rent letters that furnace filters and smoke alarm batteries will be replaced at no cost to the tenants this fall. Light bulbs must be supplied by the tenants and we will put them in.
Luense stated that the Springfield Lodging finances may be finished by the September meeting.
Motion by Luense, second by Jones to adjourn at 9:05 AM. All ayes.
Submitted by City Clerk Amy A. Vogel