AUGUST 19, 2014
7:00 PM
The Aug. 19, 2014 council meeting was called to order by Council President Phil Jensen at 7:00 PM. Those present include Jensen, Lowell Helget, Chett Bisel, Mike Rothmeier, City Attorney Paul Muske, and City Clerk Amy Vogel. Absent was Mark Brown. Doris Weber was also present.
Motion by Rothmeier, second by Helget to adopt the agenda. All ayes.
Motion by Helget, second by Rothmeier to approve the July 22, July 23 and Aug. 4, 2014 minutes. All ayes.
Motion by Rothmeier, second by Bisel to approve payment of the audited claims along with the list of additional bills, Hayden’s Furniture for tables $6,980.00 and Caldwell for sealcoating as long as Gene Haas approves payment. All ayes.
Motion by Rothmeier, second by Helget to approve the consent agenda. All ayes.
Muske received cost projections on the drainage issues in the Industrial Park. The possible solutions are not financially feasible. Raising the building and the driveway may be an option that is more affordable. A long term solution is the most desirable. Motion by Rothmeier, second by Helget to table this matter to the Sept. 16, 2014 meeting. All ayes.
Motion by Helget, second by Bisel to approve the quote of $1,500 from Ground Zero for the second manhole to be installed when the patching is done. All ayes.
It was noted that there are leaks in the heating system at the old Bittler building. The council agreed not to shut the heat off and to advertise the apartment and business for rent. They thought that the apartment rent should be set at $500/month. Ads will be placed in the paper.
Bisel stated that he had suggested a raise of $0.75 at Dale Knutson’s six month and the council agreed to $.50 at that time. He is now recommending a raise of $0.25 to be effective July 27, 2014. Motion by Bisel, second by Rothmeier to approve a raise of $0.25 to $14.10 for Dale Knutson effective July 27, 2014. All ayes. After this raise he will be eligible for raises annually as the other employees do.
Bisel stated that the firemen intend to clean out the Bittler quonset building tomorrow evening. They are going to use one of the city’s dump trucks to haul the items to the landfill. The council asked them to walk through the other building as well to see if there are additional items to get rid of.
Rothmeier stated that there are a lot of pallets on the Henriksen place again.
Vogel mentioned that the budget workshop is Aug. 26, 2014 at 6:00 PM at the fire hall.
Vogel stated that since Brown County was listed on the federal disaster declaration, Springfield was eligible to receive their LGA early. It is normally received Dec. 26 each year.
Motion by Helget, second by Rothmeier to adjourn at 7:36 PM. All ayes.
Amy A. Vogel, City Clerk