AUGUST 5, 2013

7:00 PM

Mayor Clinton Baze called to order the regular meeting of the Goldendale City Council followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.


7:02:15 PM

PRESENT: Mayor Clinton Baze

Council Member Lucille Bevis

Council Member Len Crawford

Council Member Gary Hoctor

Council Member Steve Johnston

Council Member Deanna Luth

Council Member Guy Theriault

STAFF: City Administrator Larry Bellamy

Clerk-Treasurer Connie Byers

Public Works Director Karl Enyeart

Public Safety Director Rick Johnson

ABSENT: Council Member Andy Halm

It was moved by Council Member Steve Johnston, seconded by Council Member Guy Theriault, to excuse Andy from the meeting.


7:02:22 PM

Timber Surplus Property

Karl passed photos around of the watershed from 2011 to current. Western Pacific Timber contacted us earlier in the year about logging north of the watershed. DNR had contacted us a few weeks later and informed us they had received some money this year for a cost share for firebreaks, thinning and removal of dead material on the ground. We have since then had a retired forester look at the timber for potential sale. The last time we did a management plan was in 2007 and it recommended a salvage type harvest where we would go in and remove the dead trees and try to thin it out for healthy growth in the forest. The main concern is that there are too many single species of trees and that is what is causing the decease and bugs to take over the area. The forester has submitted a DNR application to evaluate a timber harvest in the watershed. All the sensitive areas including the streams and pipeline will be marked off and buffered for any timber harvest so the areas that we have developed won’t have any damage. Looking at the current timber market it appears we could have some revenue this year that would help subsidize future planting or less profitable areas that need to be thinned. Currently, Western Pacific has completed the roads to their section. The roads are in good shape for this year and they will need work if we wait until next year.

7:10:59 PM

Mayor Baze opened the floor for public comment.

Ken McKune in his research found a survey, that for every 10% increased in forest cover of the sourced area, chemical and treatment costs decreased by 20%. So the more trees you have the less costs you have. I like what Karl had to say about replanting.

7:16:06 PM

Art Conger – I understand there is going to be some funds from the clearing of the trees. Is there a budget established for replanting? Other than the one forester, does anyone know what are the best trees to replace the watershed? I would submit a volunteer group to help plant them or a foundation to help to pay people to plant.

7:17:27 PM

Pat Conger – I am concerned about the mechanicals of clearing the trees. Did the city ever consult someone with a horse drawn or mule drawn lumber company? There are four within a hundred miles of Goldendale.

Karl asked if the concern then would be contamination from oil.

Pat – And the fact that the horses do less damage than machinery.

Mayor Baze – The project will go out for bid so they are more than welcome to bid on it.

With no further comments the hearing was closed.


It was moved by Council Member Steve Johnston, seconded by Council Member Gary Hoctor, to accept the agenda and consent agenda as presented.

7:20:20 PM

AYES: Council Member Lucille Bevis

Council Member Len Crawford

Council Member Gary Hoctor

Council Member Steve Johnston

Council Member Deanna Luth

Council Member Guy Theriault

NAYS: None.



7:20:25 PM

Rick reported we have been providing fire security for the fire camp. They could not get security any where else because of all the fires happening. We entered into a contract providing 1 person 24/7. The firefighters should be starting to move out this week. There were three arrests made during this time. They were all locals that were harassing the firefighters. Six of our firefighters were out one night and another night two responded as mutual aid on the initial attack.

7:23:57 PM

Karl stated that at 7:00 tomorrow a company is giving us a grinding demonstration in the 700 block of S Columbus. They will grind out the potholes between Brooks and Railroad.

Larry said that it should be pointed out for the public’s knowledge that this will remain ground out until we get asphalt for Brooks Street.


7:28:43 PM

Pioneer Engineering Agreement Addendum

Larry stated this item was tabled from the last council meeting. Dustin is here tonight to explain the addendum request.

Dustin explained the original contract was to design the 200 and 300 blocks of Brooks Street. After we got to a certain phase in the project, TIB came down and looked at the project again and said to include the 100 block of Brooks Street. We surveyed the 100 block as well we had the potential of extending the sewer line up Brooks Street because currently the sewer is behind Brooks Street in the alley to the north and it is not very accessible for the city. We also looked at the sewer in the 200 block. Currently it runs behind houses, under houses and into a manhole on Golden Street. We designed a new sewer line to run from Golden Street to Brooks, then up Brooks for half a block and also we designed the sewer line from Grant Street to the 100 block of Brooks Street. The addendum was to cover the 100 block of Brooks Street design, as well as construction staking and construction inspecting which added another 15 days to the construction phase of the project. TIB is covering 90% of the addendum cost for the road design but will not pay for water/sewer design.

As for an update on Brooks Street, currently the contractor has all the base rock in and waiting for curbs and sidewalks.

It was moved by Council Member Steve Johnston, seconded by Council Member Guy Theriault, to authorize the Mayor to execute Addendum No. 1 to the 2013 Brooks Street Improvement Project design and construction engineering in the amount not to exceed $32,400.00.

7:32:25 PM

AYES: Council Member Lucille Bevis

Council Member Len Crawford

Council Member Gary Hoctor

Council Member Steve Johnston

Council Member Deanna Luth

Council Member Guy Theriault

NAYS: None.



7:32:30 PM

Timber Surplus Property

Larry stated that the resolution establishes timber sale on the watershed property. It will allow us to declare the timber on the land surplus. It authorizes us to request proposals from qualified companies and after looking a several factors choose the most qualified company and negotiate an agreement.

Lucille said you talk about declaring the property surplus and approve the disposition of the property. I think you should clarify that to timber.

It was moved by Council Member Gary Hoctor, seconded by Council Member Steve Johnston, to approve Resolution No. 598 declaring certain timber on, property of the city, surplus by correcting paragraphs 3, 4 and 5 on the Resolution striking out the word property and insert timber. In paragraph 6, 7 and 8 striking out the word land and insert timber.

7:35:09 PM

AYES: Council Member Lucille Bevis

Council Member Len Crawford

Council Member Gary Hoctor

Council Member Steve Johnston

Council Member Deanna Luth

Council Member Guy Theriault

NAYS: None.



7:35:24 PM

Guy stated that he will fly out tomorrow to Hawaii. Upon his return, he has a planned surgery on his finger and will not be able to attend the August 19th Meeting.

7:35:59 PM

Lucille reminded everyone that the art gallery is having their annual fund raiser on the 10th. The Library is having the ice cream social on 15th.

7:36:16 PM

Larry reminded council that the Public Works Trust Fund money has been swept back into the general fund for the State of Washington. I have been working with the USRD to repackage and increase their funding to include the $750,000.00 that we lost with the state budget approval. I did get that application off last week and I have received an email back that I have a little more work to do. As soon as I finish those this week then that revised application package should be to them and we’ll see if we can keep that project alive.

Karl and I worked on a shoreline master plan today. We are required to update our master plan and complete it by December 2014. In exchange for making this requirement on cities and counties they are issuing grants. Department of Ecology has authorized to the city a grant in the amount of $50,000.00 to help update our shoreline master plan.

The Community Center Feasibility Study group will be meeting August 15th starting at 6:30 p.m.


It was moved by Council Member Len Crawford, seconded by Council Member Steve Johnston, to adjourn the meeting.

7:41:32 PM

AYES: Council Member Lucille Bevis

Council Member Len Crawford

Council Member Gary Hoctor

Council Member Steve Johnston

Council Member Deanna Luth

Council Member Guy Theriault.

NAYS: None.



Clinton Baze, Mayor Connie Byers, Clerk Treasurer