Pasture Prime / Springerle Stables BoarderInformation

We are a boarding stable. We don’t provide everything. The information that follows outlines the services included in the monthly board and the rules that apply when on the property. A separate price sheet is available for additional services.


A monthly bill with your name on it will be posted on the board in the barn on the first of each month. The bill will reflect the monthly fee for board and any additional charges. The bill is due within five days of its posting.


We feed hay 2 times each day (AM, PM and a noon flake when horses are in) and grain twice, AM and PM. Weuse Nutrena horse feeds. If you prefer a different type of grain and our grain dealers stock it we can arrange for it to be delivered and include the price of the feed on your monthly bill. (We do not markup feed on your bill if you chose something different.) Hay is a mix between first and second cut due to the horse and time of year. We supply two buckets of water at all times except in winter. They get a heated bucket in the winter that we supply. If your horse breaks the heated bucket a replacement will be charged to your bill.


We do not allow owners to throw extra flakes of for any reason. Ask if you have a question on this and we can explain further. Extra hay can be feed if horses needs it during feed times the added coat will be added to your monthly board bill.

Supplements and Medication:

We feed supplements and medication at no charge if fed during feeding times. (You supply them and are required to check and replace them when needed)


Stalls are 12 x 12 and matted. Due to the mats and daily cleaning our horses get limited bedding. Bedding is what you see. We don’t allow more than a scoop or two added to a stall when owners clean in evenings. No exceptions. Stalls are cleaned once a day, exceptions are in winter due to freezing temperatures when they will be picked at feeding. We provide wheelbarrows and cleaning utensils if you feel like picking. We provide a feed bucket/feed pan and two water buckets at no charge. If your horse causes abnormal wear and tear on buckets you will be charged on your monthly bill (example: cribbers and kickers).

Managementshall have the right to assign and re-assign paddocks, pastures and stalls in order tominimize dangerous or nuisance situations or wear & tear on the facility or o make way for new horses.


Horses will not be taken out of pastures by owners (its horsey time) due to safety and close proximity of the indoor to the pastures. If other arrangements need to be made talk to Kayte.

We turn out horses in large herds. If your horse does not get along in the herd or by your choice you don’t want them in the herd, there’s a $5.00 per day turnout fee for the days they go out. (If you have more than one horse and you want them out together, the price remains $5.00 for the pair not for each horse. This is also relative to space if available). In this case we can’t guarantee they will have a grass pasture if they don’t they will be supplement hay while in pasture.

Due to bad weather/bad footing, etc. horses are turned out in small groups in the indoor and wear muzzles to limit destruction on our indoor.


We worm every month from first frost (April) to last (November). The first and last month they get hit with an ivermectin. We send horses fecal samples to be checked and some horses at that point might need a power pack. The cost of the wormer and fecal samples will be on the following month’s bill or vet bill.


We use Mid-State Veterinary Service and Early Winter Equine. We set up semi- annual routine vaccination appointmentsfor the entire barn. We do not charge to hold horses on barn set up appointments. If you chose to use another Vet you must arrange for and be available to hold your horse for your appointment. You must also supply us with a copy of your horse’s vaccination records. A list of required vaccinations is available on request. We are here for emergencies and will call the Vet. We will try to call you first, but if we are unable to contact you the Vet will be called at your expense. If a Vet is needed for any other situation and you are unable to be here a $20 Call charge will be added to your monthly bill if we have to hold the horse and meet with the Vet because you are unable to be here for the appointment you scheduled.

Note: A recent Coggins,rabies certificate, and recent necessary health certificates, vaccination records need to be on file at farm and must be present before a new horse will be allowed in.


Norm Carney and Kaytlin L. Bell service the barn. Norm Carney comes every six weeks and if you choose to use him and your horse will stand on cross ties, we can add your name onto his shoeing list if he will take on additional horses. The date Norm is coming will be posted on the board in the barn and you must leave a check for him. If you choose to use someone else it is your responsibility to make those arrangements and be present for the appointment. If you are unable to make that appointment a $20.00 Call charge per horse will be added to your monthly bill. Feet must be done routinely. No exceptions.

Note: All farrier and vet visits that you schedule must be cleared with management and will be written on the barn calendar. Only one farrier or vet can be scheduled at a time.

Medical Attention:

If your horse is injured, it’s your responsibility for your horse’s aftercare with your own supplies. We can help if help is needed. If you use Pasture Prime Stables’ Supplies on an emergency basis, please replace them so they are available for the next horse. If we have to care for your horse there will be a $7.00 per day charge. If we use our medications (ace, banamine, dex, etc..) (vet wrap ointments, gauzes) the amount will be charged to your monthly bill.


Only the owners of the horses boarded at Pasture Prime Stables are allowed to ride at Pasture Prime Stables. There is no jumping outside of a lesson. Only the owners of Pasture Prime Stables can approve non-boarders to ride on the grounds. Riders must fill out a riders release form. Riders must also wear helmets anytime mounted or lunging.


Dogs should be left at home or in your vehicle. No dogs allowed loose on the grounds

Additional Info:

1.Halters should be left on the stall hook but owner’s leads should be left in the owner’s trunk.The leads on the stalls and around the barn are the Stable’s property and are used for any and all horses. You can use any lead you see just please leave it on a stall hook when done. If you have a special lead, put it in your trunk after uses because it will be grabbed for barn uses if left on the stall. You should also have a spare halter in your trunk in case your horse’s halter breaks.

2.Each horse gets a blanket rack, saddle rack, bridle rack, and space for one trunk and a boarder shelf. When spring comes it’s your responsibility to take home blankets to clean and store.

3.Keep the trunk area clean with nothing on top of trunks

4.Salt blocks go in feeders or hung on back walls.

5.We will do fly masks but if you use fly sheets they stay on.

6.During weather changes it’s your responsibility to blanket yourhorse. If it turns warm we will take the blanket(s) off before turnout but if you want something different then you need to come before turnout to do so.

Barn Rules

1.Speed Limit On Farm Is 10 MPH

2.Releases must be signed before anyone may handle or ride any horses.

3.Anyone under 13 years of age must have an adult present and responsible for this child's actions at all times. This includes during a lesson.

4.Appropriate shoes or boots are required when riding or working. NO Sneakers, NO Crocks, NO Sandals.

5.Only owner or leasee may ride the boarded horses no friends or extended family. No guest may ride or handle horses.

6.No visitors are allowed in the stalls.

7.Parents and visitors are welcome to observe students during their lesson by standing or sitting outside the arena. Parents and visitors should not enter the arena at any time.

8.No Smoking on premises

9.No running or yelling in the barn

10.No headphones, phones, texting, music devices in use when handling or around horses.

11.No Jumping outside of a lesson

12.Helmets on at all times when in the indoor whether lunging or riding

13.There is no lunging while lessons are going on.

14.Horses are not to be ridden in barn aisles. If you go outside be sure to put the guards up or close gates

15.Clean up afteryour horse when it goes to the bathroom in the arena or aisle.

16.If you use the wash stall, cross ties, etc. sweep and clean up after yourself and your horse.

17.Do not leave horses unattended, especially when tied or cross-tied.

18.Nounattended children! No matter how horse-wise your child might be.

19.NO DOGS ALLOWED We love dogs; however, a dog can spook a horse.

20.Do not give treats to any equine other than your own unless written permission is on file with the stable. Some equines may have stomach problems associated with some treats.

Riding Hours- M – Fri Until 9:00 am or after 3:30 pm Sat& Sun- Until 11:00 am or after 3:30pm

There will be no riding/or use of the indoor arena after 9:00 p.m

Barn Hours - Use of the stall area and aisles is allowed but please use respect if coming up after 9:00pm. Please call Barb or Kayte because we like doing a last check once all boarders are gone.

Thank you for taking the time to review these policies. Please ask for clarification should you have questions regarding the boarder information.


I have read and understand all of the rules and policies as stated above. I have also been given an opportunity to ask questions if needed. I further understand that it is my responsibility to practice and adhere to all of the policies and barn rules.

By signing below, I agree to these terms as they have been outlined above.

Signature: ______Date: ______

Printed Name: ______

Staff Reviewing Policy: ______Date: ______

Updated Contact information

Name: ______

Home address: ______


Home Phone: ______

Cell Phone: ______

Emergency Contact Name: ______

Number: ______

Emergency Contact Name: ______

Number: ______