Springdale Elementary School: 2017-2018 Student Supply List

Pre-K / Kindergarten / 1st Grade / 2nd Grade / 3rd Grade / 4th Grade / 5th Grade / REACH
large bookbag with NO WHEELS
-Change of clothes in gal. Ziploc bag with each piece of clothing labeled with child’s name
2 full sized bath towels for rest time
(Please no blankets)
Lysol Spray
Hand Sanitizer
1 box Fine tip
Expo markers
1 box Expo markers
Crayola Markers
6 Elmer’s glue sticks
Copy paper
Baby wipes
Zip-lock bags
2 Clorox wipes
Paper Towels
1 pack of white cardstock / $20 for 2 field trips
8 boxes of 24 crayons
1 box of Dry Erase Markers
2-3 ring binders WITH interior pockets
(1” rings)
Large book bag
4 pkgs #2 plain,
yellow pencils (sharpened)
8” x 5” pencil box
(hard plastic)
4 black & white composition notebooks
2 green pocket folders
1 box of markers
1 pair rounded scissors
Change of uniform clothes in gal. Ziploc bag with each piece of clothing labeled with child’s name
20 purple glue sticks that dry clear
Pink pearl block erasers
Personal headphones (labeled with child’s name) for computer
2 reams of white copy paper / 3 ring binder (1”rings)
5 boxes of 24 Crayola crayons
15thin-tipped, black Expo Dry Erase Markers
1 old sock
Large book bag, NO WHEELS
2 pkgs #2 plain, yellow pencils (sharpened)
8” x 5” pencil box
(hard plastic)
1 pair pointed scissors
6 red pens
5 black & white composition notebooks
30 Elmer’s glue sticks
3 pink pearl erasers
1 pack of 4 different colored highlighters
2 pocket folders: one of each- red, yellow, green
2 reams of white copy paper
1 box of Kleenex
personal headphones (labeled with child’s name) for computer
$30 for Rock Ranch Field Trip – due in Jan.
1 Clorox wipes
Please see class Wish List Below / $5 for butterfly kit
$10 Museum Field Trip
$40 Atlanta Zoo Field Trip
Large book bag
(no earbuds) labeled
4 plastic folders w/ pockets & clasps (1 each: blue, red, green, yellow)
4 boxes 24 crayons
40 #2 sharpened yellow pencils
4 wide ruled spiral notebooks
4 composition notebooks
3 boxes Kleenex
3 bottles hand sanitizer & wipes
1 pkg highlighters
2 rolls paper towels
1 bottles glue & 6 glue sticks
1 ream copy paper
& 1 pack cardstock
1 box of Bandaids
1 pair scissors
1 box gallon Ziplock bags / 1 ½’ binder
2 boxesof 24 count crayons
2 boxes of thin markers
2 boxes of colored pencils
5 divider tabs with pockets
1 box Dry Erase Markers
4 pocket folders w/ clasps (1 blue, 1 red, 1 green, 1 yellow)
Large book bag
1 pr pointed scissors
10 pkgs #2 pencils, sharpened
5 black/white composition books
1 bottle glue & 8 glue sticks
2 pkgs pencil top erasers
5 pkg 3x5 index cards
Pencil sharpener with cover
1 box QT size ziplock bags
2 reams copy paper / 1 LIGHT-COLORED zippered pencil pouch
1 pkg colored pencils
1 box of 24 crayons
1 Drawstring/Cinch bag
Large book bag with or without wheels
3 pkg wide ruled notebook paper
1 pair scissors
10 pkgs #2 yellow pencils, Sharpened
8 non-spiral composition books
8 glue sticks
1 bottle of white liquid glue
4 PLASTIC folders with pockets and clasps (1 blue, 1 red, 1 green, 1 yellow)
2 highlighters
3 red pens
3 green pens
2 reams copy paper / $3 for Moby Max
1twoinch d-ring zipper binder
1 pkg dividers with tabs
1 box of 24 crayons
4 red pens
2 pkg pencil top erasers
6 folders with pockets & clasps (2 blue, 1 green, 1 red, 2 yellow)
Large book bag with or without wheels
3 pkgs wide ruled notebook paper
10 pkgs #2 yellow pencils, sharpened
2 personal pencil sharpeners
2 highlighters
1 pair pointed scissors
3 3-subject notebooks
3 pkgs index cards
1 zippered pencil pouch
3 black & white composition books
2 glue sticks
1 pkg colored pencils
1 ream copy paper (any color) / $5.00 for Yearly Subscription to
Time for Kids magazine
1three ring binder (2” rings)
(Grades 3-5 only)
1 pkg dividers with 5-8 tabs
(Grades 3-5 only)
1 non-spiral composition book
1 box of markers or
1 box 24 crayons or
1 pack of colored pencils
3 pkgs pencils, sharpened
1 pkg pencil top erasers(optional)
1 folder with pockets & clasps:
Grades 1-2-Yellow
Grade 3 –Red
Grade 4-Green
Grade 5 - Blue
1 pkg notebook paper
1 Highlighter
Glue stick(large)
1 pencil box
WISH LIST FOR ALL CLASSES - Kleenex, Paper towels, Clorox wipes, Purell Hand Sanitizer (Please consider also providing these items for our four specials teachers who work with your child.)

Springdale Open House& Orientation Friday, July 28th, 2017 4pm –7pm______

Mandatory Pre-KOrientation – Thursday, July 27th, 2017 6:00 p.m.(Media Center) Mandatory Kindergarten Orientation – 4:00 p.m.(Child’s classroom)

New Student Orientation – 5pm (Media Center) First Day of School: August 1, 2017