Regular Monthly Meeting
August 7th, 2006
7:00 P.M.
The Spring Township Supervisors Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Frank Royer, Chairman, followed by Pledge to the Flag.
Supervisors: Frank Royer, Terry Perryman & David Capperella
Solicitor: John Miller, Jr.
Township Manager: William MacMath
Zoning Officer: Vaughn Zimmerman
Guests: Attendance sheet attached to original minutes
It was on a motion of David Capperella seconded by Terry Perryman to accept the Minutes of July 3rd, 2006 as submitted . Unanimously approved motion carried.
The following reports were submitted to The Board of Supervisors and are on file for review.
- Township Treasurers Report – Submitted by Molly Baird
- Water Authority Treasurers Report – Submitted by Molly Baird
- Police Report – Submitted by Greer Perryman
- Municipal Employees Report – Submitted by Gary Royer
- Code Enforcement Report – Submitted by Vaughn Zimmerman
- Sewer Enforcement Report – Submitted by Ralph Houck
- Fire Company Report – Submitted by Gary Royer
It was on a motion of Terry Perryman seconded by David Capperella to accept the above reports as submitted. Unanimously approved motion carried.
Appoint Water Authority Member – William MacMath, Township Manager, reported Gary Catalano is interested in filling the position available on the Water Authority. Gary is a Township resident and is a customer of the Water Authority. Mr. MacMath recommended appointing Mr. Catalano to The Authority. It was on a motion of David Capperella seconded by Terry Perryman to appoint Gary Catalano to the Water Authority. Unanimously approved motion carried.
Appoint Elected Official for Peer to Peer Study – William MacMath, Township Manager, reported the study calls for an Elected Official to be appointed to the committee. Meeting dates and times have not been set. Could meet during the day. It was on a motion of Terry Perryman seconded David Capperella to appoint Frank Royer to the committee. Unanimously approved motion carried.
Walker Prel./Final Subdivision Lot 9 - Vaughn Zimmerman, Zoning Officer, reported property owner seeks to subdivide a 23.93 acre parcel on Greens Valley Road into two lots, each over 10 acres. Spring Township and Centre County Planning Office comments have been addressed. A Component 1 planning module is required for this subdivision by D.E.P. for approval of both lots in this subdivision for septic systems. Spring Township and S.E.O. Officer, Ralph Houck, has signed off on this planning module. Spring Township Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval of both this subdivision plan and the planning module at their meeting on July 17th, 2006. It was on a motion of Terry Perry seconded by David Capperella to grant conditional approval of the Ray A. and Joyce K. Walker Preliminary/Final Re-subdivision of Lot 9, dated June 21, 2006, last revised July 3, 2006. Condition of approval being approval of Component 1 Planning Module by D.E.P.
Steeplechase Townhomes II Prel. Subdivision & Land Development Plan Lot 212 R – Vaughn Zimmerman, Zoning Officer, reported S & A Homes desires to construct a 40 unit townhouse development on Lot 212R of the Steeplechase Development. This 10.13 acre parcel is zoned R-3 Residential which does allow for a maximum of 40 townhouse units to be built on this property. This land development also will create two more single family house lots along a connector road to be called Manor Road, and the drive entrance to the townhouses (to be known as Highpoint Park Drive) will also be located off Manor Road. Manor Road is to be used as a connector road to the Ault Family Limited Partnership property should it proceed through development. Also included on the Land Development Plan is a tot lot parklet which was discussed as an issue to be built in conjunction with the previous phase of the project across the road on Lot 213.
All comments by Spring Township and Centre County Planning Office have been addressed at this time. All comments by Don Franson have been addressed. A waiver to allow the intersection of Highpoint Park Drive/Manor Road to be 190 feet distant (Rather than 200 feet as per the Spring Township Subdivision Ordinance) has been granted by the Planning Commission on recommendation by Don Franson. Developer has granted Spring Township a 90-day time extension for this plan. This time extension was granted by the developer so that this plan may be addressed by the Spring Township Supervisors within the allowed time frame for review. Spring Township Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval of this plan at their meeting on July 17th, 2006. It was on a motion of Terry Perryman seconded by David Capperella to grant approval of the Steeplechase Townhomes II Preliminary Subdivision and Land Development Plan, dated April 19, 2006, last revised June 12, 2006. Unanimously approved motion carried.
Autumn Ridge Preliminary Subdivision Plan – Vaughn Zimmerman, Zoning Officer, reported Robert Port, Landowner, proposes to subdivide an 86.81 acre farm along Zion Road into a 184 Single Family Lot Subdivision. This parcel is currently zoned R-2 Residential, but is scheduled to be zoned Agricultural with the Nittany Valley Comprehensive Plan. Submission of this preliminary subdivision plan will effectively hold the current Residential zoning of this property.
After revisions based on comments received from the Spring Township Planning Commission, open space lot #3 (intended to be parkland) has been increased to 6.73 acres (out of 8.69 acres) in size, with the developer proposing to offer fee-in-lieu in return for deficient acreage as per the Spring Township Parkland Ordinance. The Parkland/Fee-in-Lieu Ordinance allows for the Supervisors to ask for all parkland, all fee-in-lieu, or a partial split of parkland and fee-in-lieu monies. The Spring Township Planning Commission has recommended that the Supervisors consider asking for the entire 8.69 acres of parkland as allowed for by the ordinance rather than accepting the proposed 6.73 acres of parkland a partial fee-in-lieu payment. It is the Commission’s majority opinion that the Township is better served by acquiring as much parkland acreage as possible in this situation.
Spring Township Park and Rec Committee recommends that the 6.73 acre park as proposed by accepted. They also recommend that the $64, 500 partial fee-in-lieu monies to be paid to Spring Township with this proposal be used to partially develop this park, unless an agreement is drawn up to state otherwise, developer would not have to pay fee-in-lieu monies to Spring Township until Phases 4 and 5. Regardless of what parkland is agreed to and accepted by The Supervisors, the Supervisors will need to determine whether they wish this park to be dedicated to (and maintained by) Spring Township or if they wish the park to be owned and managed by the Homeowner’s Association for Autumn Ridge Develoment. This is due to Spring Township’s right of first refusal to accept any parkland dedications.
At this time, a traffic study for this subdivision is under review by Trans Associates. Review has been received and inconsistencies have been noted. Street names have been submitted to Centre County 911 office for review, no conflicts have been noted by Centre County 911. County Planning and Spring Township Zoning Office comments appear to have been addressed. Developer is working on acquiring a private water source for this development. Approval of a water source is a requirement for final plan approval. Developer has sewer capacity reserved, this was obtained before the moratorium went into effect.
In a review letter by Don Franson dated July 13, 2006, he recommends approval. He identifies that parkland slopes nearly meet the 3% average slope requirements set forth in the Parkland Ordinance. Some grading will need to be done to meet this 3% requirement which can be shown with Phase 1 Final Plan Submission. Mr. Franson also made recommendations regarding accesses and sight distances for Lots 1, 147 and 148. Spring Township Planning Commission voted to recommend conditional approval of this subdivision plan with a 3-1-0 vote at their meeting on July 17, 2006.
Frank Royer, Chairman, asked the developer, Robert Port, for a 90 day extension. This would allow a meeting to be set between the developer, Supervisors, Planning Commission and Park and Rec. Mr. Port remarked he would be thrilled with a 90 day extension. It was on a motion of Terry Perryman seconded by David Capperella to accept a 90 day extension, that was verbally granted by Robert Port, and to set a meeting the Park and Rec. Committee, Board of Supervisors, Planning Commission and the developer to resolve issues for all parties. The meeting will be within the first 30 days of the extension as requested by the developer. Unanimously approved motion carried.
Comp Plan Revisions/Benner Township – William MacMath, Township Manager, reported Benner Township has submitted their proposed changes to the Comp Plan. The Planning Commission will see these changes at their August 21st meeting and the make a recommendation to the Board. If the Supervisors have any comments they are to let the manager know. Sometime in the middle of September there will be a joint public meeting, where each municipality will then vote on a resolution. No comments needed at this time.
William MacMath, Township Manager, reported the following:
· Governor signed Turback Bill to change Liquid Fuel Monies for municipalities from $2,500 per mile to $4,000 per mile, and increased Game Land to $1.20 per acre.
· TDR contracts have been awarded for Sunnyside Sewer Project.
· NIMS Training is only required for Supervisors for certification if out helping on emergency issues.
· Spring Township has a website up and running – www.springtownship.org
Ordinance No. 2006-02 – Mutual Aid Agreement for DUI Checkpoint – It was on a motion of Terry Perryman seconded by David Capperella to pass Ordinance No. 2006-02 - Mutual Aid Agreement for DUI Checkpoint as properly advertised. Unanimously approved motion carried.
Resolution 13-06 – Walker Prel./Final Re-Subdivision Lot 9 Planning Module – It was on a motion of Terry Perryman seconded by David Capperella to pass Resolution No. 13-06, Walker Prel./Final Re-Subdivision Lot 9 Planning Module. Unanimously approved motion carried.
Resolution 14-06 – Kerstetter Property Subdivision Planning Module – It was on a motion of David Capperella seconded by Terry Perryman to pass Resolution 14-06, Kerstetter Subdivision Planning Module for 100 EDU’s. Unanimously approved motion carried.
Resolution 15-06 – Autumn Ridge Subdivision Planning Module – It was on a motion of Terry Perryman seconded by David Capperella to pass Resolution No. 15-06 for the Autumn Ridge Subdivision Planning Module for 184 EDU’s. Unanimously approved motion carried.
Resolution 16-06 – Deeds of Dedication for Roads – It was on a motion of Terry Perryman seconded by David Capperella to pass Resolution No. 16-06 – Deeds of Dedication for the following roads – 1) Stonecrest Drive – Burnham Farms Estates 2) Kenlee Drive – Bernham Farms Estates 3) Rosehill Drive – Burnham Farms Estates 4) West Springfield Drive – Springfield Phase VI 5) Josie Drive – Springfield Phase VI 6) Landon Drive – Springfield Phase VI 7) Gwenedd Lane – Steeplechase Phase V provided that all is inspected and approved by the Township Engineer. Unanimously approved motion carried.
William MacMath reported on the following correspondence received.
Pleasant Gap Fire Company – Thank you letter received for the $30,000 donation toward their new facilities.
Nick Struble – Thank you letter received for the $300 donation toward his Eagle Scout Project.
Rick Santorum – Thank you letter received for contacting him regarding the Cable Franchising Reform.
Senator Jake Corman – Letter received regarding Forest Reserves Municipal Financial Relief Law.
Comcast – Letter notifying Spring Township they have officially taken over Adelphia. All future correspondence etc. should be addressed to Comcast.
It was on a motion of Terry Perryman seconded by David Capperella to approve the bills for the month of July 2006 as submitted for the General Fund Account, Street Light Account, Building Fund Account, and the State Fund Account. Unanimously approved motion carried.
(1) Jerry Paul – Ballfield Lease
With no further business to discuss, it was on a motion of Terry Perryman seconded by David Capperella to adjourn the meeting at 7:30 p.m. Unanimously approved motion carried.
Molly Baird
Recording Secretary