Be the Best you can Be / Christleton Primary School
Quarry Lane
01244 981189

22nd January 2016

Spring term newsletter 3

Dear Parents/Carers,

Sumdog National Contest

Our results were, out of 55 classes: Y6 - 178th, Y5 - 283rd, Y4 - 355th, only 8 players from Y3 so they did not qualify. Thanks to the 51 children who took part and well done to Hugo (Y4) and Nadia (Y3) who answered all 1000 questions

CSSP Basketball Tournament

Six of the Y6 children attended Upton High School to take part in the above tournament. They started well winning two games; they drew two and lost two. Their effort, behaviour, sportsmanship and teamwork were excellent. Well done to Flynn, Ted, Oli, Kate, Eleanor and Anja

Free half term football session for girls aged 5-11

The FA Skills is running a free half term girls only football session at Blacon High School (CH1 5JH) on Tuesday 16th February from 2 – 4pm. To register email or text the words Girls Football to Rob at or phone 07943140191 along with the name of your child, the school/club they attend and their age. Alternatively, register at

If you have any questions or would like more information please call the above number

Digital Board

The Digital Ambassadors in Year 6 have put together a Digital board in the entrance hall which contains information and sheets which explain who they are and the role they play in the Computing curriculum throughout the school. The information can be scanned using mobiledevices, tablets and phones to show you the work being done in school. Winners of the e-safety completion have their work displayed on there at the moment. If you are ever waiting in the entrance hall to pick up your children or want to pop in please feel free to use the board to find out more of the work we do with the children in computing


Can you please ensure that if you have a girl that they do not wear nail varnish for school? At the moment a significant number of children are coming to school with nail varnish on particularly some of the younger KS1 girls. Also please note that necklaces, rings and bracelets of any kind are not allowed to be worn in school. Also trainers should not be used for school and children should wear appropriate school shoes as is the agreed school policy

Merit winners

Congratulations to Rubi, Darci, Annie, Isla and Oscar in Year 2 and Finlay, Daisy and Kara in Year 3 for achieving their Bronze awards.

David Harker

Head teacher