Science Syllabus
Spring Semester 2017Teacher: Ms. C. L. Nelson
Email: Phone: (334) 644-5965
The purpose of science education is to establish scientific literacy. This learning enables students to use scientific principles and processes in everyday life to make informed decisions. A solid foundation in science helps develop and strengthen many skills that students use daily such a solving problems creatively, thinking critically, working cooperatively in teams, practicing stewardship of natural resources, and using technology effectively. The conceptual framework of scientific literacy is based on three broad areas of science which include physical science, life science, and earth/space science. Through this spectrum of exposure, the goal of scientific literacy is achieved.
Required Materials-textbook(provided), 3-ring binder, paper(loose leaf only), and pencil
Suggested Materials-notebook dividers, highlighters, construction paper, and glue stick
Essential Functions-listen, read, and write
Projects-science portfolio and science fair project
Grading- A grade of 60 or better is required for passing the course.Various forms of assessment are used to check students’ progress in learning. Students are expected to perform the essential functions. Success relies on participation, cooperation, completion, and mastery of the curriculum. Classwork and homework is assigned. Students may be given tiered assignments based on their individual needs.No late work is accepted. Students will receive a daily grade listed as participation or “sciethics” and test grade. Grading rubrics will be provided as guides for projects.
Helpful Hints
- Follow instructions.
- Apply the 3R’s: Read! Recite! Review!
- See me after class/school to discuss concerns.
Remember the ultimate goal is………EDUCATION.
Classroom Code of Conduct
Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
- Be on time by being seated before the bell rings.
DNA chromatids must separate on time during meiosis to prevent chromosomal malfunctions.
- Quietly enter the room ready to learn and complete assignments.
Predators prowl to search out their prey by being quiet and camouflaged.
- Bring required materials every day.
TransferRNA must bring the required AA sequence every time to ribosomalRNA to make protein.
- Do not bring food or drink items in class.
Some type of organism will sure thrive in the ecosystem that you create.
- Raise your hand for permission to talk/walk.
The left chambers of the heart will notpump blood until it receives signal from the right chambers.
- Use the time between class transitions to take care of personal business.
- Tablet/torn paper is not accepted.
Worn organelles within cells are automatically discarded.
- Be respectful to the teacher and others.
Consequences Rewards
Verbal Warning / Verbal PraiseDetention / Fun Learning Environment
Writing Assignment/3 Days Detention / Free Passes, Vouchers/Learning Earnings
No Lab Participation/Zero Lab Grade / Lab Participation/Learning Earnings
Parent Conference/Office Referral / Good Grades, Promotion, Educated Student
Learning Earnings
Learning Earnings is an educational tool used by teachers and students to support learning success. Students may earn different types of credits and purchase those credits given by an instructor. Every student should check their Learning Earning account at least two times a month. Learning Earning items that involve grades in my classroom must be bought with the credits given in my classroom by me. To check your LE account, log on to www. Enjoy the opportunity to cash in on learning success!
Ms. Nelson’s Classroom Credits
- Science Class Scoring Rubric 4= Excellent; 3=Good (See rubric handout.)
- Free Test Questions
- A on Test
General Credits
- Student Engagement
- Constructed Response Progress
- Progress Answering Higher DOK Questions
- Good Citizenship
- Good Sportsmanship
- Great Attitude
- Initiative
- Helpfulness
- Improved Grades/ Behavior
Science Syllabus
Spring Semester 2017Teacher: Ms. C. L. Nelson
Email: Phone: (334) 644-5965
Consequences Rewards
Verbal Warning / Verbal PraiseDetention / Fun Learning Environment
Writing Assignment/3 Days Detention / Free Passes, Vouchers/Learning Earnings
No Lab Participation/Zero Lab Grade / Lab Participation/Learning Earnings
Parent Conference/Office Referral / Good Grades, Promotion, Educated Student
Obligation Contract
I(student)______have read the classroom code of conduct and syllabus of Ms. Nelson’s class. I understand that it is my responsibility to obtain materials for what is required for the science course. Integrity, honesty, and respect I uphold for fairness to all. I also understand that rules must be followed to ensure a good, safe learning environment for my classmates and myself. I will follow all classroom rules and laboratory procedures.
Student Signature______Date______
Parent/Guardian Name(Print)______
Revised 12/16 page1