Spring Research Paper
Research paper is due January 16th and is a major grade. You will analyze a persuasive speech and write your findings in a research paper which will include information about the speaker, audience, goal of the speech, appeals used, and historical period in which the speech was given. A works cited page must be included using the proper MLA format as well as parenthetical documentation within each paragraph (see examples on handout). We will have two days in the library to complete your research and begin your paper- use your time wisely. Use the following as a guide and bring this sheet with you to the library and class everyday:
Introduction- Paragraph #1
Begin by including background information about the speaker that directly correlates with the speech (brief). Also include the name of the speech, date given, the goal the speaker wanted to achieve (the goal is part of your thesis statement) and the reason why. What action or non-action did the speaker want the audience to take? Include parenthetical documentation.
Body Paragraph #2
Historically, what was happening for this speech to occur in the first place? Discuss the audience and the purpose of the speech. Include the values, attitudes, beliefs of the audience and/or the speaker and any events of the day which had a direct impact or correlation with the subject matter of the speech. Include parenthetical documentation.
Body Paragraph #3
Identify one major appeal in the speech and seamlessly incorporate this quote into your paper. Be sure to explain if the quote is an example of a logical, ethical, or emotional appeal. Link the quote to your thesis statement (the goal of the speech). Include parenthetical documentation.
Body Paragraph #4
Identify a second major appeal that is used and do the same as in paragraph #3 above. Include parenthetical documentation.
Conclusion- Paragraph #5
How does the speaker conclude his speech? What strong argument is used? Include this quote from the speech in your conclusion. Finally, was this speech ultimately effective? Explain the historical significance of the speech and its impact on our history and/or lasting legacy. Your conclusion should be thought-provoking and tie into your thesis statement. Include parenthetical documentation.
Turn in your research paper in this order:
1)Clean, edited two to three page final draft with “Original Title” and complete heading; please type- double space, an use size 11 or 12 font; be sure to include parenthetical documentation
2)Works Cited Page using proper MLA format- use and document at least two sources
3)Completed rough draft
4)Handwritten notes taken while in the library