Spring Provider Briefing 2016 - Feedback from providers on information sharing.
What information do/could we share and with whom?
Integrated health review/ learning journeys/daily diaries/ share info with other settings that the child’s attends/talk to teachers on a daily bases/ age of child/details of incidents/ any information that is relevant to keeping the child safe with other settings that the child’s attends i.e. other childminders, pre-schools/progress summaries/ sharing concerns about health or development/ speech therapists/SENCO/ schools / school nurse/ observations/ Home Start/Safeguarding Board/ parents/ family support workers/ Specialist Teaching Service/ school nurse/Leicestershire County Council/ allergies/ court order/ picking up arrangements/ other staff in the setting/ Care Plan/ relevant information shared/ tracking/ safeguarding concerns/ matters arising e.g. SEND/ Ofsted/ DSP- Designated Safeguarding Person/Could share safeguarding issues with LADO officers, Ofsted, Social Care etc./Educational Psychologist/ professional advice line [ Social care]/social care – looks after child/
Shared info with paediatrictics/ doctors/ health visitors.
What do we do to ensure parents understand our information sharing policies?
Policy- Permission form/ Discuss info sharing with parents at initial meetings / contracts / copy of polices available/permission form yearly / parents can read information on information sharing/ information in the parent pack/ websites/ building up good relationships face to face/trust/ monthly policy/ sign and tick allowing to share/ newsletters/ parents evening/ have policies on display for parents to read/ sign permission for information sharing on registration forms/ prospectus/ talk through with parents/ own written copy/ home language/return slip saying they have read and understood/ parent and carer folder/ information handbook/ enrolment form/ conversations with parents/ parents sign agreement to share with ‘shared practitioners’/ parents review policies/ inform parents if it does not put child at further risk/ build parents trust that we only share info when appropriate to appropriate people or professionals/ meaningful conversations/ sharing of policies before the child begins at the setting/notice board for parents on safeguarding/ inform of updates to policies/ refer back to policy’s when talking to parents about practice or incidents/ send out to all parents via email/ parents informed as part of information sharing that this does include other settings their child attends/ build rapport and open communication.
How do you ensure staff understand the policies?
Regular re-read/update and review/ induction/ training/ cascading/ updates/ meetings/ supervisions/ appraisals/ open door/ keeping communication open and transparent/ staff confident to approach others/ ensure they understand what is read – use of diaries?? /testing staff / staff sign to say read/policy of the month/ read them regularly and sign to say they have read them/ staff meetings/use Safeguarding Competency Framework/ sharing culture within the nursery/ visual prompts [ could be posters]/ questioning/ observing practice/staff acknowledgement/ who to go to in-house or out/ external help/ out of hours/ staff meeting where concerns are discussed/ staff meetings to check policies are understood or to reflect on policies/information is co-ordinated by the safeguarding co-ordinator/ hand-outs/activities/ Safeguarding quiz/ discuss/share any areas they are not sure about/ staff sign confidentiality agreement/meaningful conversations/ training links back to policies/
What actions have you identified?
Check what is included in our information sharing policy
Constantly keeping up to date with info / needing to communicate/ sharing information
Make social networking policy
Increase record keeping
Keep up to date with new legislation and initiatives
Will use modern technology to engage parents – text email
Add reason to share information or not information to forms
Make sure you are up to date with all relevant information – research, speak to others
Lack of info/support with new/referred children who already have identified need for support [ from other agencies]
Do all staff really understand policies?
Test staff
People do not read policies
A signature does not display understanding
Revision of policies even in the absence of change
How do we ensure parents understand? – care of duty poster?/ advise of obligation to share.