Library news ….

Spring into action and shop at the Book Fair!!!

Our spring book fair starts Thursday, February 12th and ends Monday,

February 23rd.

Hours are: 9:00am to 4:00pm daily.

Stop by and browse, this is a great opportunity to get an early start on Easter and help the Easter bunny with some awesome gift ideas. Books are a great choice for any Easter basket and unlike candy they’re good for you.

I look forward to seeing you there and as always thank you for your continued support.

OurBookFlixsubscription has been renewed and covers home usage.

The website is:

Username: pves

Password: bookflix

If you have not already done so, check it out, it is really a fun site and a number of the available books are also AR books, a link is provided right from our Destiny homepage.

Speaking of AR, parents please sign up to receive notifications via e-mail or text message to stay up to date with your child’s AR requirements. I have provided links to AR, as well as a number of other helpful resources on our Destiny homepage at and click on Pleasant Valley School.

Username: student ID number (from Infinite campus – link is provided on the Destiny homepage) and password: student’s last name. You may also download the Destiny Quest app for easy access.

Lastly I would like to express my deep appreciation to all our students and families for contributing to our penny-drive during the past holiday season. This was our fourth year and we collected a total of $1,500.00 for our friends at Mbogo school in Soysambu, Kenya, the largest amount so far. The money has been transferred and is much appreciated. It will go a long way towards food and school supplies and as I mentioned previously, every penny goes to the kids, there is no overhead or administrative cost!

A very heartfelt THANK YOU to all of you for your contribution to the welfare of children half a world away.It really shows our communities values and true commitment to our school mission to foster global citizens.

Thank you to Lisa Johnson at the Tamarac Junction for counting all those pennies by individual classes, giving us a total amount in no time at all and without charging for this service. Thank you as well to Mrs. Fenn and Mrs. Giolito, our library shelf elves for making this connection possible.

January is Award month in the world of Children’s Literature and the winners for 2015will be announced shortly, to see a complete list of all Winners and Honor Books click on the ALA awards link on our Destiny homepage.

In the spirit of this year’s Reading Week theme “GOT BOOKS?”

I say: “Our library does!” Come in and check them out.

Mrs. Pirtle