July 17, 2017
CALL TO ORDER: The monthly meeting of the Spring Garden Township Zoning Hearing Board was held on Monday, July 17, 2017 in the Township Municipal Building, 340 Tri Hill Rd., York, PA. Present:
James McMillion
Earl Quance Devon Myers, Esq., Zoning Solicitor
Anthony Foster Linda Keller, Director of Community Dev. & Planning
Michael Barton Kelly Ryan, Key Reporters
3 people in the audience
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the May 15, 2017 meeting were approved on a motion by Mr. Barton, second Mr. Quance. There were no public comments. Motion passed Yes-3, No-0 (Mr. Foster abstained).
a. Application #125-07-17: Anstine’s Home Made Candy has applied for a Variance to Section 310.15.D(2) to install a parking lot across property lines, Section 310-15.B(1) for the reduced number of parking spaces, Section 310-15.A(2) for the driveway entrance width, Section 310-9.D for reduction in Open Space criteria and increase in paved area criteria. The properties are located at 1901 and 1909 S. Queen Street and is zoned Commercial.
David Heltzel, Elizabeth Currier & Anna Currier were present for this application. Mr. Heltzel explained that they wish to improve the public safety for their customers to the candy store by installing a parking lot. Their current parking situation is 3 head-in spaces along Hillcrest Road, and the cars hang out into the cartway of the street. The new parking lot would provide more and better parking, but also needs some variances approved. Photos were presented and explained.
Exhibit A – Photo 1 shows the proposed driveway entrance width as 20’ and not 24’ because of an existing fire hydrant on one side and a huge utility pole on the other, limiting the access width.
Photo 2 shows the steepness of the back yard
Photo 3 shows the area in back of the building and the existing fence
Photo 4 shows the existing 3 parking spaces along Hillcrest Road and how the cars extend into the cartway
Exhibit B – Photo 1 is the area behind the store where the Planning Commission recommended that the handicap space be located.
Photo 2 shows the elevation of the concrete decking where a 70’ walkway would need to be installed for handicap accessibility
Photo 3 is the existing 6’ high privacy fence on the adjacent property. No additional screening is proposed.
Photo 4 indicates the slope of the cartway and the back yard. This is good for stormwater management area but bad for the handicap accessibility.
Exhibit C – Photo 1 shows the current entrance to the store.
Photo 2 is the two spaces used by the residents of the house.
Photo 3 shows the front of the building and the sign.
Photo 4 shows the entire cartway on Hillcrest Road.
The new parking lot will have up to 10 parking spaces with stormwater management, lighting, curbing, and a handicap space (per the Planning Commission recommendation). The desire is to put the handicap space at the entrance to the store, and this is supported by the Township Public Works Supervisor and Township Chief of Police (for an ordinance amendment). They would also lose 2 parking spaces in the lot if the handicap space needed to be located there.
Mr. Quance asked if the Met-Ed pole could be relocated. Mr. Heltzel replied that it is an excessive cost to move the pole. Mr. Barton asked if the handicap space could be located as far off the cartway as possible. Mrs. Keller noted that there is on-street parking permitted on Hillcrest Road.
Mr. McMillion asked how many customers they may have at high season. Ms. Currier replied approximately 15 to 20 at one time around Valentine’s Day s their high season. The customers do park in the parking lot of Crimson Grill, but pedestrian traffic across Hillcrest Road is very dangerous.
Atty. Myers asked how the parking was calculated. Mr. Heltzel stated that 7 spaces are required for the store, 4 for employees, and 4 for the two residences for a total of 15 parking spaces. They could plan to have the employees park across the street and leave the new parking lot open for customers if needed.
Atty. Myers identified two more Exhibits for the record. Exhibit D shows the handicap space in the back of the building and Exhibit E shows the handicap space at the store entrance.
There were no further questions or comments. Motion Mr. McMillion/ second Mr. Barton to approve the Variances as requested with the following conditions:
1. A cross-easement agreement between 1901 and 1901 S. Queen Street must be recorded.
2. Stormwater management plan must be approved by the Township Engineer.
3. The handicap space may be located in front of the store entrance as noted on Exhibit E.
4. The handicap space is to be signed to restrict the entrance to the spot from the Queen Street end of the property headed down Hillcrest Road. There were no questions or comments. Motion carried.
Yes-4, No-0.
OTHER BUSINESS: Atty. Myers noted that an appeal was filed by Mr. Karl Christianson on the Vaughn Winter variance approval for a garage. The two neighbors are working on a settlement.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 7:55 p.m.
Submitted by,
Linda S. Keller, Director of
Community Development & Planning