PPG Meeting 22nd April 2015 – Notes and Actions
In Attendance:
Dr Page –PVS, Richard Kent - PVS
Bev Gilman (Joint Chair), Mandy Dakin (Joint Chair), John Court, Vicki Court, Hilary Khan,
Thomas Morris, Peter Reid, Sharad Vora,
Heather Norris, Margaret Norris, Kay Sims,
Notes from the last meeting were reviewed and agreed.
Practice Update:
CQC –The inspection was on 4th November and the practice team feel it went quite well. There were a few minor areas for improvement identified by CQC, but no major concerns were fed back on the day. The full report should be published in the New Year. Richard and Dr Page thanked Bev and Mandy for taking the time to come in and see the inspectors to give a PPG view on the practice, the inspectors stated this was very helpful.
DNAs –Richard presented the DNA figures (attached). It was suggested that we display this information in the surgery, with details of cost to the NHS of each DNA.
Peter suggested using a dedicated phone to receive texts for appt cancellations and publicise this in the surgery and on the website. Richard and Dr Page agreed to look into this and also if the EMIS appointment system could be used to facilitate it.
Telephony –The practice has received quotes from a number of companies for upgrades to the telephone system and these are currently being reviewed to select a preferred supplier. The current contract runs until March 2016, so the timing of any upgrade will need to consider this.
Pre-Diabetes –The Federation pre-diabetes team have been into the practice and issued 228 invitation letters. So far 30 people have responded, expressing an interest in attending the education sessions.
Peter mentioned that these are all run on week days and this might make it difficult for working people to attend. Richard explained that it is a pilot at this stage and there may be opportunities to arrange future sessions in the evenings or at weekends.
Self-Help/Healthy Eating Group –Richard explained that the practice had reviewed Sharad’s proposals, but do not think this is feasible at present mainly because of the certification, insurance, practice liability issues it may raise. It was suggested Sharad could include some tips and recipes in the newsletter.
Thomas also raised the issue he had in trying to book an appointment or get a call back from the Dr. Richard noted this and stated he would discuss with the reception team.
Bev suggested that we try and make the newsletter more regular and frequent, it was agreed the group would aim to produce a ¼ly newsletter. The newsletter will include a practice update and GP topic (Bev to suggest ideas for the Drs to write), Sharad’s Healthy eating tips and a recipe, a patient story (potentially one of the group to write the first article and invite contributions from patients.)
Richard agreed to ensure the PPG section of the website was kept up to date. However this will be a case of uploading new information supplied by group members and checking content expiry dates etc.
Bev will send out a template for all to complete for members to supply;
- Preferred days/availability for meetings and events
- Skills
- Areas of interest
- etc.
This will not commit anyone but will help with planning.
Increasing Membership:
The group discussed ways of trying to increase membership, these include:
- Open invite to all patients with floating attendance accepted
- Use Patient survey to raise profile
- Noticeboard display to include invite for members
- Noticeboard to include meeting dates, agendas and notes
- Cards on reception and in waiting areas explaining role of PPG and inviting members
(Bev will draft this and Richard will organise printing)
Forums and Networks:
Bev gave some brief feedback on the PPG locality forum and area network meetings.
The locality forum are continuing to plan Health Awareness days with the next one identified being Kidney Health on in June 2016.
John and Vicky attended the last LLR Network meeting and said it was informative and interesting.
All are welcome to attend, but no commitment or expectation to attend. Bev will circulate dates.
The potential for events to raise funds for the practice was discussed. All to suggest ideas. Sharad currently ruins a charity Wargames event and said he could organise one with proceeds to come to the practice.
Richard and Dr Page made it clear that this would need to be for equipment that is over and above normally expected services or equipment as part of the practices NHS contract. The partners will discuss at their next meeting and come up with some ideas.
Patient Voice:
It was suggested that each meeting has a Patient Voice section for patients to air their experiences either good or bad. This could either be in person or by submitting something in writing.
Future Meetings:
The frequency of meetings was discussed and it was agreed that they would be held every two months, Dr Page will attend alternate meetings.
We will aim to make future agenda shorter and more focussed, it was accepted that this meetings agenda needed to be longer to cover all points to set a forward direction and re-focus the group and meetings.