Thursday, May 5, 2016, 6:30 p.m. – Public Hearing
Attendees:Yvonne Wright, Joseph Fuchsel, Joan Durfey, Robert Buckner, James Tilson, Megan Brotherson, Carl Sedlak, Doug Durfey, Alison Anderson, Russ Allen, Jim Phillips and Dixie Earl-Deputy Recorder.
Prayer: Joseph Fuchsel
Roll Call: Council Members Kimberly Stewart, Keith Coltharp, and Neil Sorensen; Mayor Jack Monnett. Meeting began with a full quorum. Council Members Whit Allred and Cody Harmer arrived at 6:45.
Council Member Coltharp - Financial Overview
Mayor Monnett opened the Public Hearing and turned the time over theCouncil Member Coltharpto review and explain his findings after reviewing the different accounts and their expenditures. Last year it was projected to make an $80,000.00 withdrawal. Each fund was evaluated and major cost drivers were broken out for 2016. There is actually a reduction of $10,000.00. Some of the funds that were not used were moved to other areas. The questions were raised, “then why did our budget go up?” Some of the reasons include the litigation costs of payroll, overtime, attorney fees, data provided, and copies. Council Member Coltharp opened up for questions. Joseph Fuchselasked, “If there was money to buy a $7-8,000.00 radiation meter?” Council Member Coltharp stated that that was not budgeted for the next budget year. Yvonne Wright questioned if the Miss Spring City Scholarship fund will be carried over each year. She explained that the girls might not use the scholarship year they win and would need to be held for their use in the future. After discussion, Council Members agreed the scholarship money should be held in reserved for this purpose.Council Member Sorensen questioned if the grant for the Old Fire House and the DUP Building was applied. The grant is not concluded and has $4-5,000.00 remaining. We are over on the power department budget, but there will be an insurance reimbursement of $12,000.00for the lighting strike, which will help the power budget. Council MemberColtharpstated that we still have three more months of income coming in. Carl Sedlak asked about the City Utility costs. Council Member Coltharp stated that we have to take meter readings and bill the City for the utility usage, there is an offsetting revenue that makes it a wash, making it a book transaction. Carl Sedlak asked about the Fire Department budget and Council Member Harmer expressed concern that the grant money was not applied to the Fire Department budget. Council Member Coltharp explained the accounting methods used to track grant money and the expenditures of the grant money. Joseph Fuchsel asked what monies were spent on the Bluegrass Festival. Council Member Coltharp explained that the City paid the performers $4,000.00 and that money was all paid back from the proceeds of the Festival. All accounting for the Bluegrass Festival followed general accepted accounting principles.Council Member Coltharp explained the $15,000.00 delta in the power department, volunteer firefighter’s pay, cemetery budget funds, Old School Bonds and the FOHSC reimbursements of those payments.Yvonne Wright asked to clarify what money she could spend in the events budget before the end of the current budget year. It determined that she could spend up to the $5500.00 that was budgeted.Council Member Coltharp asked if there were not any other comments or concerns in the 2015-2016 budget.
Recommendation of 2016-2017 Draft Budget
Council Member Coltharp explained that the City spent a lot of money on all the legal fees and expenses and so looking at the 2014 budget year was helpful to review a more normal spending pattern. Looking at the electrical enterprises, we will need to hire an apprentice to prepare for Kent Kummer’s retirement. Payroll to cover a new lineman apprentice would cost $62,000.00 includes benefits such as basic medical and $14-16,000.00 for training. The starting rate for an apprentice would be about $20.00/hrs. Several people expressed that it was risky to train an apprentice lineman with the chance that they could leave forother employment after the City has invested in them. It was agreed that there would be no guarantee that the lineman would stay. There is not a real clear answer and the City will need to discuss and consider all options. The 2016-2017 electrical budgetwas made revenue neutral; we will need to increase the electrical revenue by $64,000.00. The budget for 2017 went up by $22,000.00. We will need to bring into the general fund $93,000.00, we have $1,000,000.00 in savings and we will have to decide if we want to use the savings for these budget items or do budget cuts. Friend of Historic Spring City has done such a fantastic job with the Old School restoration and insured that the City does not have any out-of-pocket expenses; the City would like to donate to FOHSC of $1000.00 each year. The Police Department has submitted budget items including handguns. Police Chief Christensen explained that there are legal issues if the officers are using their own handguns. Joan Durfey questioned the budget line of special projects and the Hansen Crypt. Durfey expressed that she believed that the Hansen Crypt repairs should be the responsibility of the family. Mayor Monnett stated that most of the $10,000.00 marked for special projects would be spent on signage for the City.Joseph Fuchsel asked for explanation on the enclosure controller.The $17,000.00 was spent in the 2016 budget and will be installed in the next two weeks. This expense will not be needed in the 2017 budget, only small upgrades. Diesel fuel prices was very low so the City tanks were filled and should last for about three years. With the hiring of a part-time Deputy Treasurer, there will not be anticipated any over-time. The recreation budget includes money for equipment that is missing. Council Member Sorensen stated that if at the current rate of $93,000.00, if drawn every year, would take 10 years to use up all of our savings and so it will not screw up our budget with a withdrawal this year. Council Member Coltharp suggested that we make a priority list and start checking it off even if it takes five years to do it. Carl Sedlakasked Council Member Harmer if the Fire Department would be able to make it on a $15,000.00 budget this year. Council Member Harmer and Coltharp explained that the 2016 budget year had wildland training in St. George. Council Member Harmer would like to encourage training, red card certification and the purchase of extrication equipment for the fire fighters and would like to budget a certain amount of money to go into a PTIF every year to save for additional Fire Department expenses. We are also making plans to make money for the fire department. Carl Sedlak asked if the City was going to do anything with the Memorial Park. Council Member Coltharp stated that he dropped it from the budget but the City would be looking for grants for this project. There is also a budget of $10,000.00 budgeted for the hydo power pin stock and $6,500.00 for professional and technical services that could be spent on the BYU capstone project. To use this money, it will need to be brought to the attention ofCouncil Member Sorensen and put on the Council Agenda to be voted on. The City will need to look for grants to help with the hydo goals. The City has $200,000.00 to be used for the City’s grant matching portion.
Motion to adjourn to Council Meetingwas made by Council Member Sorensen.
Spring City Council Meeting Minutes
Thursday, May 5, 2016, 7:00 pm
Recommendation of 2015-2016 Final Budget Amendments
Council Member Sorensen motioned to approve the recommendations for the 2015-2016 budget. Council Member Stewart seconded the motion. All were in favor.
Recommendation of 2016-2017 Draft Budget
Council Member Sorensen motioned to table the recommendation of the 2016-2017 draft budget until the June Council Meeting. Council Member Stewart seconded the motion. All were in favor
Resolution 2016-09 Six-County Pre-Disaster Mitigation Plan
Mayor Monnett read the resolution. Council Member Coltharp expressed that he did not want to sign/agree on a plan that he has not read. Jim Phillipswas asked to explain the resolution. Phillips recommended that the City obtain a copy and read it before signing. Council Member Sorensen motioned to table the Resolution 2016-09 Six-County Pre-Disaster Mitigation Plan until more information can be reviewed. Council Member Allred seconded the motion. All was in favor.
Colin and Cherrie Campbell – Business License
After reviewing the business application for the Soda Fountain, Council Member Stewart made a motion to approve the business license for Colin Campbell. Council Member Sorensen seconded the motion. All were in favor.
Niesha Peterson – Zoning Permit
After reviewing the Zoning Permit application for new construction, Council Member Stewart motioned to approve the Zoning Permit for Niesha Peterson located at 550 East 900 North. Council Member Sorensen seconded the motion. All were in favor.
Douglas Fryer – Zoning Permit
After reviewing the Zoning Permit for a garage addition for Douglas Fryer. Council Member Sorensen motioned to approve the Zoning Permit for Douglas Fryer located at 320 East 600 South. Council Member Allred seconded the motion. All were in favor.
Ann Wilson – Property Split
After a discussion and review of the small strip of land located in front of the Fryer and Fleming properties, Council Member Harmer made a motion to approve the property split for Ann Wilson. Council Member Allred seconded the motion. All were in favor.
Mayor, Council, and Department Reports
Council Member Allred reported that the Recreation Department was buying the needed baseball and softball equipment. Time was given to Yvonne Wright to report on the upcoming events. Wright questioned if the City could hire someone to set up the sound system that is owned by the City. This system will be needed for upcoming events. The parade announcer was positioned by the DUP building and only the people close by could hear them. Can we buy a repeater that will allow the whole parade route to hear.Mayor Monnett stated that he would ask Kent Kummer about the sound system. Parking issues on Main Street during the parade was discussed. Wright spoke with Chief Christensen, he was suggested that signs be posted stating “No Parking on Main Street”. Council Member Allred reported that the Spring Monument restoration was going well and there will be a Public Hearing on May 12, 2016 on the Spring Monument.
Council Member Harmer reported that the Fire Department is doing well. There will be some Fire Department members getting their Red Cards.
Council Member Sorensen reported that the work on the drainage system on Main Street at the Monument is continuing. Jim Bennett is working on opening the roads on 800 and 900 North and 300 and 400 East due to people moving in the area. Jones and DeMille gave the go ahead to clean the Burks Spring. The flow is about 60 gallons a minute coming into Spring City, indicating that there might be some problems. The pump was installed but it can only run it on manual mode. The electricians are working on getting it running automatically. We are getting 21 gallons a day flow last month, when we turn on the cemetery water we will need to turn on the water pumps.
Council Member Coltharp reportedthe dumpster have been ordered for the City Clean-up, they will be available until full. The chemical toilets have been ordered for May 28th. Allison Anderson, president of the FOHSC reported that all was going well for the upcoming Heritage Day. The banners will be here this next week. KUTV filmed a segment for Heritage Day. The Eccles awarded a grant for $100,000.00 towards the $285,000.00 matching grant through the CIB for the Old Spring City Restoration. The match needs to be raised by July of 2017. Anderson felt confident that funds would be raisedsufficiently. $1,2500.00 was donated by Colin and Cherrie Campbell along with a commitment from the Hwy 89 fund for $25,000.00. A private art show was also heldto raise funds.
Council Member Stewartreportedthat she is switching the website host to blue host at half the cost of GoDaddy host site. The site will be totally revamped with the goal of branding the City and creating an up-to-date look that will be cohesive. The site will be easier to access by everyone.
Mayor Monnett reported the bids for the second phase of the Old School would be opened at the next council meeting, on June 2nd. A committee will be formed to review the bids and make a recommendation for the Council to vote on. He stated that they hope to make a decision very quickly and the bid will probably be awarded at a Council Meeting called for June 9th. Dixie Earl is the Treasurer and Deputy City Recorder and Jim Phillips is our new Deputy Treasurer.
Resolution 2016-10 Banner-Policy Amendment
After a careful review and discussion of the Banner ResolutionCouncil Member Sorensen motionednot to exceed 8 weeks, or at the discretion of City Council. Council Member Stewart seconded the motion. All were in favor.
Review Delinquent Utility Accounts
There were no delinquent utility accounts that needed reviewed.
Victoria Drake/ Sugarplum Cottage
Council Member Harmer reviewed the issues with Sugarplum Cottage located at 600 East and 400 North. The business-license compliance issues include; that it is a home business that is not run by the person who owns the business and does not live in the home, the business is run until 1:00 am. Council Member Sorensen made a motion to send a notification that Sugarplum Cottage was in clear violation of the Home Business ordinances and will have 30 days to remedy the non-compliance issues. Council Member Allred seconded the motion. All were in favor.
Public Comments
Doug Durfey stated that he wanted to make sure that the Safe Route to School (SRTS) grant continue, Council Members assured that it would. He also expressed that he would like to see the master plan revisions continue. He offered to write a draft copy for the Planning and Zoning to review and revise.
Approval of Minutes – April 7, 2016
Council Member Sorensen motioned to approve the minutes of April 7, 2016. Council Member Allred seconded the motion. All were in favor.
Payment of Bill
Council Member Coltharp motioned to accept the payment of the paid bills.Council Member Sorensen seconded the motion. All were in favor.
Council Member Sorensen motioned to adjourn the City Council Meeting at 10:05pm
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