The following details will help participants prepare for involvement in the 2018 edition of “The Rum and Rhythm™ Benefit”. Please read carefully and let us know if you have any questions. We look forward to your participation and to raising the bar again this year!

This information is available on the website at

Participants may register on site for this event.


Rum and Rhythm™ Benefit will take place on Saturday, June 23rd, 2018 at “Canvas Venue”, 1381 Castlefield Avenue, Toronto, ON. The event will begin at 6:30pm and end at 11:00pm.


The venue will be available to participants for set up beginning at 2:00pm.


Each tasting station will be provided with one (1)prep table and one (1) table for serving. Participants will be notified of the location of their stations upon arrival at the event.


Lounge participants will have sufficient space to host a Mixologist and a Chef to do samplings within the Lounge area. They will also have added décor, tables and seating. The Event organizer and the Event Planning Committee will meet separately with Lounge Participants to provide additional details. A limited number of Lounges are available and will be awarded on a first come first served basis.


The Event Organizer will provide custom signage for each space. In order to maintain the integrity of the event, additional signage and banners will not be allowed. However, participants may place small, elegant promotional material such as Recipe Books, Branded Cards or Tent Signs on the table for display purposes. These are subject to approval by the Event Organizer.


All tables will be covered in white linen, and each station will be provided with a large floral arrangement, but participants may enhance the appearance of theirspace with appropriate décor. While participants may cover the top of their table, they may not completely cover the table as we have designed the entire space to reflect a consistent,elegant LOOK and FEEL.


If you are doing Rum Tastings, we ask that you haveone (1) Case of theRum you will serve from your Station. The Event Organizer will provide plastic shot glasses for sampling. However, you may bring your own branded Tasting shot glasses – please so indicate on the attached Participant Agreement Form.


There will be 1 main bar. We are requesting that you provide us with at least one (1) bottle of your Rum for the main bar, so that attendees maystill sample your brand even when not at your Tasting Station. MIXED DRINKS must be poured from the bar, by the facilities staff. Tasting stations are not equipped to accommodate the mixing of drinks. If you plan to have a Mixologist, we can arrange to have him or her in the bars for a limited period of time. Note that Only Lounges will be equipped to have mixologists.


If you sponsored a Specialty Cocktail, your featured Cocktail will be one of the drinks that attendees will sample as they enter the event space. That Cocktail will also be the featured drink for one (1) hour from the Bar. There will be signage at the Bar to recognize the sponsorship which will also be announced from the Stage by the host.


If you are serving Food, you are responsible for all costs associated with the selection and preparation of your dishes. RECOMMENDATION: Note that we are catering for 200 people – we ask that you prepare200 servings per item.

The Event Organizer will provide cocktail size plates, small bowls, forks, knives, spoons and napkins for each Food Tasting Station, based on the item(s)you have indicated that you will serve. We will reserve your utensils and cutlery based on your submitted Participant Agreement Form attached to this document. The organizers will provide you with an initial quantity which may be replenished from the Supplies station.

We have the use of the kitchen however, since we anticipate several Chefs, we will still arrange to have proofing boxes for use by participants. They will be located in one of the 2nd floor rooms off the main event area. The empty containers for the chafing dishes may be stored there as well, since they must be removed from the event floor before doors open to the public.


Participants will be responsible for securing chafing dishes. CTO will provide sternos. You may have your orders delivered to the venue any time after 9:00am on Saturday, June 23rd. The venue will not accept deliveries before Saturday. Please ensure that your packages are labeled correctly. Upon delivery, your orders will be placed in the space identified for you.

We can set up a special order request agreement with a catering supply company. We will advise you of the name of the company so that you may place your order with them. Hopefully that will facilitate the delivery and pick up.


This year again, we will stage the Chef Contest. Food at the event will be judged by a panel of 3 judges based on the following: Taste, Plating and Originality. Additional information will be provided later.


Each fully paid single tasting Station will receive an allocation of FIVE(5) PASSES. Double Stations will receive a total of SEVEN (7) PASSES. Lounges will receive an allocation of TEN (10) PASSES.

Unless you wish to collect and distribute your passes and tickets, personally, the Event Organizer will needa legible breakdown of all of thenames of the people to whom the passes will be assigned. Please identify the individualsworking the event who will receive a WRISTBAND which they must wear at all times during the event. Anyone on the Participant’s listwho is NOT working the eventwill have their hand STAMPED.

Note that Security will be instructed not allow anyone to access the Eventunless they are wearing a Wristband or have a Stamp on their hand. There will be NO exceptions. This includes people manning your Tasting Station(s) or Lounge, Staff, Volunteers, and other personnel.

This distinction between the workers – chefs, mixologists, servers, etc. - and other guests is important for our record keeping purposes.


If you purchased tickets either through the CTO office, or online, these will be available at WILL CALL upon arrival at the venue on the day of the event.The tickets will be held in your name. You understand that the staff manning the Registration desk may not know the people to whom you would like tickets distributed. If you purchased multiple tickets and would like them distributed on your behalf, please provide the staff with a legible listing of the names of the people they should allow entry to the event. Please ask your guest to be prepared to show ID, to expedite the on-site process. We will not accommodate people claiming a ticket whose name does not appear on the list you provide. Please also be prepared to receive a call from your guest(s) to come and facilitate their entry into the event, if necessary.


9:00amVenue begins to accept deliveries

2:00pm–6:00pmParticipant Set-up.

6:30pmEvent opens to the Public

11:00pmEvent concludes– Breakdown commences immediately at the end of the event. Please note that NO breakdown is allowed until 11:00pm. ALL Participants must comply with this policy to avoid any inconvenience to guests. Everything must be removed from the venue by Midnight. There is no overnight storage at the venue.


The Event Organizer requires all Participants, Chefs and Caterers to read, understand and abide by the Food Safety Guidelines listed below. Participants must sign the Agreement on behalf of the Chefs and/or Caterers that will be handling Food at the event. It is the obligation of Chefs and Caterers representing the Participant to transport, prepare, store and serve food safely.

  • For health and safety reasons, all food brought in from off-site must be prepared in a licensed and inspected commercial kitchen.
  • Food must be maintained at proper temperatures at all times, including in-transit. Hot food must be kept at 141 degrees or above and cold foods at 39 degrees or below.
  • Use tongs, forks, napkins, disposable gloves, etc. to handle food.
  • Ice used for cooling food or beverages may not be used in drinks or for human consumption.
  • Foods being stored on ice must be protected from melted ice.
  • Food not being immediately consumed must be covered and properly stored.
  • All preparation equipment and storage containers must be commercial grade.


  1. Contact information for the Mixologist (Name, Telephone, Email). Note that the Participant may be the contact for the Mixologist. In that case, we will expect to get the details from you.
  2. Bio
  3. High Resolution Photo (head shot)
  4. Logo (if applicable)
  5. Details of the Cocktail beverage that will be served


  1. Contact information for the Chef (Name, Telephone, Email)
  2. Bio
  3. High Resolution Photo (head shot)
  4. All menu items
  5. Indicate which items will be Passed and which Served at the Station
  6. If served at the Station, the Chef MUST provide all Chafing equipment and serve ware.

Canvas uses The Food Dudes exclusively at this venue. If you choose to use them as your caterer


  1. Contact information – please provide contact name at The Food Dudes, 647-340-3833,
  2. High Resolution logo
  3. All menu items
  4. Quantities of each serving
  5. Indicate which items will be Passed and which Served at the Station
  6. If served at the Station, the Caterer MUST provide all Chafing equipment and serving ware.
  7. Please prepare quantities, based on the recommendation in the FOOD section above.

All participants must complete and sign this form.

By signing this form you affirm that you have read, understood and will adhere to the Event requirements outlined in this document.

Company Name:

Contact: ______Cell Phone:

Email: Signature:______Date:

I wish participate at the following level: **Note: all prices are in CAD dollars, inclusive of HST**
[__] Government Member
( ) Food or Rum Station – $ 500 ( ) Food and Rum Station– $1,000( ) Lounge – $2,000
[__] Private Sector Member
( ) Food or Rum Station – $750( ) Food and Rum Station – $1,250( ) Lounge – $2,250
[__] Non-Member
( ) Food or Rum Station – $1,000 ( ) Food and Rum Station – $1,500( ) Lounge– $2,500
[__] Individual Ticket– $65 each until May 31st, 2018 ($75 each after June 1st, 2018)
[__] I am interested in providing entertainment. Attached is information on the entertainer, equipment and other necessities to enable you to provide us with an estimate of the associated additional costs.
[__] I wish to sponsor a Specialty Cocktail for $300.00
Charge my: (__) AMEX (__) MC (__) VISA
Credit Card Number: ______CVV #:_____ Expiration Date: ______
Cardholder Name: ______Signature: ______Date:
If paying by cheque, indicate the CHQ#: ______, make the cheque payable to CTO Foundation, Inc. and mail it with a copy of the registration form to:
Nancy Drolet | Caribbean Tourism Organization
137 Birchlawn Rd. | Bolton, ON L7E 3W3 | Email: | Tel: 905-857-1986
HST Registration # 85826 2900