Spring 2016 Smithsonian Research Semester Application
The Research Semester consists of a full time commitment in which 12-15 hours of upper level Biology credits may be earned. A student entering the research semester will register for: BIOL 314 (Introduction to Research Design and Analysis, 4 credits), BIOL 498 (Research Seminar, 2 credits), and BIOL 499 (Research in Biology, 6-9 credits). The time and location concerning BIOL 314 and 498 will be determined based on student schedules. Research may be conducted at the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute campus at Front Royal, Virginia or at the National Zoo in Washington, D.C. depending on the location of the research mentor’s laboratory. A student must register for all three courses (12-15 credits) and may register for only one additional course beyond the three biology courses (BIOL 314, 498 and 499).
To qualify for the research semester, students must be a declared Major in the College of Science, although Neuroscience majors may be accepted. Students should have successfully taken, at a minimum, BIOL 213, 214, CHEM 211-212 and one of the following: 308, 310/330 or 311. Students should have a 3.0 GPA in their science courses.
Once a student is selected, we the Department of Biology will help arrange a face to face or SKYPE meeting with the Smithsonian mentor. Please fill out the following information.
Full Name (First, Middle, Last):
Phone Number:
Email Address:
1. Faculty Mentor and Research Project
Although it is not guaranteed that you will be paired with the project of your choice, you may identify up to 3 projects which are of most interest to you. Please see the list of projects (http://biology.gmu.edu) for complete descriptions. Select projects by title and last name of the potential research mentor.
Project 1:
Project 2:
Project 3:
Once your application is screened, your preferences will be forwarded to the scientists sponsoring the project. As stated above, we will try to arrange an interview for you. Once selected, you and he/she will develop a formal contract in which the project is described and expectations and a work schedule are outlined. In order to register for the research semester, the project contract must be approved by the Chair of the Department of Biology, Dr. Larry Rockwood.
Attach your written response to the essay prompt listed below:
Describe why you would like to participate in the Biology Smithsonian Research Semester and discuss your future goals. (500 words or less)
Attach your one page resume
Please send one email which includes your application, personal statement, and resume to: (Please write Biology Smithsonian Research Semester in the subject line of email)
Deadline: To ensure your spot, please submit your application as soon as possible.