Program of Lectures for the English Course 9th Semester:
Andrology, Artificial Insemination and Other Techniques of Assisted Reproduction
MONDAYSfrom 13:15 in the “HetzelHenrik auditorium”/ 12, Sept. / History and practical application of biotechnology in animal reproduction. (Solti, L.)
/ 19, Sept. / Embryo transfer I. (Importance, principles. Multiple ovulation) (Solti, L.)
/ 26, Sept. / Embryo transfer II. (Embryo recovery in different species. The morphological evaluation of recovered embryo) (Solti, L.)
/ 3, Oct. / Embryo transfer III. (Surgical and non-surgical methods for transfer of embryos in cattle and other species). (Solti, L.)
/ 10, Oct. / Embryo transfer IV. (Freezing and micromanipulation of embryos)(Solti L.)
/ 15, Oct.
SATURDAY / Principles of further advanced techniques in reproductive biotechnologyI. (sexdetermination; production of sex-sorted semen; cloning; gene manipulation techniques; production of transgenic animals) (Solti L.)
/ 17, Oct. / Principles of further advanced techniques in reproductive biotechnology II. (sexdetermination; production of sex-sorted semen; cloning; gene manipulation techniques; production of transgenic animals) (Solti L.)
/ 24, Oct. / Structure of themalereproductiveorgans. Neuroendocrineregulation of themalereproduction. Endocrine and exocrinefunction of thetesticles. Thermoregulation of thetestis. (Cseh S.)
31 October – Holiday
/ 7, Nov. / Physiology and pathology of epididymis and accessory sexual glands.The contagious epididymiditis and orchitis of rams. (Cseh, S.)
/ 14, Nov. / Artificialinsemination. I. (cattle). Semencollection, cryopreservation. (Cseh S.)
/ 21, Nov. / Artificial insemination II. (pig, small ruminants) (Cseh, S.)
/ 28, Nov. / Artificial insemination III. (rabbit, horse) (Cseh, S.)
/ 5, Dec. / Artificial insemination IV. (dog and cat) (Cseh, S.)
/ 12, Dec. / Infertility in males.(Cseh, S.)
Mid-term examinations: not intended during the 9th semester.
Preparation of the Diploma thesis
Forthosestudentswhopreparetheir diploma thesisattheDepartment of Obstetrics and ReproductionwewarmlyrecommendtoreadcarefullytheinformationmaterialprovidedbytheCentralLibrary of theFaculty (
The order of dutyatSmallAnimalReproductionClinic:
- No more than five students have a permission to participate in clinical work in examination room and/or operation room of reproduction clinic simultaneously. The order is first one first serve except the students in obligatory duty. Students have to wear a clean white cloth or any type of surgeon’s cloth which haven’t been used at clinic of infective patients, and at the Pathology Department.
- In the operation room the use of operation cap, mask and plastic foot-muff (all arranged by the students oneself) is obligatory.
- The touch, feed, drink and take for a walk of the hospitalised patients is forbidden except the agreement of the doctor of duty at the Reproduction Clinic.
- Making photos, video and sound recording of patients, treatments and any medical interventions are not allowed at the Clinic of Small Animal Reproduction. The selfies, photo recording of other students or members of the clinic are not allowed due to personality rights.
Budapest, 5 September 2016
Prof. Sandor Cseh
chair of department
C:\Documents and Settings\Szilvia\Dokumentumok\2016-17-1-felev\tematikak-16o\szul-3\obst3-en-lect-2016fall-terv.docx