CH. 23

1)5 - What was “waving the bloody shirt” and how effective was it as a campaign tactic?

2)7 – Who was Boss Tweed finally jailed – who put pressure on him by drawing political cartoons?

3)11- How did Grant manage to get re-elected in 1872, even with public knowledge of corruption within his administration and serious questions concerning his competence?

4)27- What were the main points in the Compromise of 1877 and what era did it end?

5)29 - What were the facts, issues, and ruling of the Supreme Court in the case of Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) and what doctrine did it establish?

6)31- What name was given to the legal codes that segregated the South after Reconstruction and what was most likely to happen to blacks that violated those codes?

7)43 - Why was President Garfield assassinated by Charles Guiteau?

8)45 - What was the Pendleton Act and how did Garfield’s assassination help cause the passage of the act?

9)61 - What leader came about because of economic unrest & repeal of the Sherman Silver Purchase Act?

10)64 - Who were the “forgettable Presidents” of the gilded age?

CH. 24

11)8 - How did the railroads affect the measurement of time in the US?

12)10 - What were “pools” that railroads and other corporations operated and how did they work?

13)22 - What is vertical integration and horizontal integration of business?

14)27 - What was America’s first billion-dollar corporation?

15)31 - What was the Gospel of Wealth and who wrote the book by that name?

16)34 - How did the courts interpret the 14th Amendment to help corporations (instead of ex-slaves)?

17)36 - What was the ironic primary use of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act during its first decade as law?

18)42 - What was a “Gibson Girl” and what image did “she” represent?

19)46 - Identify: the National Labor Union; the Knights of Labor; the American Federation of Labor

20)56 - What 4 factors were important in post-Civil War industrial expansion?

CH. 25

21)2 - What was the major factor drawing Americans from the nation’s farms to the cities during the late nineteenth century?

22)9 - Which two immigrant ethnic groups were treated the most harshly in the mid to late nineteenth century?

23)19 - What kinds of activities were conducted at settlement houses? (4)

24)24 - Which religious group responded most favorably to New Immigrants?

25)31 - Who was Booker T. Washington and how did he propose to advance the civil rights and opportunities of African-Americans?

26)38 - What did pragmatists emphasize?

27)39 - What impact did the industrial revolution have on life expectancy?

28)42 - How did American newspapers expand their circulation?

29)45 - What happened to family size in the late nineteenth century?

30)49 - What group was especially concerned about alcohol causing the prohibition movement to grow?

CH. 26

31)1-What promise was made by the US government to the Native Americans when treaties were reached requiring the Native Americans to surrender land?

32)7-What tribes were the following Chief’s associated with: Chief Joseph, Sitting Bull, and Geronimo?

33)11-Who wrote A Century of Dishonor and what was the point of the book?

34)16-Define assimilation and what was passed to encourage it.

35)24-Why are hydraulic engineers so important?

36)36-What was the first major farmer’s organization and what was its original purpose?

37)40-What weakened the Farmers’ Alliance?

38)50-How did the Cleveland administration justify intervention in the Pullman strike of 1894?

39)54-Who was Mark Hanna and what did he believe the prime function of the fed government was?

40)58-What was the major issue of the 1896 election and why did the Republicans win?

Ch. 27

41)5-What book was written by the US Naval Captain Alfred Thayer Mahan and what did the book argue?

42)7-Which doctrine was invoked by Secretary of State (formerly Attorney General during the Pullman Strike) Richard Olney, to justify American intervention in the Venezuelan boundary dispute with Britain?

43)12-Who was Liliuokalani and why was she removed from power?

44)19-What was the Teller Amendment?

45)25-What groups made up the Rough Riders?

46)41-What was the “Boxer Rebellion,” and how did the US respond?

47)43-Why was Theodore Roosevelt offered the Republican Vice-Presidential nomination in 1900 after becoming Governor of New York only one year earlier?

48)50-What other choice existed besides Panama as the site for the canal and how did that other nation “lose out” in the decision?

49)56-What was the Roosevelt Corollary?

50)61-What was the Gentlemen’s Agreement?

Ch. 28

51)6-What religious movement was closely linked to progressivism?

52)8-What did each of the following muckrakers write about: Lincoln Steffens; Ida Tarbell; Ray Stannard Baker; David G. Phillips; Upton Sinclair.

53)12-What did the 17th amendment call for?

54)18-What issues were addressed by women in the progressive movement? (4)

55)21-What catastrophe occurred at the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory in New York and what progressive reform resulted?

56)26-What reform was achieved by enactment of the Elkins Act and the Hepburn Act?

57)29-What was the subject of Upton Sinclair’s book, The Jungle, and what laws resulted?

58)38-How did Teddy change to office of the presidency?

59)41-What was Taft’s foreign policy called?

60)42- Why did Roosevelt decide to run for the presidency in 1912?

Ch. 29

61)8-List the candidates and their parties for the 1912 election.

62)10-Woodrow Wilson was the first ______elected to the presidency since the Civil War.

63)19-What authority did the Federal Reserve Act give to the Federal Reserve Board?

64)22-What did Samuel Gompers call the Clayton Anti-Trust act and why?

65)32-Before his first term ended, Wilson had militarily intervened in or purchased what countries? (4) pages 667-670

66)33-What two European alliances formed before 1914 and who were the members of each alliance?

67)35-How did most Americans feel about getting involved in WWI when it started?

68)37-President Wilson insisted that he would hold who to “strict accountability” and why?

69)40-What caused the death of the Bull Moose party?

70)41-What was the Sussex pledge? And what was the proviso that Germany attached to the pledge?

Ch. 30

71)2-What was the Zimmermann note?

72)3-Why did the US declare war on Germany?

73)8-Who headed each of the following agencies during World War I and what was the function of each

74)13-What two groups suffered most from the violation of civil liberties during WWI?

75)19/20-What was the 18th Amendment and 19th Amendment?

76)24-Most of the money raised to finance WWI came from what?

77)30-How did the withdrawal of Russia from World War I impact the war?

78)33-What were the TWO major battles in WWI in which US forces were engaged?

79)46-Senate opponents of the League of Nations, as proposed in the Treaty of Versailles, argued that it robbed Congress of what?

80)49-What did Warren Harding’s 1920 presidential victory mean for the League of Nations?

Ch. 31

81)1-What provoked the red scare?

82)6-The growth of the KKK was a reaction against what in American culture?

83)10-What groups did the Immigration Act of 1924 discriminate against?

84)14-With which large groups of Americans was the Volstead Act very difficult to enforce?

85)19-What charge did they finally find Al Capone guilty of?

86)22-Who was the “father of progressive education” and what did he believe to be the primary goal of the teacher?

87)29-The prosperity that developed in the 1920s was usually accompanied by what?

88)31-How did Henry Ford contribute to the economic boom of the 1920s?

89)42-Who developed Jazz music?

90)44-What was the Harlem Renaissance?

Ch. 32

91)2-What cabinet positions were held by: Charles Evans Hughes; Andrew Mellon; Herbert Hoover; Harry Daugherty; and Albert Fall?

92)7-The great event that essentially crippled organized labor throughout the 1920s was what?

93)12-What agreement was reached in the Kellogg-Briand Pact of 1928?

94)15-What was the Teapot Dome scandal and who were the key people involved?

95)20-What was the basic farm problem of the 1920s?

96)28-Since we required war debts to be paid what effect did that have on France and Britain’s treatment of Germany?

97)32-What was the mood in the US just before the stock market crash in 1929?

98)37-What was Hoover’s belief about the federal government providing direct relief or benefits to the unemployed?

99)38-What is a Hooverville?

100)44-What was the Stimson Doctrine?

Ch. 33

101)11-What were the “hundred days”?

102)14-What was the Glass-Steagall Act?

103)16-What was the single most popular New Deal program?

104)23-Why did the NRA fail?

105)25-What was the AAA and how did it propose to solve the farm problem of overproduction?

106)29-Where did most Dust Bowl migrants head to and what happened to them there?

107)30-What was the Indian Reorganization Act of 1934?

108)36-What were the provisions of the Social Security Act?

109)40-What two constitutional amendments were added early in the New Deal?

110)41-Roosevelt tried to pack the court in 1937 because he wanted to make the Supreme Court more sympathetic to what?

Ch. 34

111)1-Why did FDR refuse to go to the London Economic Conference in 1933?

112)4-What decision did FDR make about recognition of the Soviet Union and why?

113)12-What were the results of the Neutrality Acts of 1935, 1936, and 1937? (4)

114)16-What was the Quarantine Speech and how did the World and the American people react?

115)19-Shortly after Hitler signed a nonaggression pact with the Soviet Union they invaded what country?

116)22-What was Congress’s first response to the unexpected fall of France in 1940?

117)30-Why was FDR motivated to run for a third term in 1940?

118)33-What great error was made by Hitler on June 22, 1941 and how did the US react?

119)35-By 1941, Japan believed that it had no alternative to war with the US because FDR absolutely insisted that Japan withdraw from what country?

120)36-Why was the attack on Pearly Harbor such a surprise – where did FDR think it would happen?

Ch. 35

121)3-In sharp contrast to WWI, during WWII how did US feel about going to war?

122)6-Why were Japanese-Americans placed in internment camps?

123)16-How did African-Americans contribute to the war effort? (4)

124)19-By the end of WWII, the heart of the US African American community had shifted to what areas?

125)26-We finally started to change the tide of Japanese conquest in the Pacific following the Battle of ______?

126)27-What was the basic American strategy employed to regain territory from the Japanese and what is the “name” of that strategy?

127)35-What was the most positive development that came from the Sicilian/Italian campaign?

128)39-Who commanded the invasion of Normandy, what was its code name, when did it occur and was it?

129)43-What was the Battle of the Bulge?

130)49-After dropping the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and still receiving no Japanese surrender message, what modification did Truman make in the demand for unconditional surrender and did surrender soon follow?

Ch. 36

131)1-What did most Americans fear about the economy at the end of the World War II?

132)4-What partly motivated the Servicemen’s Readjustment Act (GI Bill of Rights)?

133)11-How did low energy costs impact the economy?

134)19-The huge postwar baby boom reached its peak when?

135)26-Which region of the world provided the origins for the distrust of the Soviet Union by the US and its western allies at the end of WWII?

136)33-What was the Berlin Crisis in 1948, how did the Truman administration respond, and how was the problem resolved?

137)34-Who was George F. Kennan and what was his “containment” policy?

138)36-Know what each of the following programs or alliances did to combat Communism: Point Four, NATO, Truman Doctrine, and Marshall Plan.

139)44-Why did Truman establish the Loyalty Review Board?

140)55-Why did Truman fire MacArthur and how did the episode affect Truman’s level of public support and what decision was made concerning how the war would be waged and how peace would be achieved in Korea?

Ch. 37

141)3-Explain the book The Feminine Mystique, why was it so important.

142)7-Why was Richard Nixon chosen as Eisenhower’s running mate in 1952?

143)13-Which anticommunists leader did the most to damage free speech and fair play?

144)18-What methods did African Americans use to overturn Jim Crow laws?

145)23-How did the Supreme Court rule in Brown v. Board of Education?

146)30-The Eisenhower-promoted public works project that was far larger and more expensive than anything in the New Deal was what?

147)36-What settlement was reached at the Geneva Conference following the French defeat at Dien Bien Phu in 1954?

148)38-What sparked the Suez Canal crisis in 1956 and who did we condemn as the aggressors (2 countries)?

149)39-What was the Eisenhower Doctrine?

150)42-What factor may well have tipped the electoral scales for JFK instead of Nixon in the 1960 election?

Ch. 38

151)4-Why did Kennedy promise to land a man on the moon by the end of the 1960s?

152)9-What CIA plan was carried out under Kennedy at the Bay of Pigs and how successful was the operation?

153)10-What crisis developed between the US and the Soviet Union in Cuba during October 1962, how was the crisis resolved, and what were the consequences of the crisis?

154)13-What cause did Freedom Riders try to advance?

155)17-What impact did the 1963 March on Washington have on the civil rights bill?

156)18-What did King proclaim in his “I have a Dream Speech”?

157)23-What name was given by LBJ to his domestic agenda and what were the major issues?

158)34-What did the 24th Amendment do?

159)38-What militant leader most directly challenged MLK and why?

160)48-The attempt to nominate an antiwar Democratic candidate for president in 1968 suffered a crippling blow when what happened in California?

Ch. 39

161)8-What was “Vietnamization” of the Vietnam War?

162)13-What was the 26th Amendment?

163)14-What did the Pentagon Pagers expose?

164)16-What was détente?

165)34-What was the 1973 War Powers Act?

166)38-Define Roe v. Wade.

167)47-What did the ERA fail (Phyllis Schlafly)?

168)48-How did American Indian activists try to bring attention to their cause in the 1970s?

169)52-What was the first major trouble to afflict Carter’s foreign policy?

170)58-What was the most controversial action of Gerald Ford’s presidency?

Ch. 40

171)12-What was Ronald Reagan’s essential domestic goal as president?

172)13-Who was Margaret Thatcher and what (4) goals did she share with Reagan?

173)15-Besides cutting the federal budget, Reagan’s other main domestic initiative when he took office was what?

174)17-What was the first result of Reagan’s supply side economics in 1982?

175)24-Define Glasnost and Perestroika – what did they help end?

176)25-What was the Iran-Contra Affair?

177)27-In his second term, President Reagan departed from the militantly anti-Soviet stance of his first term by negotiating what with Mikhail Gorbachev?

178)39-In response to the collapse of the Soviet Union, President George Bush called for a “new world order” where what would replace weaponry?

179)40-Why did the US join its allies in the Persian Gulf War?

180)41-What was the result of the Persian Gulf War?