Spring 2007 Gas Well Workshop Minutes of Meeting Page 2

Spring 2007 Gas Well Workshop


Meeting Date / Meeting Venue / Agenda / Minutes /
Wed. Mar. 1, 2006
12:00 pm / Face-to-Face Over Lunch / See below. / See below.
Fri. May 5, 2006
9:00 am / Teleconference / See below. / See below.
Thurs. July 20, 2006
10:30 am / Teleconference
Code 1733013 / See below. / See below.
Thurs. Aug. 17
10:00 am / Teleconference
Code 1733013 / See below. / See below.
Mon. Oct. 9
3:00 pm / Teleconference
Code 1733013 / See below. / See below.
Fri. Nov. 10
10:00 am / Teleconference
Code 1733013 / See below. / See below.
Mon. Dec. 11
10:00 am / Teleconference
Code 1733013 / See below. / See below.
Mon. Jan. 8
10:00 am / Teleconference
Code 1733013

Green --- Agenda

Gray --- Past meetings, actions completed

Yellow --- Past meeting

Light Blue – Most Recent and Upcoming meeting

1.  Meeting Attendees

·  Attendees – March 1, 2006
-  Ronda Brewer - Robert Lestz
-  Scott Campbell - Stathis Kitsios
-  Richard Christiansen - Sunder Ramachandran
-  Cleon Dunham - Lynn Rowlan
-  Ramez Guindi - Corky Vickers
-  Norm Hein - Rick Webb
-  Rick Hornsby
·  Attendees – May 5, 2006
-  Cleon Dunham - Robert Lestz
-  Jeff Everson - Lynn Rowlan
-  Larry Harms - Sunder Ramachandran
-  Rick Hornsby
·  Attendees – July 20, 2006
-  Cleon Dunham - Barry Nicholson
-  Mark Edwards - Henry Nickens
-  Gordon Gates - Sunder Ramachandran
-  Larry Harms - Lynn Rowlan
-  Norm Hein - Rick Webb
-  Rick Hornsby
·  Attendees – August 17, 2006
-  Ronda Brewer - Rick Hornsby
-  Scott Campbell - Sunder Ramachandran
-  Cleon Dunham - Lynn Rowlan
-  Mark Edwards
·  Attendees – October 9, 2006
-  Ronda Brewer - Jim Lea
-  Cleon Dunham - Tony Podio
-  Mark Garrett - Corky Vickers
-  Larry Harms
·  Attendees – November 10, 2006
-  Ronda Brewer - Rick Hornsby
-  Cleon Dunham - Jim Lea
-  Mark Edwards - Tony Podio
-  Mark Garrett - Lynn Rowlan
-  Gordon Gates - Rob Sutton (New Member)
-  Larry Harms - Rick Webb
·  Attendees – December 11, 2006
-  Cleon Dunham - Rick Hornsby
-  Mark Edwards - Lynn Rowlan
-  Mark Garrett - Rob Sutton
-  Mike Gouthe (New Member) - Corky Vickers
-  Larry Harms - Rick Webb

2.  Technical agenda for 2007

a.  Possible technical agenda session topics
b.  Possible session chair persons
c.  Other items
d.  Action items
·  Agenda/Minutes - March 1, 2006
-  Discuss possible session topics for 2007.
-  Discuss possible session chairs for 2007.
-  Technical Agenda. In general the technical agenda worked well
-  For next year, we should change the name of the “New Technology” session to “New
Developments,” since some of the presentations discussed new developments of
existing technologies.
-  Review Committee. Lynn Rowlan volunteered to be on the technical review
committee for next year. Others are Norm Hein, Cleon Dunham, and the chair of each
particular session. Are any others interested?
-  Gifts for Speakers. Scott Campbell recommended that we have nicer gifts for the
Speakers, Session Chairs, and Instructors. He also suggested nicer gifts for the
General Chair and the Keynote Speaker.
-  Scott Campbell will research nicer, but not too expensive, gifts that can be acquired
in the Denver area.
·  Agenda/Minutes – May 5, 2006
-  Technical agenda: Begin discussion of technical agenda for 2007.
-  Gifts for Speakers: Has there been any progress on this?
-  Technical Agenda: Ideas for the technical agenda at this stage include:
•  New Developments.
•  Case Histories, Best Practices
•  Chemicals
•  Automation
•  Potpourri
•  Other ideas will be considered.
-  Gifts. As previously agreed, we will offer nicer gifts to Speakers, Session Chairs, Breakout Facilitators, and Continuing Education Instructors. We will not give gifts to members of the Steering Committee, unless they serve in one of the other roles.
-  Scholarships. We will allow members of the Steering Committee to apply for a scholarship to cover part of their hotel costs, if they wish.
·  Agenda/Minutes – July 20, 2006
-  Technical Agenda. It’s time to define the tentative technical program topics for 2007.
-  Are the following topic categories OK with everyone?
·  New Developments.
·  Case Histories, Best Practices
·  Chemicals
·  Automation
·  Potpourri
-  Are there any others to be considered at this time?
-  Gifts. Is this issue under control at this time?
-  Scholarships. Is this issue under control at this time?
-  Several topics are of interest and would warrant technical presentations. Subjects include:
•  New Developments
•  Case Histories, Field Experiences, Recommended Practices
•  Chemicals
•  Artificial Lift Methods
•  CBM / Shale (Tight Gas)
•  Liquid Loading Theory / Fluid Mechanics / Basics
•  Deliquification Economics
•  Reservoir Processes Associated with Liquid Loading
•  Automation (maybe in Potpourri)
•  Potpourri
-  These various options will be listed on the initial brochure for the Workshop. When we see the list of presentations that are actually nominated, this list can be reduced to four or maximum five categories for the Workshop.
·  Agenda/Minutes – August 17, 2006
-  Are there any comments on the Workshop brochure?
-  Are people starting to send it to colleagues to solicit input on the technical format for the Workshop?
-  We already have six nominated technical presentations. Are there any comments on these?
-  Cleon Dunham will update the Workshop brochure and send it to the Steering Committee.
-  The Steering Committee should use this to communicate with potential attendees and to narrow in on the list of topics to be presented at the Workshop.
-  It will be handed out at the Fall SPE Conference in San Antonio.
-  It was agreed to purchase one of the gifts suggested by Scott Campbell for the General Chair and the Keynote Speaker.
-  Scott Campbell will bring recommendations to the next meeting on gifts for the Speakers and Continuing Education Course leaders.
-  Rick Webb had sent schematics of the Ballroom and Exhibit Room spaces at the Adams Mark Hotel. There was concern that the Ballroom looks too long and narrow.
-  Rick Webb and Scott Campbell will meet with the Hotel staff to discuss options. For example, can we rotate the seating 90o and use multiple screens? Or can we open up the Ballroom more so it isn’t so long and narrow?
·  Agenda/Minutes – October 9, 2006
-  Is the Workshop Brochure OK with everyone?
-  Scott Campbell – recommendations for gifts for the speakers.
-  Rick Webb and Scott Campbell – report on meeting with the Adams Mark hotel.
-  Currently nine presentations have been nominated. We need to push on getting more high quality presentations.
-  Corky Vickers will ask Weatherford to make a presentation on their Critical Velocity Reducer.
-  Jim Lea will ask Centrilift to make presentation on their Through-Tubing Installation for Downhole Pumps, and their Thermo-Coil Cable.
-  Cleon Dunham will check with Scott Campbell on gifts for speakers.
-  Cleon Dunham will check with Rick Webb and Scott Campbell on their meeting with the hotel.
-  Cleon Dunham will clarify the information on Course 100 in the Workshop Brochure.
·  Agenda/Minutes – November 10, 2006
-  What is the status of:
·  Weatherford on Critical Velocity Reducer.
·  Centrilift on Through-Tubing Installation and Thermo-Coil Cable.
·  Gifts for Speakers
·  Status of the Hotel
-  Is information for the Courses OK?
-  The following possible presentations were discussed:
•  A video of the unloading process from Colorado School of Mines – Marathon
•  An update on the solar powered pumping unit – BP and Echometer
•  A presentation on the Crudex Pumping Unit
•  A presentation on low volume ESP – Centrilift
•  A presentation on low cost ESPCP
•  A presentation on unloading Barnett Shale Gas Wells using Gas-Lift
•  A presentation on the history of the Barnett Shale and use of Artificial Lift
•  A presentation on automation - BP
·  Agenda/Minutes – December 11, 2006
-  There are currently five open slots in the Technical Agenda.
-  Are all of the ones that are currently listed OK?
-  What about some of the suggestions presented last month? Are any of these going to happen?
-  It would be good to have a presentation on the Barnett Shale.
-  Note: Since Dec. 11, we have received five new nominations, including one from Lynn Rowlan on the Barnett Shale.
-  So at this time, the program is tentatively full.
-  If we receive any more, we will need to: (a) place them on the waiting list, (b) expand the program, or (c) make some hard choices.

3.  Continuing education for 2007

a.  Possible continuing education topics
b.  Possible continuing education instructors
c.  Other items
d.  Action items
·  Agenda/Minutes - March 1, 2006
-  Discuss possible continuing education topics for 2007.
-  Discuss possible continuing education teachers for 2007.
-  The general consensus is that we should move to two days of Continuing Education
for 2007, if we can have a four-day period at the hotel.
-  Ronda Brewer will check with the Adams Mark to see if we can reserve four days from
Monday – Thursday, March 5 – 8, 2007.
-  If it isn’t possible to have two days in 2007, we will certainly plan on this for 2008.
-  Suggestions for Continuing Education courses include: Basics, Plunger Lift, Beam
Pumping, Chemical/Surfactants, Automation, and School of Mines Show.
-  Some on the committee would like to see more technical content.
-  Cleon Dunham will draft a Continuing Education plan, once the matter of one or two
days has been resolved.
·  Agenda/Minutes – May 5, 2006
-  Length of Continuing Education: Can it be for two days?
-  Courses: Let’s narrow down the list of ideas for courses, instructors.
-  Length of Continuing Education: This matter is still not decided. If the hotel can allow four days for the overall Workshop, we will consider having two days of Continuing Education.
-  Courses. We still need to decide on the courses to be held, instructors, etc.
·  Agenda/Minutes – July 20, 2006
-  Length of Continuing Education. This can only be one day in 2007.
-  If we want two days in 2008, we must plan for it well in advance.
-  Courses: It’s time to agree on the courses to hold in 2007. We can have full-day and half-day courses. Do we want:
·  Full-day course on basics (Jim Lea).
·  Half-day course on plunger lift.
·  Half-day course on sucker rod pumping?
·  Half-day course at Colorado School of Mines?
·  These are all repeats.
·  Do we want all of these?
·  Do we want any others?
-  The following continuing education classes will be planned for 2007:
•  Full-day course on gas well deliquification basics, facilitated by Jim Lea or someone else.
•  Half day course on plunger lift, facilitated by Bill Hearn and Lynn Rowlan.
•  Half day course on sucker rod pumping, facilitated by Norm Hein.
•  Half day course on chemicals, facilitated by Sunder Ramachandran and Mark Edwards.
•  Half day course on automation, facilitated by John Herring, if he can do it.
·  Agenda/Minutes – August 17, 2006
-  Are there any further comments on the Continuing Education?
-  Can the indicated instructors all serve as indicated?
-  As soon as instructors can submit CV’s and abstracts, these can be placed on the web site.
-  The list of Continuing Education Courses and the course facilitators are agreed by the Steering Committee.
-  Lynn Rowlan will coordinate with Bill Hearn on the agenda for the Plunger course.
-  Sunder Ramachandran will coordinate with Mark Edwards and Scott Campbell on the agenda for the Chemicals course.
-  Cleon Dunham will contact John Herring concerning the Automation course.
·  Agenda/Minutes – October 9, 2006
-  Lynn Rowlan - What is the status of the Plunger course?
-  Mark Edwards and Scott Campbell - What is the status of the Chemicals course, with Sunder having resigned from the committee?
-  Cleon Dunham - What is the status of the Automation course?
-  Cleon Dunham will check with Lynn Rowlan on the Plunger course. A CV and outline have been received from Bill Hearn.
-  Cleon Dunham will check with Mark Edwards and Scott Campbell on the Chemical course.
-  Cleon Dunham will continue to pursue the Automation course.
·  Agenda/Minutes – November 10, 2006
-  What is the status of:
·  Plunger Course
·  Chemical Course
·  Automation Course
-  Lynn Rowlan and Bill Hearn are in discussion on the Plunger Lift course. This is coming along well.
-  Mark Edwards is in discussion with Baker Petrolite about the Chemicals course. This is coming along well.
-  Gordon Gates has confirmed that John Herring will present the Automation Course.
-  CV’s and Course Abstracts (Outlines) are still needed for several of the courses.
·  Agenda/Minutes – December 11, 2006
-  CV’s are still needed from Mark Edwards, Norm Hein, Scott Campbell, and John Herring. Would someone please follow up with them?
-  A course description is still needed for Course 104 on Automation. Will someone please follow up with John Herring on this?
-  There were no comments on this topic.

4.  Breakout sessions for 2007

a.  Possible breakout session topics
b.  Possible breakout session facilitators
c.  Other items
d.  Action items
·  Agenda/Minutes - March 1, 2006
-  Discuss possible breakout session topics for 2007.
-  Discuss possible breakout session facilitators for 2007.
-  We need to make it clear that a report out on the Breakout Sessions is required in the
morning of the 2nd day.
-  Larry Harms of ConocoPhillips has been asked, and has agreed, to lead a Breakout
Session on compression.
·  Agenda/Minutes – May 5, 2006
-  Breakout sessions. Let’s define the desired breakout sessions for 2007.
-  Breakout Sessions. Two specific breakout sessions were requested:
•  Compressors: Larry Harms of ConocoPhillips agrees to facilitate this one.
•  Automation: Rick Hornsby suggested this session and suggested that Cleon Dunham lead it.
•  Others are to be determined at the next meeting.
·  Agenda/Minutes – July 20, 2006
-  Breakout Sessions. Do we want:
·  Compressors (facilitated by Larry Harms)
·  Automation (facilitated by Cleon Dunham)
·  Do we want one or two more?
-  The following breakout sessions have been agreed to:
•  Compressors, facilitated by Larry Harms.
•  Automation, facilitated by Gordon Gates.
•  End of Tubing, facilitated by Cleon Dunham.
•  Life-cycle of a gas well, facilitated by TBD.
·  Agenda/Minutes – August 17, 2006
-  Henry Nickens has volunteered to facilitate the Life Cycle session.
-  Are there any further comments on the Breakout Sessions?
-  Can the indicated facilitators all serve as indicated?
-  As soon as facilitators can submit CV’s and abstracts, these can be placed on the web site.
-  There were no new comments in this area.
·  Agenda/Minutes – October 9, 2006
-  Any comments on the breakout sessions?
-  Information for the breakout sessions is on the web site.
-  CV’s are needed for Larry Harms and Gordon Gates.
-  Breakout session descriptions are needed for Compressors, Automation, and End of Tubing.
·  Agenda/Minutes – November 10, 2006
-  What is status of:
·  CV’s of Coordinators.
·  Breakout Session Descriptions.
-  CV’s and abstracts (descriptions) are still needed for some of the Breakout Sessions.
·  Agenda/Minutes – December 11, 2006
-  CV’s are still needed from Larry Harms and Gordon Gates.
-  Descriptions are still needed for Compressors, Automation, and End of Tubing.
-  There were no comments on this topic.

5.  Workshop leadership for 2007