SpreeNorth East 2014 - Frequently asked questions

What is the accommodation like?

Spree North East is a camping weekend and you are expected to bring your own tent. In previous years we have been able to provide tents for groups who haven’t had their own. We are unsure whether we are able to do that in 2015, but let us know if that would help your group.

Can we bring a caravan?

We have a limited number of spaces for caravans, but no electric hook ups etc. Places are very limited so will be given to those who enquire first.

We have a fussy eater, will the catered option work for them?

Our amazing catering team work very hard and we will endeavour to cater for any genuine dietary allergy or intolerance, we are unable to cater for those who are ‘just a bit fussy’.

We have a young person with additional needs, will spree be suitable for them?

We will do our best to allow everyone who wants to come to spree to participate. Please get in touch as soon as possible if you know of any additional needs that we should be aware of and will do our best to find ways to work together.

Is there water available?

Yes there are a number of water points located in the well equipped camping field at Hollybush. Even if you’re catered it’s wise to bring something to collect and drink water from!

Is there a tuck shop?

Yes – The tuck shop will be open daily.

Are there toilets and showers?

The site is provided with a toilet and shower block. All leaders and young people, male and female will have access to hot showers throughout the weekend.

Are BBQ’s allowed on site?

Yes – although please do not place them directly on the grass field and dispose of them properly.

Can we store ice packs somewhere?

SPREE North East will provide a freezer for your ice packs ensuring you can keep cold food fresh.

Can you help with menu ideas?

We have put together some menu ideas to help you cater for your group, which are available on request. They will be simple, healthy and affordable.

What do I do if I need to cancel a place?

Get in touch! Deposits can not be refunded (but may be swapped to another young person/leader).

From what time can set-up start?

You may arrive on-site to set-up tents from 10am on the Friday. If you need earlier access please be in touch

Do we have to dispose of our own waste?

The site has industrial waste containers for rubbish.

What time does the programme finish?

Our last meeting concludes at 2:30pm on the Sunday.

When does the site have to be cleared?

We would expect the programme to be finished and campsite broken down by 5pm on the Sunday.

Will there be anyone else on the site at the same time as SPREE North East?

A small number of people own caravans that are situated at Hollybush, and some of these may be on site during the weekend.

Can we bring our pet dog/cat/hamster etc?

We’re afraid we can’t accommodate pets at spree, but there are friendly goats on site if you want to say hello to something fluffy.

What is the Spree policy on DBS (previously CRB checks)?

All adults staying on site as part of Spree must have a suitable DBS or CRB check that has been undertaken in the last 5 years.

In order to comply with the Urban Saints Safeguarding Policy regarding DBS checks or (equivalent in Scotland and Northern Ireland) we have agreed with our insurers that adults to attend this event the group leader (and your church leader if that’s not you) must sign a declaration to say that:

  • You have seen an Enhanced Disclosure for working with children for every adult linked with your church/ group who will be staying on site at the event. If your disclosures are completed by your diocese (or equivalent) you have seen confirmation that the person concerned is able to work with children and young people.
  • Every Enhanced Disclosure is clear (ie. has “none recorded” in the sections that have been checked)*
  • *If the DBS is not clear the Spree Administrator should be contacted so that the issues can be discussed. A Disclosure with issues recorded may not prevent someone attending; this will depend on the nature of the disclosure.
  • Every Enhanced Disclosure is less than 5 years old at the time of the event.
  • You have no reservations or concerns regarding the adults who are attending.

This is the 1st time we’ve thought about taking a group away, help?!

Happy to! Seriously whether this is the 1st or the 100th time we will do out best to help you every step of the way. Whether you would like us to come and talk to parents about what spree is or even your church leadership. Please just ask.

I have another question?

Great, get in touch, honestly ask now! Don’t wait!