SPR Needs assessment questionnaire - Coding frame

Coding Frame
including Post coding

Needs assessment questionnaire
SPR's (London)

Prepared by Robin Beaumont
Date: 06/12/1999 15:33


1. Introduction 2

2. Default Values 2

2.1 Post Coding details 2

2.1.1 Method 2

3. Codes / Database field details 3

3.1 Questionnaire Section 1 Your Personal Needs 3

3.2 Questionnaire Section 2 Present Role 5

3.3 Questionnaire Section 3 Planned Career 7

3.4 Questionnaire Section 4 Sources of Computer Knowledge 8

3.5 Questionnaire Section 5 Exposure to Information Systems 9

3.6 Questionnaire Section 6 Attitudes Towards Clinical Computer Systems 13

3.7 Questionnaire Section 7 Computing Knowledge 13

3.8 Questionnaire Section 8 Personal Details 15

1.  Introduction

This document provides the list of valid values that can be entered into each of the fields in the database. It includes details of both pre and post-coded data.

2.  Default Values

You will find the following conventions throughout this coding frame. Any exceptions are marked:

Database field value / Meaning
1 / Yes
2 / No
88(8) / 'Other' or 'nothing specified'
99(9) / Spoilt response
BLANK / Nothing selected but should have been
BLANK / Nothing selected and correct response

Please note that in questions where the respondent has provided a specific answer to 'other' this has been question specific post coded.

2.1  Post Coding details

This document includes the values used for coding the various free text responses in the 'needs assessment questionnaire'. The method used to derive the codes is given below.

2.1.1  Method

All free text responses of returned questionnaires were listed and then categorised. Where these responses formed a natural scale additional codes where added to facilitate the coding of late returns or the use of the coding frame for other samples.

The face validity of the coding frame categories was checked with 2 colleagues.

In several instances a large number of categories have been generated, in the assumption that it is trivial to collapse categories afterwards rather than re-code items.

Direct quotes are shown by the use of apostrophes (i.e. 'he said this'). Equivalent quotes are indicated by the use of an addition symbol (i.e. 'she said this' + 'he said a similar thing').

Text shown thus represents new categories or comments from present batch of questionnaires.

3.  Codes / Database field details

3.1  Questionnaire Section 1 Your Personal Needs

Question 1 Field names: q1a - a1f
'Do you have any idea of what you would like to get out of the course in terms of knowledge and skills?'

Value: integer 1 - n using the following list:

  1. How to use + 'skills' / understand computers +'in an operating theatre'
  2. PAS
  3. 'Log book' + 'note keeping' + 'design of relational databases'
  4. Audit + research methods + clinical governance
  5. Clinical information systems (patient based / real time) 'Anaesthetic record'
  6. Computer applications: controlled devices + 'drug administration' + 'Computer based physiology tests'
  7. Data collection / analysis / retrieval + 'To help retrieve information' + 'simple and complex queries' + 'extracting data from other peoples databases' + 'Access' + Maximising the usefulness + speed of recording clinical data using a computer
  8. communications + 'email'
  9. 'Improve word processing skills' + layout of thesis + 'graphs and tables' + 'writing papers' + 'graphics packages' + 'exposure to other software' +computing skills
  10. Formalisation of practical skills already acquired
  11. 'Windows 95' + 'Microsoft office' + using simple software' + 'practical experience of using common software' + 'practical experience of using IT for health care purposes' + 'practical experience' + 'Basis computer skills and knowledge' + 'better of filing of information on the floppy and hard disk' + integrating word/excel + integrating Access and Excel
  12. 'Med line' + library + Bids + Cochrane
  13. Internet + 'to collect information' + 'where to find information'
  14. Stats packages + 'SPSS' + 'statistics
  15. Spreadsheet packages
  16. Systems development + 'what questions to ask' + procurement: + 'which ones to buy' + 'What's available' + 'to help me'
  17. Information management + clinical Information management + Structure of C.I.M
  18. Social issues (DPA, cultural change, IT problems with implementation, training issues etc.)
  19. Management issues
  20. presentation software
  21. graphics packages
  22. Health information/ Informatics
  23. How communication is used in the NHS
  24. Webpage design
  25. Ethical/legal/confidentiality issues
  26. Business plans.
  27. Managing teams + negotiation skills + leadership skills + team types
  28. National service frameworks + Nice + national directives
  29. How to persuade staff to use information systems

Question 2 Field names: q2a - q2c
'Do you have any worries, anxieties or special needs concerning the course?'

Value: integer 1 - n using the following list:

  1. 'No' + 'none'
  2. lack of knowledge and skills
  3. lack of knowledge only + 'worry that my knowledge of computers is very basic' + 'not understanding computer jargon' + lack of basic knowledge
  4. lack of skills only

5.  'no previous experience with computers' + can't type

  1. Social problems + 'may look stupid in front of others' + 'intimidated by computers' + 'give up too quickly' + won't understand
  2. 'Is the course suitable for me' + 'I'm not quite sure what it's all about or how it will benefit me'
  3. 'How will the course cope with people at different levels of ability'
  4. 'How much time will I need to spend outside of the six days working' + 'Too much homework'
  5. 'Do not know how to work out my own needs'
  6. 'Too theoretical and not practical enough'
  7. Not basic enough
  8. Too basic (skills or knowledge)
  9. clinical conflict + 'moving to new hospital in feb.' + 'Wednesday a bad day'.
  10. Danger of making me a technophobe.
  11. Computers will still not be available at work after course
  12. . . ..
  13. . . .. .
  14. ......
  15. ......

Question 3 Field names: q3a - q3c
'Have you had any bad experiences with courses dealing with similar topic areas?'

Value: integer 1 - n using the following list:

  1. 'No'
  2. none + 'not been on any'
  3. Inappropriate courses: 'DOS based' + 'long time teaching DOS and very brief basic look at word-processing - came out none the wiser'
  4. Practical session support: + 'Too many students with different levels of knowledge and too few tutors' + 'difficult to discuss or get help as we go along' + 'No written instructions to go back to' + 'anxious not to just walk through a booklet which instructs you and nothing much else'
  5. Courses too basic
  6. Courses too complex
  7. HISS introductory course bewildering
  8. Patronising/boring
  9. ......
  10. ......
  11. ......

3.2  Questionnaire Section 2 Present Role

Question 4 Field name: q4a
'Does your present role involve . . . being personally involved in the selection of computer systems?'

Value: integer 1 - n using the following list:

  1. YES
  2. NO

Question 4 Field name: q4b
'Does your present role involve . . . the development of computer systems and /or data requirements?'

Value: integer 1 - n using the following list:

  1. YES
  2. NO

Question 5 Field name: q5
'Considering your present role, do you feel your current level of computing skills and knowledge are:'

Value: integer 1 - n using the following list:


Question 6 Field names: q6a - q6d
'If you felt that your computer skills and knowledge were inadequate IN YOUR CURRENT ROLE, in any way….?' '

Value: integer 1 - n using the following list:

  1. no
  2. 'paper writing' + 'literature searches' + 'Literature review' + 'word-processing' + 'tables' 'Research' + problems using Medline
  3. 'Audit' + presentation of data
  4. Internet
  5. Email ='attachments'
  6. Databases + 'using a database is essential in my work' + 'do not understand the database we use or how we could improve it'
  7. Clinical systems
  8. System development + procurement + evaluation
  9. 'No such thing as adequate knowledge'
  10. spreadsheets
  11. 'prevents me from doing things as quickly & effectively as I could'
  12. Data analysis
  13. Use of digital X rays
  14. Rota management
  15. Statistical analysis
  16. Presentation software
  17. Basic skills

Question 7 Field names: q7a - q7d
'How do you see the knowledge and skills gained in this course helping you in your CURRENT ROLE?' '

Value: integer 1 - n using the following list:

  1. Presentations + 'better use of software available for presentations' + 'slide presentation'
  2. 'Better clinical data management' + 'cutting down time chasing up reports & results' + 'better use of data' + 'more efficient use of databases' + 'audit' + more effective use of computer +improving keyboard skills
  3. Data requirements + systems design: 'Better at developing data requirements' + integrating systems
  4. 'Computer applications in medicine' + systems available
  5. 'Paper / report writing' - 'research' + 'literature searches' + 'Internet use' + 'my thesis'
  6. 'Record keeping of cases done' + 'case record' + 'log book structured in a way so that you can get information out of it' + 'Logbook ( paradox)' '
  7. Business case preparation
  8. Statistical analysis
  9. Questionnaires
  10. 'More input into CAL
  11. Better designed studies
  12. Advice others
  13. 'little now' mainly in the future + 'not sure'
  14. Learn more about CPA (psychiatry Care Programme Approach)

3.3  Questionnaire Section 3 Planned Career

Question 8 Field name: q8
'To what position do you aspire?' '

Value: integer 1 - n using the following list:

  1. Consultant anaesthetist'
  2. Consultant paediatrician + 'in a DGH' + 'in community'
  3. Consultant dentist = 'restorative dentistry' ++ 'NHS hospital' + 'paediatric dentistry + senior lecturer / honorary consultant'
  4. Consultant geriatrician
  5. Consultant rheumatologist + 'sports medicine'
  6. Consultant surgeon
  7. consultant - unspecified

8.  A+E consultant in busy dept. with research audit interest

  1. ......
  2. ......
  3. ......
  4. ......
  5. ......
  6. ......

Question 9 Field names: q9a - q9c
'How do you see the knowledge and skills gained in this course helping you IN YOUR PLANNED CAREER?' '

Value: integer 1 - n using the following list:

1.  Development of systems + 'databases' + 'audit systems' + 'for anaesthetics' + 'help with advice on purchasing / design of patient management systems' + 'the right questions to ask' + 'enable us to use PAS in the future' + 'analysis of patients diseases and treatment' +'help evaluate' + 'help develop systems' + improve ability to look at data

  1. 'Drug administration computer controlled
  2. Research + 'analysis' + 'management of clinics, waiting lists' + 'database research'
  3. Word processing
  4. Use of data to assist in service planning + 'optimising services' + data management
  5. Use of computers to help with teaching
  6. Use of computers to help with work
  7. Sharing knowledge + advice others
  8. 'help with completion of PhD + academic work in the future'
  9. 'audit' + 'questionnaires'
  10. Prelude to MSc in research methods
  11. EBM
  12. Team management
  13. Care Program Approach

Question 10 Field name: q10

Value: integer 1 - n using the following list:

  1. YES
  2. NO

3.4  Questionnaire Section 4 Sources of Computer Knowledge

Question 11 Field names: given below (multiple responses)

'Which of the following sources of computing knowledge applies to yourself?'

Value: BLANK if not ticked otherwise integer = 1

field name

  1. q11r1 1.Colleagues
  2. q11r2 2.Family/Children
  3. q11r3 3.In House Computing Professionals
  4. q11r4 4.In House Non Computing Professionals
  5. q11r5 5.External Computing Consultant
  6. q11r6 6.Formal Training (specify qualifications)
  7. q11r7 7.External Consultants 'other (non medical)'
  8. q11r8 8.Medical Publications
  9. q11r9 9.Computing & Non-Medical Pubs
  10. q11r10 10.Systems Supplier (via support/training)
  11. q11r11 11.NHS Conferences
  12. q11r12 12.Drug Firms (e.g. Conferences)

Question 11 Free text 'Specify qualifications' Field names: q11a, q11b

1 Computer training at school and university

2 IT study days

3 ......

4 ......

No data provided from respondents in previous questionnaires.

Question 12 Field name: q12

Value: integer 1 - 12 using the list from question 11

Question 13 Field names: q13a - q13c
'Are there any other important sources of computer knowledge you have used which were not listed above?'

Value: integer 1 - n using the following list:

  1. 'Friends'
  2. 'Playing with software'
  3. 'no'

3.5  Questionnaire Section 5 Exposure to Information Systems

Question 14 Field name: q14

Value: integer 1 - n using the following list:

  1. YES
  2. NO

Question 15 Field names: given below (multiple responses)

'How familiar are you with the following software packages?'

Value: BLANK if not ticked otherwise:

  3. USED

field name

  1. q15r1 1.Word Processing
  2. q15r2 2.Databases
  3. q15r3 3.Spreadsheets
  4. q15r4 4.Desktop Publishing
  5. q15r5 5.Graphics
  6. q15r6 6.Epi Info
  7. q15r7 7.Statistical
  8. q15r8 8.Project management
  9. q15r9 9.Presentation software [note coding change from previous versions ]
  10. q15r10 10.Doctors.net or another online discussion group e.g GP-UK
  11. q15r11 11.MedLine
  12. q15r12 12.Multimedia Games

Question 16 Field names: q16a - q16b
'Have you used any other type of software AT HOME?' '

Value: integer 1 - n using the following list:

  1. Dreamweaver
  2. Artificial Intelligence
  3. Video/Tele communication
  4. Photoshop
  5. Ca-textor

Question 16 Field names: q16c
'At work such as a departmental system?' '

Value: integer 1 - n using the following list:

  1. NO
  2. YES

Question 16 Field names: q16d - q16e
'If Yes please specify name: '

Value: integer 1 - n using the following list:

  1. Cochrane
  2. ......
  3. ......
  4. ......
  5. ......

Question 17 Field name: 17a [missing from questionnaire]
'Have you ever used the Internet? '

Value: integer 1 - n using the following list:


'Internet concepts:' Field names: 17r1 - 17r11

Value: integer 1 - n using the following list:


Question 18 Field names: given below (multiple responses)

'For which of the following tasks do you PERSONALLY use a computer AT WORK?'

Value: BLANK if not ticked otherwise integer = 1

field name

  1. q18r1 1.Patient registration (PAS)
  2. q18r2 2.Appointments
  3. q18r3 3.Repeat prescribing
  4. q18r4 4.Acute prescribing
  5. q18r5 5.Viewing clinical data
  6. q18r6 6.Entry of clinical data SOME CONSULTATIONS
  7. q18r7 7.Entry of clinical data ALL CONSULTATIONS
  8. q18r8 8.Patient tracking [new coding in questionnaire]
  9. q18r9 9.Discharge letters
  10. q18r10 10.Searching for patients which meet a specific condition 'querying database'
  11. q18r11 11.Preparation for a multidisciplinary meeting (i.e. CPA review)
  12. q18r12 12.Requesting information from a register (i.e. Diabetes, Children at risk, LD etc.)
  13. q18r13 13.Requesting X-rays
  14. q18r14 14.Requesting Blood tests
  15. q18r15 15.Requesting other services (please specify)
  16. q18r16 16.Flagging of tasks
  17. q18r17 17.Waiting times
  18. q18r18 18.Workload analysis
  19. q18r19 19.Research/Audit
  20. q18r20 20.Guidelines/Protocols
  21. q18r21 21.Financial forecasting
  22. q18r22 22.Staff Training programmes
  23. q18r23 23.Searching sources of professional information Please Specify
  24. q18r24 24.Patient Education

Question 18 Field name: 18a [missing from questionnaire]
'15.Requesting other services (please specify) '