Church Services
Sunday 1st April Sunday Easter Day
Linton / 10:00 / All Age Eucharist and Egg Hunt / Revd. Maggie Guite
Castle Camps / 08.00 / Service of light followed by breakfast / Revd. Ian Fisher
Castle Camps / 10.00 / Easter Eucharist / Revd. Ian Fisher
Bartlow / 10.00 / Easter Eucharist / Revd. Lesley Gore
URC / 18.30 / Songs of Praise URC Castle Camps
Sunday 8th April Second Sunday of Easter
Castle Camps / 10:00 / Holy Eucharist / Revd. Ian Fisher
Bartlow / 10:00 / Family Service / Cathy Watts
Sunday 15th April Third Sunday of Easter
Horseheath / 10:00 / Holy Eucharist / Revd. Ian Fisher
Bartlow / 18:00 / Evensong / Revd. Lesley Gore
Sunday 22nd April Fourth Sunday of Easter
Shudy Camps / 10:00 / Holy Eucharist / Revd. Ian Fisher
Bartlow / 10:00 / Morning Prayer / Led by Congregation
Sunday 29th April Fifth Sunday of Easter
Castle Camps / 10:00 / Joint Service with URC at Castle Camps / Revd. Ian Fisher
Sunday 6th May Sixth Sunday of Easter
Linton / 10:00 / Holy Eucharist / Revd. Maggie Guite
Horseheath / 10.00 / Sunday Club / Judith Jolley and Pat Smith
Sunday 13th May Seventh Sunday of Easter
Castle Camps / 10:00 / Holy Eucharist / Revd. Ian Fisher
Bartlow / 10.00 / Family Service / Cathy Watts
Sunday 20th May Whit Sunday Pentecost
Horseheath / 10.00 / Holy Eucharist / Revd. Ian Fisher
Bartlow / 18.00 / Evensong / Revd. Lesley Gore
URC / 18.30 / Songs of Praise URC Castle Camps
Sunday 27th May Trinity Sunday
Shudy Camps / 10.00 / Holy Eucharist / Revd. Ian Fisher
Bartlow / 10.00 / Rogation Procession / Led by congregation
Church Wardens
All Saints', Castle Camps / St Mary's, Shudy Camps / All Saints' Horseheath
Mrs Lindi Kent
01799 584 012 / Mr Andrew Webb
01799 584 489 / Mrs Pat Smith
01223 892 484
Mr David Neal
01799 584 264 / Mrs Judith Jolley
01223 890 786

The Connection

News from the Anglican churches of Castle Camps, Shudy Camps,

Horseheath,Bartlow and Linton

April- May 2018

April this year begins with Easter. But why, you may ask, don’t we have Easter at the same time each year? That might be possible if we could determine the precise year in which Jesus died and so the date of the resurrection. It might then be possible to have Easter on the 1st or 2nd Sunday of April. Such a change would require all or at least most of the Christian churches to agree: which is unlikely.

The resurrection was an event in history. It is not a story or legend. Jesus who lived in Palestine in the first century did die on a cross on a Friday and on the next Sunday his tomb was found empty. A historical determination of the precise date of these events may make the planning of our liturgical year easier. It would probably make planning easier for the purveyors of chocolate Easter eggs. Fixing Easter would, though, have no effect on the significance of the events for the Christian faith.

The Christian belief that Jesus was God, that by his death on the cross he won salvation for the world and by his resurrection he opened the way for us to eternal life are not claims that can be proved by even the most detailed historical analysis. Certainly if history did not support the claim that Jesus had died then any beliefs based around that claim would be worthless. History, though, does support the claim. It does give us a secure basis of fact on which we can base our beliefs. History does not and cannot prove those beliefs. To support the beliefs we need to look at a different sort of evidence.

Evidence for the resurrection comes from the accounts in the Gospels and for Paul in
1 Cor 15:3-8. We may though be tempted to doubt the accounts of the resurrection appearances as hearsay. If the resurrection didn’t happen then how is it that the disciples who were demoralised by Jesus’ death, who were afraid of the Jews hiding behind closed doors, could in a matter of days turn into people who were risking their lives to proclaim Jesus as the messiah? How could the Church they founded still persist to the present day despite the persecutions, the martyrdoms, the attempts to rubbish what they believed and said? What but the resurrection could have done this?

Once again this year we will celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. A different date from last year, but so what? The message of Easter is still the same as it was in AD30 or 33. Jesus died on Good Friday and rose again from the dead on Easter Day and if we follow Jesus we can share that new life of the resurrection.

Ian Fisher(Team Vicar)
01799 585977

Friends of St. Marys’ Parish Church, Linton

The Friends of St. Marys' Linton are organising a Family Friendly Quiz on Saturday 12 May 16.00-18.00 at the church in Linton.

Family Tickets £10, adult ticket £3.00 and children's ticket £2to include party food.

Please Contact Pam Richardson (01223 890921)


All Saints’ Parish Church, Castle Camps

A big thank you to Chris Basham who during the recent snowy weather was out on his tractor helping to clear the snow.

Future Event

Please make a note in your diary for the 21st July 17.00. We are planning a Michael Prentice Hog Roast and a skirmish by the Sealed Knot at All Saints' Church Castle Camps. We have local people in the village who are part of the Northamptonshire Sealed Knot who have kindly agreed to put on a Sealed Knot skirmish demonstration for us. There will also be various stalls and other activities. This should prove to be a really great and interesting event in aid of our group of churches. Ticket price £10.00 for adults and £25.00 for a family ticket (2 adults and 2 children, (additional children £5.00)). Tickets available nearer the time from Lindi Kent 01799 584012

Wednesday Communion

We hold a regular Wednesday morning communion at The Vicarage at 10am. This is an opportunity to take a spiritual moment in our busy weeks. It would be lovely to welcome you.


All Saints’ Parish Church, Horseheath

Our Valentine Lunch held on Saturday the 10th February was a great success with lots of friends of the church in attendance. A grand sum of £400 was raised for the upkeep of the church building. Many thanks to everyone for coming and to all who helped in the preparation, washing up and running of stalls and raffle.

Future Events:

Tea & Chat Wednesdays 18th April and 16th May held in church from 14.30

AGM in Church 11th April 19.30 in church. All Welcome

Annual Garden Party Saturday 19th May in the garden of Hartford House.

By kind permission of Jim, Phil & Francesca McCaughan.The usual stalls, teas & entertainment from 14.00.

Our Sunday Club for children will not be held on Easter Sunday, but will resume on Sunday the 6th May.

We look forward to seeing you at these events.


St. Mary’s Parish Church, Shudy Camps

St Mary's Community Cafe duly popped up for the first time on Saturday 8 February and an estimated 50 people duly popped in. It was great to see so many there and to see the church building fulfilling its role as a hub for the community. We still need to get one or two things just right, but the feedback we have had has been generally very positive. If you have suggestions for change, please let myself (01799 584489) or Ian Fisher (01799 585977) know. Although not intended as a fund raising venture, the event showed a profit of about £140, which will be used to support it in future.

The next Cafe will be held from 10am-12 noon on Saturday 28 April and we very much

hope to see you there!

We would like once more to send our very sincere thanks and appreciation to everyone who gives of their time, talents and other resources to support the church in Shudy Camps. Without your help, our small congregation could simply not keep the building and its surroundings in a good enough state to provide a suitable resource for our village community.