Newsletter: 5th September 2016

Barlow Hall Primary School School

Welcome back to all of our families and thank you to all our children for settling back into school life so quickly.
Welcome to Lisa Hull who has joined us as Year 3 Class Teacher, and to Leonnie Sawyer who has returned to the Nursery Class following her maternity leave. We also welcome Teaching Assistant Rachel Keats back to Barlow Hall and the KS1 team.
You should have received a welcome pack which includes, amongst other things, updated information and Behavior Contracts and Home School Agreements to be completed by all parents. There is also invitation to your child’s class parent’s meeting. We would encourage all parents to attend these meetings, whichever year group your child is in as staff will have lots of information to give out to you and you will have an opportunity to answer and questions you may have regarding this year.

SPOTLIGHT – School Achievements

At the start of our new academic year it is always good to celebrate our children's academic achievements from last year. We now have outcomes from each key stage and our performance data is on the website (tab:' about tab 'Ofsted and Performance data'.

As I am sure you will be aware, the national picture for primary schools has significantly changed, and tests and outcomes have significantly raised expectations for children from year 1 to year 6. Despite everything being harder, both locally and nationally our children continue to have excellent outcomes in every key stage.

Please find attached the full 2016 performance data for Barlow Hall Primary School.

Well done to families for their support, thanks to the amazing and dedicated staff team....but most importantly well done to our brilliant children for their positive attitude, hard work and growth mindset.

Upcoming key dates for your diary


Mon 12th9:10 am – Eid Day

Celebration Assembly SD City Cooks Programme

Tuesday 13th– Cross country at Chorlton High, parents arrive by 4:30pm

Year 5+6 Parents Meeting 2 pm, repeated at 4:30 pm

Year 3+4 Parents Meeting 2:30 pm, repeated at 5 pm

Thursday 15th – Forest Schools (Please bring required clothing)

Fri 16th Swimming –3LH + 4AC (This is a compulsory lesson and children need to bring swimming costumes and towels)

Mon 19thYear 1+2 Parents meetings 2:15 pm repeated at 5 pm

Cross country at Chorlton High, parents arrive by 4:30 pm

To see our regularly updated website calendar for more details of what is happening in school.

Child of the Week

Well done to those children who have received Child of the Week Awards for demonstrating excellent behaviours that are supporting their learning and helping them to achieve well.

Our first Child of the Week presentations will take place on Monday 12th September, during our weekly Celebration Assembly which takes place every Monday morning from 9:10 am until 9:35 am. Parents are welcome to attend the Celebration Assemblies.

If your child is to receive a certificate in our Celebration Assembly on Monday at 9:10 am we will send out a text to let you know

Attendance and Punctuality


Barlow Hall attendance from 01/09/15 to 20/07/16

Present 96.1% Lates: 85% Unauthorised Absence: 1.3 %

Nur B 85.7 % Nur Y 92.0% Nur R.90.5 %

Rec 92.3 % Rec P 93.9%

1NA 95.0% 1/2EH 94.9% 2SK 94.9%

3AV 96.2 % ¾ AM 96.8% 4AC96.3 %

5JR 97.4 % 6AB 94.7%

Please see Sharon if you need any support with attendance or getting to school on time.

Key Stage Two

Children in Year 6 took part in the new testing and assessment arrangements. Pupils’ knowledge and understanding of the new curriculum was assessed. This curriculum provides greater challenge with higher expectations set for the end of KS2.

The results of the SATs (tests) are reported using a scaled score, where a score of 100 represents the expected standard. The highest possible score is 120 and the lowest is 80.

Children are awarded one of the following Teacher Assessment judgements in writing:

Expected Standard - Working at the expected standard for their age

Greater Depth - Working at greater depth within the expected standard and has a strong understanding of the curriculum

Year 6 pupils were assessed in reading, writing, grammar, punctuation and spelling (SPAG) and maths. For further information, please see the Information for parentsKS2 leaflet from the Standards and Testing Agency.

Our results are, once again, extremely pleasing. Barlow Hall pupils performed well above the national average in all subject areas. Attainment was also above local authority averages in each area (with the exception of Greater Depth in writing).

End of KS2 SATs results 2016 / Barlow Hall’s Performance / National Average
Reading – expected standard / 93% / 66%
Reading – greater depth / 29% / 19%
Reading – average scaled score / 108 / 103
Writing – expected standard / 89% / 74%
Writing – greater depth / 14% / 15%
Writing – average scaled score / Not available / Not available
SPAG – expected standard / 96% / 72%
SPAG– greater depth / 36% / 23%
SPAG – average scaled score / 108 / 104
Maths– expected standard / 96% / 70%
Maths– greater depth / 36% / 17%
Maths – average scaled score / 108 / 103
Combined scores*– expected standard / 86% / 53%
Combined scores– greater depth / 7% / 5%
*Combined scores are children achieving the expected standard in reading, writing and maths

KS2 progress measures: Department for education calculate progress measures using a value-added measure from KS1 to KS2.

This value added measure is worked out from the progress made since KS1.

Barlow Hall’s progress Measures are: / Interpreting progress scores:
Reading / +5.1 / A score of 0 means on average children do about as well at KS2 as those with similar prior attainment nationally. A positive score means on average children do better. A negative score means on average children are not doing so well.
Writing / +3.0
Maths / +6.9

Key Stage One

This is the first year of the new testing and assessment arrangements for Year 2. These arrangements reflect the more challenging national curriculum which was introduced in 2014. Therefore, results cannot be compared with previous years. For more information please see the leaflet Information for parents from the Standards and Testing Agency.

At the end of KS1 (Yr2), teachers are required to assess each child in the areas of reading, writing and maths. National Curriculum assessment tests are used to support teachers’ judgements.

Barlow Hall’s performance was above the national average in every subject.

The system of national curriculum levels has been removed and the new measures are as follows:

Expected Standard – Working at the expected standard for a child at the end of Year 2

Greater Depth – Working at greater depth within the expected standard, with a strong understanding of the curriculum

End of KS1 SATs results 2016 / Barlow Hall’s Performance / National Average
Reading – expected standard / 85% / 74%
Reading – greater depth / 17% / 24%
Writing – expected standard / 81% / 66%
Writing – greater depth / 5% / 13%
SPAG – expected standard / 83% / Not available
SPAG– greater depth / 5% / Not available
Maths– expected standard / 85% / 73%
Maths– greater depth / 17% / 18%
Combined scores*– expected standard / 78% / Not available yet
Combined scores– greater depth / 2% / Not available yet
*Combined scores are children achieving the expected standard in reading, writing and maths

Early Years Foundation Stage

58% of pupils in Reception attained a Good Level of Development against the Early Years framework. The national average is 69%. Although below national expectations there has been significant progress for all pupils from their starting points.

A Good Level of Development is defined as children working at the expected standard or exceeding the expected standard in the key areas of literacy, maths, physical development, communication and language and personal, social and emotional development.

Year One Phonic Screening (Year 1)

81% of pupils in Year One attained the expected standard in the Phonic Screening test. This is in line with national averages (81%).

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