Sports Medicine Leadership Projects
Promoting life-long healthy habits, community involvement, and going above and beyondthe norm are some of the main goals for this class. All projects are designed to reinforceclassroom activities through individual application, practice and processing of unit skills.
- Some projects require a parent or supervising signature (SR) and validating statement (VS). This is indicated after the point value of each project. No credit will be given for corresponding projects if proper signatures or validating statements are not present. See below.
- SR = Signature Required (by parent/guardian or interviewee for Job Shadow/Community service)
- VS = Validating Statement (at minimum a one sentence description of activity by parent/guardian or interviewee/supervisor). Validating Statements for Job Shadows or Community Service must come from the person being shadowed or the Supervisor
- ALL PROJECTS MUST BE typed/word processed. (12pt font, 1.5” spacing, 1” Margins)
- Must complete 50 points per semester
1. Visit the American Cancer Society, the Heart Association, the March of Dimes, the King County Health Department, or any agency that gives out information related to disease. Find out what resources are available. Write a one page paper on what you discovered about the agency and attach a pamphlet you pick up. (20 points) SR and VS (1 time per semester allowed)
2. Donate blood. Bring verification(VR) from the blood bank and a brief (1/2 page) write upabout how the experience went. (30 points)
3. Conduct an interview/Job Shadow with any person who works in a health field that isNOT related to you. This option you must meet with Mrs. Swartz to verify it meets requirementsand to get prior approval. No prior approval will mean no credit. Have a list of 10-15 questions ready before the interview. Transcribe your findings into a written report. Include the person’sname, job title, date, and time of interview. (TBD up to 50 points)SR and VS about time spent learning about the field. If you choose not to write up the interview, have the person signa piece of paper on letterhead stating that you conducted the interview. Have them include thedate and total time of interview/job shadow. (20 points) SR and VS (Multiple times per semester allowed)
4. Coordinate a guest speaker to come in and speak about a current relevant topic weare discussing in the class. This project needs to be discussed with the teacher and coordinatedto insure proper steps are being taken. The student will do most of the communication and set-up. (50 points)
Physical Health
5. Participate in a walkathon/marathon that is aiming to raise money toward any healthconcern. See teacher for approval, needs to take place during this class. You must complete a ½page reflection about your experience. Include pictures of you at the event. (25 points) SR and VS including race number or verification of completion. (i.e. Race for the cure, Jingle Bell Run etc…) (1 time per semester allowed)
6. Volunteer Opportunities- If you are volunteering a food bank, homeless shelter,retirement home, etc… That is an awesome way to help out the community. See teacher forapproval, needs to take place during this class. You must complete a ½ page reflection aboutyour experience. (TBD points) SR and VS (Multiple times per semester allowed)
Promoting the Profession
7. Create a short video, PSA or other type of media promoting the athletic training profession. Must discuss with and get approval from teacher. (TBD points) (Multiple times per semester)
8. Pick a topic that we have discussed and learn it in more detail. You can either write areport on a topic or create a presentation (powerpoint). You will need research the topic, get sources from a variety of places, and have a short interview with the teacher to discuss what youlearned. See teacher for approval, needs to take place during this class. (TBD points) (Multiple
times per semester allowed)
9. Online Learning/EdX or Coursera. Must discuss and get approval prior to beginning the course. (TBD points) (Multiple times per semester allowed)
10. Other ideas- If you come up with an idea, propose it to the teacher. Procedures and Points will be determined after discussing idea. (TBD points) (Multiple times per semester allowed)