Sports Council Minutes

Date: 10/09/15

Time: 15:00 – 17:00

Room: NH209

Agenda item / Action / Person responsible
1.  / Welcome / Chair
2.  / In Attendance
Neil Alexander (NA), Rachel Simpson (RS), Megan Lloyd (Chair),
Dylan Wallace (DW), Stuart Shaw (SS), Chris Quinn (CQ),
Kerry Young (KY), Ryan Wood (RW), Gordon McTweed (GM) / N/A / Chair
3.  / Apologies
Katrina Bevan, Lauren Ramage / N/A / Clerk
4.  / Approval of Previous Minutes
Approved / N/A / Chair
5.  / Matters to Discuss
·  Membership
GM outlines his view on council’s decision to increase sports membership, stating that, in his opinion, there is nothing wrong with the decision but the timing is wrong.
GM outlines that the issue is that membership has already been advertised to 3,500 new students through the student handbook and that there is a moral dilemma about increasing the price after advertising at £35. GM also points out that we could also be in breach of the Consumer Act about false advertising
GM outlined the potential risks to the SA reputation, a potential decrease in sports memberships, potential backlash from students.
GM also outlines that the Sports Policy outlines that membership is normally discussed at the AGM but it is Sports Councils decision but consultation is required with the membership.
GM asks Council for clarification around the rational stating that the clubs have £32,000 in their accounts and that sports finance is quite healthy.
GM believes that £35 would be finally healthy as a membership fee but states that he doesn’t disagree with the decision but clearer rational and objectives required to back the decision.
NA clarifies that the main reason was around supporting club development whilst keeping an incentive to clubs to increase memberships.
NA asked GM if there was an previous case of increased membership which saw a reduction in memberships bought.
GM outlined not to his knowledge.
Council debates whether students fully read the handbook and whether this will be a problem.
Chair then summarises GM’s comments for council.
Council then debates the price, exposure and pu8blicity of the membership fees.
Chair clarifies council’s comments and summarises the debate with the general consensus to keep the increase.
Council the debates ways to promote the change.
NA explains he has spoken with GCU Visual who are happy to help promote the change.
Chair asks GM what the financial implications in increasing the membership are.
GM explains his issue is around false advertising to students and the principal of this.
Chair asks if it is illegal to make the change.
GM states that he doesn’t believe so but that Council could face a backlash from students and that Council would need to deal with this.
Council asks GM about his views of advertising the increase.
GM states he has no opinion on this but reiterates about the principal of doing so.
Council debates around how to phrase the membership.
GM clarifies his issue is still around advertising at £35 and now increasing to £45.
Chris Quinn arrives 15:27
Council debates flyers and how to communicate to students.
Chair summarises debate so far for CQ.
GM again outlines finance health of clubs is generally good before asking if there is a development plan in place.
NA outlines that council have debated about coaching and development funds.
Chair calls for a vote
VOTE – To keep the membership at £45.
GM outlines issues around central pot funding and gives his opinion on the challenges Council will face.
GM states, by law, that distribution of funds must be fair and there can be issues around Council members being neutral in this. GM outlines that council will need to create a system for funding to be allocated to allow the operational aspects to happen and that talking about finance can be time consuming.
Council debate funding system.
Chair asks if GM and RW would create a funding model.
GM says this can happen but funding might not be accessible for 6 weeks.
Council reiterate that transport will now be funded centrally.
Debate around structure and present sports finance (central pot at 0).
GM explains that clubs at the start of the year and at 3 other times but might need to be reviewed if income is less than predicted.
Council thanks GM.
GM leaves at 15:57.
·  Sports Council Roles
Chair explains the roles to council.
Chair will run through each position in turn. Members are asked to put themselves forward for election.
Vice Chair
DW and RS stand. Both give 60 second speech on their suitability for the role.
VOTE – Dylan 1, Rachel 3, Abstentions 0.
Rachel Simpson elected as Vice Chair.
No nominations
Membership Convenor
No Nominations
Events Convenor
DW and CQ stand. Both give 60 second speech on their suitability for the role.
VOTE – Dylan 4, Chris 0, Abstentions 0.
Dylan Wallace elected as Events Convenor.
PR Convenor
SS is only candidate.
Stuart Shaw elected as PR Convenor.
Engagement Convenor
KY is only candidate.
Kerry Young elected as Engagement Convenor.
Clothing and Equipment Convenor
CQ is only candidate
Chris Quinn elected as Clothing and Equipment Convenor.
·  Online Membership
Chair summarises minutes from previous meeting around the topic.
NA needs to explain the process at the Sports President Forum.
·  Raging Bull
NA shows Council the first of the new team that has arrived.
Council debate ownership of the sports kit and the impact on sponsorship, replacement of kit and the idea of teams having a matching identity.
VOTE – For Council to have ownership of the team kit.
·  Campaigns
NA explains he is still looking at a date during LGBT month and the cost of rainbow laces.
Chair asks council to put forward recommendation of charities/events to support. Suggestions include; Macmillan, Down Syndrome and Stroke Awareness charities.
RW suggests looking at local charities that could benefit more.
Council agrees to look at local charities who sports teams could work closely with.
Council debates around supporting disability sport charities and holding disability sport sessions.
Debate to continue on social media.
6.  / Affiliation
RW updates that 3 clubs are going through the start-up process; tennis, wrestling and cycling.
SS asked for an update on Competitive Gaming.
NA updated Council that the club is going through the start-up process. / N/A / VP SEBE
7.  / Any other competent business
·  Sports Presidents Forum
Council asks NA for an outline of what is to be discussed at the event.
NA explains that the funding changes and the change in membership are the main topics.
·  Funding Structure
Council debate funding structure, allocation of funds and what clubs can apply for funding for.
Council debate;
How can recreational sports benefit?
Who applies for what?
What makes up the central fund?
-  Match costs including refs, fuel and transport insurance and additional match costs (TBC)
-  Personal Accident Insurance
-  Coaching
-  Development / Explore the cost of refs and fuel/insurance from 2014/15 / Chair
8.  / Date of next meeting & deadline for agenda
11/09/15 – 11.45am / Clerk