Systems and Database Analysis, Design, and Development
Fall 2012
Instructor: / Dr. Abdou Illia
Office: / LH 4020
Office phone: / 581-6391
Email: /
Class time: / MW 9:30 AM - 10:45 AMinLH 1011
Web site: /
Office hours: / Tuesday and Thursday: 10:00-12:30 and by appointment.
Thursday’s office hours may be held in the LH1031 computer lab.
Catalog Description: / A study of the systems development life cycle and relational and object-oriented databases. Includes the use of a client/server database software.
Prerequisites: / MIS 2000 and either BUS 3500 or ACC 3900.
Required text: /
- Valacich, George and Hoffer, Essentials of Systems Analysis and Design, 3rd edition, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2006.
- Morrison, Morrison and Conrad, Guide to ORACLE 10g, Course Technology, 2006.
Supplemental Materials: /
- USB Drive with a minimum 128MB. Must meet the standards for the university.
- An email account which can send and receive large attachments. (Panther account preferred.)
Software used: / Oracle 10g, Oracle Developer 10g
Objectives: /
- Understand and apply the activities of the systems development life cycle (SDLC) including the analysis and design of user requirements
- Create appropriate systems diagrams and documentation to support the systems development life cycle using CASE and other tools
- Create SQL data definition (DDL) and data manipulation (DML) code
- Apply relational and object-oriented database structures and schemas
- Develop and implement an integrated application using a client/server database in a team setting
Evaluation: / Your evaluation will be based on a combination of in-class work, out-of-class assignments, quizzes, tests, and projects. You will complete a database project resulting in a working prototype.
Grading calculation: / Grades will be calculated by dividing the points amassed by the number possible. The resulting percentage will be assigned a grade based on the following scale:
90% or better / A
80-89% / B
70-79% / C
60-69% / D
Your semester grade will be determined by the following:
Category / Possible Points / Total Points
SystemsQuestions / 4 @ 15 points each / 60
Oracle Lab Assignments / 8 @ 20 points each
(Pre-labs necessary to do actual labs not counted) / 160
Systems/Database Project / 100
Quizzes / To be determined / ?
Final Exam / 150
Total Possible / 470+
A class curve may be used to assure a fair distribution of grades.
Oracle Software / The Oracle 10g software is provided to you as part of our Oracle Academic Alliance. Your failure to get the software installed on your personal computer(s) is not an excuse for submitting late work.
Late and Missed
Assignments: /
- For all out-of-class assignments, no late assignments will be accepted after one week from the due date.In other words, if an assignment is due on January 18, it will not be accepted after January 25.
- All late assignments are subject to automatic point reduction ofup to 25%.
Guidelines / Each assignment must have the MIS 4200 cover page attached. No out-of-class assignment will be graded without the cover sheet.
- Assignments must be submitted in the correct order and stapled in the upper left-hand corner.
- Each page of the assignment must be labeled according to the assignment sheet.
- Output from Oracle must be printed from Oracle. Screen captures will not be accepted unless specified in the assignment.
- Electronic submission of assignments by email or ftp is not permittedunless specifically asked for.
- You must take responsible care to make a backup copy of any assignment submitted for grading. You are also expected to keep backup disks current.
- Out-of-class assignments are due by 4:00 pm on the due dateunless otherwise announced in class.Due to unexpected lab availability and computer/network problems, some flexibility may be allowed in submission dates. Any changes will be announced in class or through the list serve.
Attendance: / In accordance with University policy, students are expected to attend class unless prevented by Illness, an official University activity, or an emergency. Students who miss class due to an excused absence will be allowed to make up missed work or submit assignments without penalty. An absence from class will be considered an "excused absence" under the following circumstances:
a.Absence due to illness. An absence due to illness is excused ONLY IF the student notifies the professor of the absence in advance (i.e., prior to the missed class) and provides documentation of the illness upon return to class.
b. Absence due to an official University activity. Absence due to an official University activity is an excused absence only if the student notifies the professor of the absence in advanced (i.e., prior to the missed class) and provides written documentation of the University activity from an appropriate University representative prior to the absence.
c. Absence due to emergency. Evaluation of whether an absence due to an emergency is an excused absence will be made by the professor on a case by case basis. At a minimum, the student should notify the professor of the absence as soon as possible and should provide documentation of the emergency.
Integrity: / All students are expected to comply with University rules and regulations on academic integrity and honesty. These rules and regulations are summarized in the Student Conduct Code ( Disciplinary sanctions may be imposed for violations of these rules and regulations.
Collaboration on assignments is considered academic dishonesty. Dishonesty on any exam, assignment, or project will result in an "F" for the course. All incidents of academic dishonesty will be referred to Judicial Affairs.
Disabilities / Appropriate academic support is available for students with a documented disability. Please notify your instructor and contact the Office of Disability Services (581-6583) for further information.
Preparedness / Instructions about what to do in the event of an emergency are posted in all classrooms on Eastern’s campus. You are responsible for acquainting yourself as to the specific instructions so that you will be prepared in the event of an emergency
Use of Cell Phones, PDAs, ipods, Laptop Computers, and Pagers / All electronic devices, such as mp3 players and pagers must be turned off and stowed away during class. Cell phones may be left on but must be set with the ringer off so that you may receive emergency notifications from the university. You may not access your cell phone during class unless there is a university emergency.
Students may use laptops during class to access PowerPoint lecture notes and/or take notes. Accessing the Internet, sending and receiving emails, etc. is not acceptable. Students who abuse the laptop privilege will be asked to keep their laptops stowedduring class. Laptops may not be used during examinations or in-class exercises.
Professionalism / Students are expected to demonstrate professional conduct in class. Students who engage in unprofessional behavior (such as tardiness, sleeping, reading non-class materials, talking, text messaging) may be asked to leave the classroom.
Contact Info for Student Services: / Career Services / / 581-2412
Counseling Center / / 581-3413
Student SuccessCenter / / 581-6696
Learning AssistanceCenter / / 581-6696
MIS 4200 Class Schedule
Fall 2012
This schedule is tentative and is subject to change by the professor. Changes will be announced in class and posted on the web site.
Date / Topic / Reading / Assignment
8/20 / Class Introduction | System Concepts
SQL Plus environment | Preparing Data Disk / VGH CH 1:2-13
8/22 / SDLC & alternative methodologies
Client/Server DB and Oracle
Clearwater & Northwoods DB / VGH CH1:20-29
OR CH 1:1-22
OR CH 1:23-34 / SysExercise 00
OraExercise 00
8/27 / Managing IS Projects
Creating Tables / VGH CH2:39-65
OR CH 2:58-71 / SysExercise 01
OraExercise 01 (Lab)
8/29 / Syst. Planning: Project Identification Selection
Modifying Tables / VGH CH3:78-86
OR CH 2:72-78 / SysExercise 02
OraExercise 02 (Lab)
9/3 / Labor Day – No class
9/5 / Systems Planning: Project Feasibility
Data Insertion, Deletion & Editing: OraExercise 03 / VGH CH3:86-96
OR CH 3A:85-114 / SysExercise 03
OraExercise 03 (Lab)
9/10 / Syst. Planning: Baseline Project Plan & Scope
Data Retrieval: Single Table + Calc: OraExercise 04 / VGH CH3 (pp 96-109)
OR CH 3B:121-136 / SysExercise 04
OraExercise 04 (Lab)
9/12 / Requirements Determination: Role of SA
Methods for gathering requirements
Data Retrieval: SQL Functions, Formatting: Lab / VGH CH4 (pp 118-137)
OR CH 3B:137-152 / OraExercise 05 (Lab)
9/17 / Joining Multiple tables / OR CH 3C:158-170 / OraExercise 06 (Lab)
9/19 / Nested Queries, Set operators, Views / OR CH 3C:170-184 / OraExercise 07 (Lab)
9/24 / Basic PL/SQL / OR CH 4A:189-212 / OraExercise 08 (Lab)
9/26 / Advanced PL/SQL / OR CH 4B:219-255 / OraExercise 9 (Lab)
10/1 / Introducing Forms
Data Block Forms / OR CH 5A:261-311 / OraExercise 10 (Lab)
10/3 / Forms: Triggers, LOVs, Sequences / OR CH 5C:352-394 / OraExercise 11 (Lab)
10/8 / Custom Forms & Command buttons / OR CH 6A:401-426 / OraExercise 12 (Lab)
10/10 / Custom Forms & buttons (cont.) / OR CH 6A:401-426 / OraExercise 12 (Lab continued)
10/15 / Messages, Alerts, Error control / OR CH 6B:350-471 / OraExercise 13 (Lab)
10/17 / Project Work day / Project Work day
10/22 / Systems Analysis: Process Modeling with dataflow diagrams / VGH CH5 (150-179) / SysExercise 05
10/24 / Systems Analysis: Data Modeling / VGH CH6 (194-212) / SysExercise 06
10/29 / Systems Analysis: In-class dataflow exercise
10/31 / Systems Design: Relational Model Normalized / VGH CH9 (pp 313-323) / Normalization Exercise
11/5 / Data Blocks, Control Blocks, Canvases / OR CH 6C:479-504 / OraExercise 14 (Lab)
11/7 / Reports / OR CH 7A:513-532 / OraExercise 15 (Lab)
11/12 / Integrated Apps / OR CH 8A / OraExercise 16
11/14 / Integrated Apps (Cont.) / OR CH 8B / OraExercise 17
11/19 / THANKSGIVING – No class
11/21 / THANKSGIVING – No class
11/26 / Project Workday / Project Workday
11/28 / Project Workday / Project Workday
12/3 / Review For Final
12/5 / Project Presentation
Final Exam / Tuesday, Dec., 11, 8:00-10:00 a.m.
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