Sporting Whippet Club


Sunday 5th February 2017

Siddington Village Hall

Ashton Rd, Siddington GL7 6HD


1. Opening and Apologies

Meeting opened 1.10pm

Present Sharon Dalgleish , Sarah Meadham , Mark Bicknell, Alec Dalgleish , Greg McClatchie, Michael Florek, Andrew Dawes, Sandra Marcovecchio, Richard Wainman, Chris Cloke, James Newman, Elizabeth Moriarty, Loraine Florek, Julia Cloke, Lilah Wainman, Kate Bent, Gill McLatchie

Apologies Bryan Marshall and Tracy Marshall, David & Elizabeth Johnstone, Biddy Trouton, Susie and Ian Logan, Caroline Osborne, Diana Webber, Katie Manners, Fleur Chant, Fay Sechiari, Sue Meecham.

2. Minutes of the last meeting

Approved Lilah Wainman seconded James Newman.

3. Matters arising

We had the new lure machine for the 2016 season which was a great success.

4. Chairman's report

Best season yet thanks to new lure machine. We are still learning as a club but the year was very successful with some great dogs running. Thanks to slippers and judges. Thanks to Kate & Nick Bent for finding good new ground. Tea and raffle did really well. We have lots of good new dogs coming on so expect an exciting year ahead for the sport. Thanks to members for making the club so good.

5.. Treasurers report

here was an operating loss of £533.80 due to large acquisitions – lure machine, slips etc, the club still had a healthy account at the end of the season and will continue to invest so the club becomes fully self sufficient. Income from teas covered cost of toilet hire.

James asked if a back up machine was required, but the club has kept the old machines for back up.

Raffle made £855 thanks to Lilah for selling tickets and all those who gave prizes.

6. Re-election of Committee and Officers

Greg McLatchie has been co-opted into the committee. Having been on committee for 3 years, Sharon Dalgleish, Alec Dalgleish and Mark Bicknell all re-stood. Julia Cloke proposed re-election of all 3, seconded by Michael Florek and all present voting in favour

7. Other news and announcements

The committee had concerns that dogs were at risk of serious injury when catching the lure because of the power of the machine. After a lot of discussion, it was agreed that muzzles are to be compulsory for all competitors.

Julia Cloke offered to provide the club with a few spare muzzles for competitors to use.

An issue about use of encouragement had been raised with the committee. It was discussed and agreed that no forms of encouragement are to be given to competing dogs eg waving the lure once they are on the field. Encouragement of trialling dogs will still be allowed.

We have not previously required clearance trials. Registration forms there will now have a space for 'running history'. Any new dog who has not got history run will be required to trial with SWC before entering competition.

8. James Newman's suggestions:

a. Points system – altering so there is less difference.

Proposal of 2/4/8 instead of 1/5/10. Sarah Meadham explained that made minimal difference to the overall points, especially in the middle of the table. It was agreed to keep current points.

b. Scoring consolation round runs.

James asked if Consolation runs could be given points. Sharon expressed concern as consolation runs are often used to train new judges, and clear new dogs with experienced dogs which couldn't happen. Sarah pointed out that if they were being judged, the dogs would have to be paired only within their group (currently they get mixed), which would leave multiple bye runs which are ineligible for points. Mark said it didnt go along with the traditional coursing values the club was set up to maintain. It was agreed to leave the consolation as unjudged fun runs and review if there were insufficient dogs with points to populate Finals stakes.

c. Running order of dogs

it was suggested that a system to ensure dogs ran with a different dog each month coud be found. It was agreed to keep a genuine random draw.

d. Changing the colour of pulley markers and lure.

James highlighted the potential issue of dogs getting distracted by colours they are sensitive to or find difficult to see. A white or yellow lure is ideal. Flourescent cones a distraction. Lengthy discussion was given, and the agreed solution was to try red cones.

9. Any other business

Sharon Dalgleish explained she and Sarah Meadham had created a new Lure Coursing organisation which was submitting to the Kennel Club a proposal to get lure coursing recognised as a sport. The new organisation will be putting on an annual competition and had asked SWC for support, which the committee had agreed to. UKSS was not going to alter the running of SWC

If anyone wanted to know more or get involved in the new organisation they should contact Sharon or Sarah.

Meeting closed at 2.16pm