We,the Madison Central LittleLeague, have implemented the following Sport Parent Codeof Conduct for the important message it holds aboutthe proper role of parents in supporting their child insports. Parents should read, understand and sign this formpriorto their children participating in ourleague.
Any parent guilty of improper conduct at any gameor practice will be asked to leave the sports facility andbe suspended from the following game. Repeatviolations may cause a multiple game suspension, or theseason forfeiture of the privilege of attending allgames.
The essential elements of character-building andethics in sports are embodied in the concept ofsportsmanship and six coreprinciples:
The highest potential of sports is achievedwhen competition reflects these “six pillars ofcharacter.”
I thereforeagree:
1.I will not force my child to participate insports.
2.I will remember that children participate to havefun and that the game is for youth, notadults.
3.I will inform the coach of any physical disabilityor ailment that may affect the safety of my child orthe safety ofothers.
4.I will learn the rules of the game and the policies of theleague.
5.I (and my guests) will be a positive role model for my child and encourage sportsmanship byshowing respect and courtesy, and by demonstratingpositive support for all players, coaches, officials andspecta-tors at every game, practice or other sportingevent.
6.I (and my guests) will not engage in any kindof unsportsmanlike conduct with any official,coach, player, or parent such as booing and taunting;refus- ing to shake hands; or using profanelanguage
7.I will not encourage any behaviors orpractices that would endanger the health and well beingof theathletes.
8.I will teach my child to play by the rules and to resolve conflicts without resorting tohostility orviolence.
9.I will demand that my child treat otherplayers, coaches, officials and spectators withrespectregardless of race, creed, color, sex orability.
10.I will teach my child that doing one’s best ismore important than winning, so that my child willnever feel defeated by the outcome of a gameor
11.I will praise my child for competing fairlyand trying hard, and make my child feel like awinner everytime.
12.I will never ridicule or yell at my child orother participants for making a mistake or losinga competition.
13.I will emphasize skill development and practicesand how they benefit my child over winning. I willalso de-emphasize games and competition in thelower agegroups.
14.I will promote the emotional and physicalwell- being of the athletes ahead of any personaldesire I may have for my child towin.
15.I will respect the officials and their authorityduring games and will never question, discuss, orconfront coaches at the game field, and will take timeto speak with coaches at an agreed upontime
16.I will demand a sports environment for my childthat is free from drugs, tobacco, and alcohol and Iwill refrain from their use at all sportsevents.
17.I will refrain from coaching my child orother players during games and practices, unless Iam one of the official coaches of theteam.