Derbyshire, Leicestershire, Nottinghamshire and Rutland
Community Rehabilitation Company

“Towards Excellence: Business Plan

June 2014 / March 2015”

Derbyshire, Leicestershire, Nottinghamshire and Rutland
Community Rehabilitation Company

“Towards Excellence: Business Plan

June 2014 / March 2015”


“This is the first business plan for the Derbyshire, Leicestershire, Nottinghamshire and Rutland Community Rehabilitation Company. The plans may be subject to change following share sale which is anticipated in the Autumn of 2014.

This new company is part of the Government’s strategic approach to “Transforming Rehabilitation” which requires a fundamental re-structure of prison and probation services to improve still further the numbers of offenders who do not re-offend after conviction.

Whilst there will be many challenges ahead and, in particular, over the first year, the Derbyshire, Leicestershire, Nottinghamshire and Rutland Community Rehabilitation Company will take forward the very best of the Probation Trusts that preceded it and set itself an ambitious programme.

The company is new and the geographical coverage considerable, we start from a firm base with experienced, knowledgeable and skilled staff, CRC Colleagues, who understand the impact of crime on individual victims and communities. As Chief Executive, I understand the need for Courts, victims and the wider public to have confidence in an organisation which makes the best use of limited resources, is clear about its purpose and is effective in what it does. This means we must be open and communicative in what we do, how we do it and what we achieve. It also means that we will be held to account - and we intend to respond to this with integrity.

I look forward to the year ahead and keeping you informed of the progress of the whole team as we work towards“achieving excellence” in our first year as a business”.

Jo Mead

Chief Executive.

Our mission is:

“Transforming lives, reducing crime”

Our vision is:

“To become a centre of excellence in protecting the public through the successful rehabilitation of offenders”.

Our values are:

A Be ambitious in our approach and actively seek to make a difference
S Ensure sustainability is reflected in all we do
P Carry out our work with passion and professionalism
I Use Innovation to continually improve
R Be Responsive to change and new demands
E Promote Equality and ensure Everyone counts

The strategic aims of the Derbyshire, Leicestershire, Nottinghamshire and Rutland Community Rehabilitation Company are:

  1. To provide effective rehabilitation for offenders and reduce their re-offending
  2. To keep the public safe by prioritising public protection
  3. To build confidence in the company for partners and stakeholders including the public, Courts, victims and offenders
  4. Deliver the interim NOMS contract including all Service Delivery Requirements.

How the plan is structured:

Given its proven track record across all sectors of commerce and industry, and the contribution that it has made to achieving continuous improvement in Probation Trusts, this company is using the internationally recognised “Excellence Model” (Appendix one) as its business model. The use of the model will ensure our focus is always on the critical areas for success and because it promotes a culture of continuous improvement and embeds it into the fabric of the organisation.

The fundamental concepts of excellence in the model have informed our strategic priorities and will be central to our on-going performance as a new organisation. We will work to add value for customers, create a sustainable future, develop organisational capability, harness creativity and innovation, lead with vision, integrity and inspiration, manage with ability and succeed through the talent of our people (CRC Colleagues) to achieve and sustain outstanding results.

Our strategic priorities are to effectively rehabilitate offenders reducing re-offending and protecting the public. This includes building a sound company which uses the resources inherited from the pre-existing three probation trusts and the 14/15 funding allocation effectively in order to deliver its contract. In being transparent in its processes, being held accountable forthe quality and performance of its operations, and ensuring a seamless continuity of services the CRC will build the confidence of stakeholders and partners.

It is clear there are significant challenges ahead. Change Management will not cease on 1 June 2014 but rather move to another phase. Plan one will have been completed but the Chief Executive and the Senior Management team will prepare and deploy plan two and, as far as practicable, allocate the resources necessary to deliver. Our Business Plan sets out the strategic objectives necessary to ensure we get to where we want to get to from where we are now - and be able to evidence the level of our achievement.

Part one of the plan is centred on the Business Results that are required of us. This is the company’skey strategicfocus and purpose of all operations. In addition, this section contains plans for our Customer Results, People Results and Society Results.In part two of the plan, we set out how we will use our “enablers” to achieve those results: our leaders, people, strategies, partnerships, resources, processes, products and services. The timescale is that activities will be delivered with urgency, by 31 March 2015 or as stated to ensure visible mobilisation with the first 100 days.

Part one: RESULTS

1 Key Performance Results

“Excellent organisations achieve and sustain outstanding results that meet or exceed the needs and expectations of their business stakeholders”

The Derbyshire, Leicestershire, Nottinghamshire and Rutland Community Rehabilitation Company has a set of measures and targets set out in its contract with its commissioning organisation – the National Offender Management Service (NOMS).

What are we aiming to achieve? / How are we going to do it? / Outcomes and evidence of success / When will this be achieved by and by whom?
1.1 Deliver of all the NOMS interim contract volume requirements.
The full list of contract requirements is attached as Appendix B / Creating a robust Performance Management Framework / The Performance Management Framework works well and tracking of performance as near to “real time” as possible evidences either on-track to achieve or shortfalls which will trigger remedial action.
The CRC can demonstrate all contract requirements set out in Appendix 2 have been met or exceeded. / 1 Sep 14
R Angrave + SMT
1.2+ Deliver of all the NOMS contract volume requirements.
The full list of contract requirements is attached as Appendix B / Organisational objectives and targets cascaded to Local Delivery Units and, where appropriate, teams and individuals. / CRC Colleagues are aware of what performance is required of them and their individual level of achievement. / 1 Sep 14
Op Dirs
1.3 + Deliver of all the NOMS contract volume requirements.
The full list of contract requirements is attached as Appendix 2 / Assess the value of an effective balanced scorecard. / A balanced scorecard has been designed, piloted and evaluated / 1 Oct 14
R Angrave + SMT
1.4 Deliver all of the NOMS contract requirements either at or above the quality standards required by HMIP / Develop and implement a cohesive QA framework to include a virtual team of practitioners trained to HMIP standards to undertake sampling and inspection work which will feed into individual and larger scale training and development but also feed the senior management team with accurate information on quality standards. / Quality assurance will be integrated into the performance management framework and information and reports evidence that at least the required quality is being consistently achieved.
Trend data show continuous improvement. / 1 Sep 14
Op Dirs
1.5 Ensure quality of ETE / Work will take place to ensure delivery meets Matrix Standards.
The organisation will apply for Matrix Standard accreditation during the business year 14/15. / The quality of work delivered is externally validated as reaching industry level standards enhancing the reputation of the organisation. / 1 Nov 14
J Hickey + A Goode
1.6 Ensure a continuation of services to service users within CRC scope including women’s services, specialised programmes, restorative justice, mentoring and all supervision requirements. / Set objectives and targets which will be cascaded down to teams / There is a continuity of services provided for service users which meets or exceeds the requirements previously set out in the preceding Trusts’ contract under Annex A Schedule 2 / 1 Sep 14
J Hickey
1.7Ensure that the information we use to monitor and manage performance is accurate and reliable so we can justifiably be held to account. / We will develop a record management, data quality and quality assurance framework as part of the performance management framework / Data quality assurance methods illustrate that data is accurate and reliable. / 1 Sep 14
R Angrave
1.8The company will deliver a reliable and responsive service ensuring all organisational risks are identified and effectively managed. / A risk business risk register will be devised and reviewed at least quarterly to underpin the business plan. Attached as Appendix 8 / The business avoids risks to its reputation, the delivery of its contract, or its legal requirements. / 1 Jul 14
R Angrave
1.9The company meets its business results by optimum use of its enabling resources. / Adopt the Excellence Model as our business model.
Use the first year to put in place all the evidence gathering and trend information necessary to apply for a Recognised for Excellence Award in 2015. / Understanding of the Excellence Model is embedded in the organisation, performance and results, processes and systems are all designed using the fundamental concepts of EFQM. / Colin Pinfold
Richard Angrave
1.10 Deliver all elements of the REACH contract / Performance monitoring with follow up actions if necessary / REACH contract is confirmed as delivered by commissioners / Carrie Peters
1.11 Substance misuse and health contracts are delivered / Performance monitoring with follow up actions if necessary. / Commissioners confirm all elements of the contract have been delivered. / Sheila Wright (Nottingham)
Mark Taylor (Nottinghamshire)
Paul Kennedy (Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland)

2 Customer Results

“Excellent organisations achieve and sustain outstanding results that meet or exceed the needs and expectations of customers”.

What are we aiming to achieve? / How are we going to do it? / Outcomes and evidence of success / When will this be achieved by and by whom?
2.2 Delivery of services with a customer focus and which are responsive to customer need. / Create service-user focus groups .
Systematically evaluate delivery (programmes, unpaid work, etc).
Undertake a national offender user survey. / Results are used to inform changes to service delivery in keeping with the principle of continuous improvement. / 1 Oct 14
Op Dirs
2.3 Preparation for achievement of externally assessed Customer Service Excellence Award. / Create a representative group to plan and coordinate activities to ensure the building of evidence necessary for CSE application. / Reviews of progress toward an evidence portfolio are held with subsequent plans to address areas of insufficiency. / 1 Nov 14
C Pinfold + R Angrave

3 People Results

“Excellent organisations achieve and sustain outstanding results that meet or exceed the needs and expectations of relevant stakeholders within society”.

What are we aiming to achieve? / How are we going to do it? / Outcomes and evidence of success / When will this be achieved by and by whom?
3.1 Engagement of colleagues from across the organisation. / Briefings to team managers, surveys of team members, conferences.
Building relationships with unions and other representative groups / An upward trend on employee engagement with high levels of motivations and empowerment. / 1 Aug 14
R Moore
3.2 Preparation for achievement of externally assessed Investors in People Award. / Create a representative group to plan and coordinate activities to ensure the building of evidence necessary for IIP application. / Reviews of progress toward an evidence portfolio are held with subsequent plans to address areas of insufficiency. / 1 Nov 14
R Moore

4 Society Results

“Excellent organisations achieve and sustain outstanding results that meet or exceed the needs and expectations of relevant stakeholders within society”.

What are we aiming to achieve? / How are we going to do it? / Outcomes and evidence of success / When will this be achieved by and by whom?
4.1 Added value to delivery of sentences of the Court by innovative use of Community Payback projects. / Design and delivery of creative projects developed in partnership with local communities and other key stakeholders (police, local authorities). / A range of unique projects highly valued by stakeholders which showcase the talent of colleagues and service users. / 1 Oct 14
A Goode
4.2 An environmentally conscious organisation able to demonstrate “green” credentials. / Develop and deploy a sustainability plan which includes the setting of targets for reducing environmental impact. / A sustainability plan has been designed and deployed.
Targets are set, evaluated and met. / 1 Nov 14
A Claydon


5 Leadership

“Excellent organisations have leaders who shape the future and make it happen, acting as role models for its values and ethics and inspiring trust at all times. They are flexible, enabling the organisation to anticipate and react in a timely manner to ensure the ongoing success of the organisation”.

What are we aiming to achieve? / How are we going to do it? / Outcomes and evidence of success / When will this be achieved by and by whom?
5.1 Create a strong leadership team with ability to deliver the EFQM leadership criteria. / Senior Managers agree a leadership strategy. / A Leadership Strategy is designed, agreed and implemented.
All CRC Colleagues recognise the Leadership team and understand their roles / 1 Jul 14
5.2 CRC team members, the public and other stakeholders have access to the governance arrangements for the organisation. / A Governance Statement is agreed and made available to all colleagues, stakeholders and the public. / The organisational structure and key governance documents (including minutes of meetings) can be accessed by all staff and the public. / 1 Aug 14
J Mead
5.3Have in place a knowledgeable CRC Board able to exercise scrutiny and steer the company effectively and all stakeholders have access to the Board constitution including a Governance statement / NOMS will appoint members of the Board. CRC will arrange induction for members and facilitate meeting arrangements
Board constitution is agreed, distributed to staff and made available to the public.
A copy of the Governance statement is attached as Appendix 3
A copy of the CRC Board constitution is attached as Appendix 4
A copy of the Corporate Structure is attached as Appendix 5 / A Board is appointed.
The Board members have each had an induction.
A meeting schedule is arranged.
Board constitution is accessible internally and externally. / 1 Oct 14
J Mead
Note: Non execs appointed pre 1 Jun 14.
5.4 Mission, Vision and Values are embedded in the culture of the organisation at every level. / Leadership team agree mission, vision and values.
Leadership team behaviours reflect the mission, vision and values. / Mission, vision and values are adopted by all team members and evidenced in service delivery / 1 Aug 14
5.5 All team members are aware of the corporate structure. / A corporate structure document and diagram is created and available to all team members to show how the organisation is / All team members understand how the organisation is structured. / 1 Jul 14
R Moore + SMT
5.6 A culture of continuous improvement / Strong leadership and clear communications.
Engagement of all colleagues and a motivated workforce. / Performance and quality trends demonstrate continuous improvement.
Benchmarks, surveys, audits and inspections evidence continuing progress.
Principles or EFQM RADAR are applied across all areas of management and service delivery. / 1 Oct 14
R Angrave + C Pinfold + SMT

6 Strategy

“Excellent organisations implement their Mission and Vision by developing a stakeholder focused strategy. Policies, plans, objectives and processes are developed and deployed to deliver the strategy”.

What are we aiming to achieve? / How are we going to do it? / Outcomes and evidence of success / When will this be achieved by and by whom?
6.1 The organisation has a clear approach to achieving public confidence and engagement of all key stakeholders including NOMS commissioners and the three Police and Crime Commissioners / Design, approve and deploy a comprehensive stakeholder engagement strategy. / Stakeholder strategy is in place and being deployed / 1 Oct 14
C Pinfold + A Claydon + Op Dirs
6.2 A network of partners who are willing to contribute to the work of the organisation and who are consistent with our values. / The company creates a list of its partners with contact details and information about its services as part of a formal engagement strategy. / A list is maintained and made available to all staff. / 1 Oct 14
C Pinfold + A Claydon + Op Dirs
6.3 Ensure Partners and Stakeholders are informed about the progress of the organisation and its achievements / Create a Stakeholder and Partnership Newsletter for all key stakeholders and partners / Newsletters issued in accordance with publication schedule. / 1 Aug 14
C Pinfold + A Claydon + Op Dirs
6.4 New partners are sought to meet the needs of offenders / Actively seek new partners and contacts within each LDU. / The work of the organisation is enhanced by other providers and organisations that have specialist provision which will support rehabilitation / 1 Oct 14 + Op Dirs
P Kennedy

7 People

“Excellent organisations value their people and create a culture that allows the mutually beneficial achievement of organisational and personal goals. They develop capabilities of their people and promote fairness and equality/ They care for, communicate, reward and recognise in a way that motivates people, builds commitment and enables them to use their skills and knowledge for the benefit of the organisation”.

What are we aiming to achieve? / How are we going to do it? / Outcomes and evidence of success / When will this be achieved by and by whom?
7.1 A workforce skilled to deliver the Interim Contract performance required of the company. / Design and deploy a comprehensive “People Plan” to include recruitment, vacancy management, retention, career progression and management, supervision and appraisal requirements, mobility, etc. / A workforce plan is designed and implemented.
All key processes are in place and CRC Colleagues can access them.
Managers are implementing required procedures
The Interim Contract is delivered to the performance and quality standards required / 1 Nov 14
R Moore
7.2 + A workforce skilled to deliver the Interim Contract performance required of the company. / Plan for to commence preparation for achievement of Investors in People Award. / Plan is in place to ensure compliance with IiP criteria is being progressed. The Interim Contract is delivered to the performance and quality standards required / 1 Oct 14
R Moore
7.3 + A workforce skilled to deliver interim contract performance required of the company. / A CRC Colleague skills / developmental needs audit is undertaken and the results analysed to inform a comprehensive training and development programme. / Skills audit designed and executed
Training and development plan has been approved.
Training and development plan is being deployed.
Learning, training and development is embedded in the culture of the CRC as a foundation for achieving business results.
The Interim Contract is delivered to the performance and quality standards required. / 1 Nov 14
R Moore
7.4 People communicate effectively throughout the organisation. / A communication plan will be designed and implemented which will cover internal communications and external communications. / Our performance, quality standards and achievements are understood by our staff, sentencers, our partners and key stakeholders. / 1 Sep 14
C Pinfold + A Claydon
7.5 People are rewarded, recognised and cared-for. / A diversity and equality plan will be designed and implemented. / There is a transparent commitment to equality and diversity which translates policy to outcomes. / 1 Aug 14
R Angrave
7.6 + People are rewarded, recognised and cared-for / Equality impact assessments will be carried out on all changes which meet the criteria. / Any adverse impact on equality of business changes are identified and managed. / 1 Aug 14
R Angrave
7.7+ People are rewarded, recognised and cared-for / A reward and recognition scheme for CRC Associates is designed and implemented. / CRC Colleagues feel valued by the organisation. / 1 Nov 14
R Moore

8 Partnerships and Resources