Join Knoxville Habitat for Humanity at our inaugural Sporting Clay tournament on Friday, March 11 at the Chilhowee Sportsman’s Club in Maryville, TN. 26 teams will fill two flights for this all day event. Participants will compete at 13 shooting stations with varying target presentations.
This exciting event is a great way to enjoy networking, reward your employees or clients and spend a day in the great outdoors, all while buildingbright and secure futures fordeserving families in Knox County!
Sponsorship Information - Presenting Sponsor - $5,000
Marketing Benefits
Naming rights for 2015 event – “Knoxville Habitat for Humanity Clay Shoot presented by (your company)”
Your organization will be recognized as a KHFH event sponsor on marketing and promotions including:
- Event Flyers: Distributed to local businesses and community members
- KHFH Website: Company name and logo prominently displayed on KHFH event page
- Email Announcement: Sponsor recognition with logo on KHFH eBlast sent to over 9,000 contacts
- Social Media: Sponsor recognition on KHFH social media (five[5]Facebook posts and tweets and one[1] LinkedIn post)
- Media Relations: Company will be listed as presenting sponsor on press release to local media
- Media Promotions:NewsTalk 98.7(with Phil Williams)has committed to a media sponsorship and will promote and advertisethe event as well as participate in the tournament. Their involvement includes a live remote, PSAsand website presence.Optional: 3-hour live remote during The Phil Show can also take place at your business location.
- Recognition at Event: Company name and/or logo prominently displayedon event signage and banner and special recognition from podium at beginning of each flight.
- Display or sampling available: Onsite display and/or opportunity to provide goody bag promotional item or door prizes
Corporate Citizenship
- Your company will receive a positive association with one of the most recognized brands in America. Habitat for Humanityhas been named“Brand of the Year” in the social services nonprofit category in the 2015 Harris Poll EquiTrend® study, an annual survey that measures brand equity of organizations in the U.S.
- Donations directly serve the Knoxville community by providing simple, decent, affordable housing to hardworking, contributing families of our community.
Networking Benefits
- ONE complimentary team registration and ONE complimentary golf cart included with sponsorship
- Excellent team-building opportunity
- Meet and network with other business leaders in our community
Sponsorship Information – Ground Breaker - $2,500
Marketing Benefits
Your organization will be recognized as a KHFH event sponsor on marketing and promotions including:
- Event Flyers: Distributed to local businesses and community members
- KHFH Website: Company name and logo displayed on KHFH event page
- Email Announcement: Sponsor recognition with logo on KHFH eBlast sent to over 9,000 contacts
- Social Media:Sponsor recognition on KHFH social media (three [3] Facebook posts and tweets and one [1] LinkedIn post
- Media Relations: Company will be listed as sponsor on press release to local media
- Media Promotions: NewsTalk 98.7 (with Phil Williams) has committed to a media sponsorship and will promote and advertise the event as well as participate in the tournament. Their involvement includes a live remote, PSAs and website presence.
- Recognition at Event: Company name and logo displayed on event signage and banner and recognition from podium at beginning of each flight.
- Display or sampling available: Onsite display and/or opportunity to provide goody bag promotional item or door prizes
Corporate Citizenship
- Your company will receive a positive association with one of the most recognized brands in America. Habitat for Humanity has been named “Brand of the Year” in the social services nonprofit category in the 2015 Harris Poll EquiTrend® study, an annual survey that measures brand equity of organizations in the U.S.
- Donations directly serve the Knoxville community by providing simple, decent, affordable housing to hardworking, contributing families of our community.
Networking Benefits
- ONE complimentary team registration and ONE complimentary golf cart included with sponsorship
- Excellent team-building opportunity
- Meet and network with other business leaders in our community
Sponsorship Information – Hard Hat - $1,000
Marketing Benefits
Your organization will be recognized as a KHFH event sponsor on marketing and promotions including:
- Event Flyers: Distributed to local businesses and community members
- KHFH Website: Company name and logo displayed on KHFH event page
- Email Announcement: Sponsor recognition with logo on KHFH eBlast sent to over 9,000 contacts
- Social Media:Sponsor recognition on KHFH social media (one [1] Facebook post and tweet)
- Recognition at Event: Company name and logo displayed on event signage and banner
- Sampling available: opportunity to provide goody bag promotional item or door prizes
Corporate Citizenship
- Your company will receive a positive association with one of the most recognized brands in America. Habitat for Humanity has been named “Brand of the Year” in the social services nonprofit category in the 2015 Harris Poll EquiTrend® study, an annual survey that measures brand equity of organizations in the U.S.
- Donations directly serve the Knoxville community by providing simple, decent, affordable housing to hardworking, contributing families of our community.
Networking Benefits
- ONE complimentary team registration and ONE complimentary golf cart included with sponsorship
- Excellent team-building opportunity
- Meet and network with other business leaders in our community
Sponsorship Information – Shooting Station Sponsor - $750
Marketing Benefits
Your organization will be recognized as a KHFH event sponsor on marketing and promotions including:
- KHFH Website: Company name and logo displayed on KHFH event page
- Sampling available: Opportunity to provide goody bag promotional item or door prizes
- Recognition at event: Company name and logo on 1 outreach sign at a shooting station
Corporate Citizenship
- Your company will receive a positive association with one of the most recognized brands in America. Habitat for Humanity has been named “Brand of the Year” in the social services nonprofit category in the 2015 Harris Poll EquiTrend® study, an annual survey that measures brand equity of organizations in the U.S.
- Donations directly serve the Knoxville community by providing simple, decent, affordable housing to hardworking, contributing families of our community.
Networking Benefits
- ONE complimentary team registration and ONE complimentary golf cart included with sponsorship
- Excellent team-building opportunity
- Meet and network with other business leaders in our community
Event details:
- DATE: Friday, March 11th
- LOCATION: Chilhowee Sportsman’s Club, Maryville, TN
- TIME: 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
- First flight begins at 9:30 a.m.
- Second flight begins at 1:30 p.m.
- $125/individual or $500/team (team of four)
- Lunch is included and provided for each shooter from 11:30 a.m. until 2:30 p.m.
- Golf cart included
- All levels of experience are welcome
- 13 stations/100 shots per team participant (total of 400 shots)
- Shooter should bring their own guns and ammo
- Lead shot size must be 7 1/2 , 8, or 9
- 13 teams/flight
- Mandatory Safety Meeting before each flight
YES! We would like to sponsor the Knoxville Habitat for Humanity Clay Shoot
Name/Company: ______
Contact Name: ______ Phone: ______
Address: ______
City: ______State: ______Zip: ______
E-mail: ______
Level: ____Presenting ($5,000) ____Ground Breaker ($2,500) ____Hard Hat ($1,000)
Payment Options:
- Check enclosed: Please make checks payable to
Knoxville Habitat for Humanity
1501 Washington Ave.
Knoxville, TN 37917
- Please Invoice ______
- Credit Card: (please circle one) Visa Master Card Discover American Express
Card number: ______
Expiration date: ______CVV: ______
Signature: ______
To be listed in event materials (program, website, ads, etc.), return this form and logo by the close of business onMonday, November 2, 2015.
- Email color or B & W version of company logo in high res format to
- A portion of your sponsorship is tax deductible as allowed by law.
Donors will be sent a letter for tax purposes acknowledging their donation.
- For more information, please call Candice Hinkle (865) 523-3539 ext 121