Sponsored Ride and Stride - Sponsor Form
Saturday 9th September 201710am to 6pm
Please complete all the details fullyTitle / Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms/Rev/Other / Name of Participant(s)
Number of sponsored people in the group
Address (including house name or number and road name)
Postcode / Telephone Number / e-mail Address
Age Under 18 (please state) _____ 18–34 35–49 50-64 65-80 Over 80 (please state) _____
Cyclist/Walker/Horse Rider/Welcomer/Other (Please state)
Name and city/town/village of the church to which you wish OHCT to pay half your sponsor money. If you do not wish to nominate a church, all the money raised will go to OHCT, please write 100% OHCT.
Have you set up a JustGiving webpage at / Yes/No
OHCT is a membership organisation, would you like to receive further details about membership? / Yes/No/Already Member
Please return all sponsor money preferably by 31st October to your local Church Coordinator shown here. Cheques should be made payable to OHCT Ride and Stride. / Church Co-ordinator: Please write your name and address here.
Churches Visited - Use a second form if you visit more than 42 churches
To be completed by an official at each church visited. If there is nobody to witness your visit, please sign the Register of St/Riders at the church, if available, then initial your entry on this form. If necessary please continue on another sheet.
Church / Time / Initials / Church / Time / Initials / Church / Time / Initials1 / 15 / 29
2 / 16 / 30
3 / 17 / 31
4 / 18 / 32
5 / 19 / 33
6 / 20 / 34
7 / 21 / 35
8 / 22 / 36
9 / 23 / 37
10 / 24 / 38
11 / 25 / 39
12 / 26 / 40
13 / 27 / 41
14 / 28 / 42
Church Welcomer Duty / Hours of Welcomer Duty / Church Coordinator’s Initials
Name(s) / Please complete all the details fully
on both sides of this form. / For / OHCT / Use
/ Declaration by Sponsors -If I have ticked the box headed ‘Gift Aid? (√)’, I confirm that I am a UK Income or Capital Gains taxpayer. I have read this statement and want Oxfordshire Historic Churches Trust (2016) to reclaim tax on the donation detailed below, given on the date shown. I understand that if I pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax in the current tax year than the amount of GiftAid claimed on all of my donations it is my responsibility to pay any difference. I understand the charity will reclaim 25p of tax on every £1 that I have given.
Minimum GiftAid requirements – initial and surname (only one person), house number or name and postcode
Sponsor’s Full Name
First name & surname
(One person only) / Sponsor’s Home Address
Not your work address
Including house name or number
(This is essential for GiftAid) / Postcode
(This is essential for GiftAid) / Gift Aid? (√) / Sponsorship Offered / Sponsor
Money Paid / Date
Paid / Paid
For each church visited or hour of welcomer duty / Donation / C
h / C
e / C
John Smith / 23 Anytown Road / OX1 7XY / √ / £1 / £20 / 14/9/15 / √
If you run out of space here please use another form (available at / Write Total Money Raised Here (excluding JustGiving)
Data Protection Act: This form will be held on file by the OHCT for six years. Your address is required on this form for the purpose of HMRC audit only. It will not be passed on to any third party. / For OHCT use only / GiftAid Total / GASDS Total / No GiftAid Total / Cash / Cheque / BACS / CAF
Ride and Stride Administrator: Mrs Jeanette Thomas –26 St Amand Drive, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 5RG Tel 01235 202554
It is a condition of participation that, save to the extent required by law, Oxfordshire Historic Churches Trust (2016) accepts no liability in respect of death or injury sustained by any participant in the sponsored Ride and Stride.
OHCT Sponsor FormOxfordshire Historic Churches Trust (2016) - Registered Charity No 1168567