UMASS Tobacco Treatment Specialist Core Training

Sponsored by Alameda County Provider Network (ATOD)

for Tobacco dependence treatment and cessation.*

Tobacco Treatment Specialist Application

In-person Training Dates: February 26, March 1st, March 7thMarch 8th

Must complete all 4 days of training. No Exceptions.

Pre-requisite: completea 12-hour online training before January 26th.

This Training is available free to staff currently working in an Alameda County BHCS funded Agency, Alameda County Health Agency, Alameda County FQHC or Public Health Agency, or Alameda County Social Services and or Housing Agency. The agency must be committed to supporting the attendee to provide tobacco treatment services at the agency. Cost will be $750 for others to participate based on availability of space in the training.


Applicants should possess a commitment to tobacco dependence treatment; have access to the organizational support necessary to conduct tobacco treatment education and intervention. The course is designed for health workers who want to master the necessary core competencies for providing evidenced-based treatment for tobacco dependence.

The following criteria must be met before applying:

  1. Have complete support from organization leaders and commit to proving tobacco interventions to help clients overcome tobacco addiction
  2. Be able to commit to completerequired 12 hours of online training prior to January 26th, and attend all 4 training dates; no exceptions.
  3. You must be tobacco-free for 12 months prior to attending core training.
  4. You must be in a position that is already providing direct service to clients.
  5. Commit to participating in online surveys, or follow up calls from ATOD staff to see how it is going……

Course Overview

The Tobacco Treatment Specialist (TTS) Training Application includes two components:

Online Training: “Basic Skills for Working with Smokers” from UMass - This is a self-paced, online course, that is designed for health workers who want to be well-grounded in the theory and practice of working with clients who are tobacco dependent. It provides an introduction to the basic concepts needed by professionals who are working with tobacco users. This course will need to be completed by January 26thas a pre-requisite for the TTS Core Training. UMass provides 12 hours of CEU’s for successfully completing this course. Refer to UMass Tobacco

Training website for details on CEU’s for basic skills.

In-person Training:TTS Core Training - This is an intensive 4-day, in-person, evidence-based training program designed for persons who deliver moderate to intensive tobacco treatment services within a health care or community setting. The curriculum is designed to address a set of core competencies for tobacco treatment specialists first defined by the Massachusetts Certification Steering Committee in 1998 and further defined by the Association for the Treatment of Tobacco Use and Dependence (ATTUD). Staff who successfully complete this training and meet certain eligibility criteria will be eligible to apply to become certified tobacco treatment specialists. A new national certification process for TTS will be announced in October under The National Association for Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselors (NAADAC).

Please note: Before being accepted to the TTS In-person Training those enrolled in the course must first complete the Online Training, Basic Skills for Working with Smokers. Participants must pass an online test administered by UMASS before receiving a certificate of TTS completion.


  • Application deadline: December 15, 2017
  • Applications must be submitted electronically to:
  • Completed applications must be received by this date. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed.
  • Acceptance notification: January 5, 2018
  • Applicants will be notified of acceptance/rejection by e-mail on or before this date.
  • Complete Online-Training:January 26, 2018
  • Applicants must complete the 12-hour “Online Training: Basic Skills for Working with Smokers”as a prerequisite before attending the in-person training – If you are approved for the Free training, the fee for the online training will also be covered. You will be notified how to proceed to have the online training covered.
  • Training dates: Monday-February 26, Thursday-March 1st, Wednesday-March 7th & Thursday- March 8th 9am to 4:30 PM
  • Trainings will be held at 2000 Embarcadero- Joaquin Miller Room Suite 305, Details will be provided with the acceptance notification.
  • Participants must attend all 4 training dates in their entirety (9:00 AM to 4:30 PM each day. The only exception is if the training gets out early.



This form must be completed electronically and submitted to


First Name: / Last Name:
Job Title:
Street Address:
City: / State: / Zip:

____Home address ____Work address

Work Phone: / Cell Phone:
Email: / Fax:

Education and Training-please list any health or social Sciences degrees or certificates

Institution and Location / Degree or
(if applicable) / End Date
MM/YYYY / Field of Study


Briefly describe why your experience and qualifications make you particularly well suited for attending this training and becoming a Certified Tobacco Treatment Specialist (Please type in the box below):


Please list personal and professional experience relevant to tobacco dependence treatment and to delivering tobacco treatment (add additional rows as needed):

Organization and Location / Role/Responsibilities / Date

Organizational Support

Applicants must be affiliated with a non-profit agency committed to providing tobacco treatment to its clientsand this must be documented in the accompanying “Agency Commitment Letter” signed by the agency director.

What organization will be sponsoring the work you do once trained as a TTS to provide counseling and support to clients who want to quitand motivational interviewing to encourage others to consider quitting; And to assist in providing training and support for other staff at your agency?

____ Check if same asorganization listed in the Contact section.

Organization / Contact Name
Address: City / State Zip
Email Phone#

Describe the organization, including its mission with respect to tobacco treatment and its commitment to deliver Tobacco treatment services to all clients regardless of race, ethnicity, gender preference.

Describe the organization capacity to increase tobacco treatment interventions after the completion of these trainings by one of their staff members? How do you plan to use this new knowledge/training within your facility.

Briefly describe the organization’s current need to provide tobacco treatment to clients/patients.

Other supporting documents needed with this application:

  1. Letters of Recommendation-1 letter of recommendation must be submitted with this application. Address letters of recommendation to: TTSReview Committee. Electronic submissions are preferred and can be submitted to: Scanned copies are acceptable.
  2. “Agency Commitment Letter”- signed by agency director. Agency Commitment Letter is Appendix A of this application. Electronic submissions are preferred and can be submitted to: canned copies are acceptable.

Signature______Date ______

To sign electronically type your full name and degree(s) (e.g. Chris P. Sanchez, MPH)

Application, 1 letter of recommendation, and the “Agency Commitment Letter” must be submitted electronically to Patricia Sanchez,email: or fax to (510) 653-6475. Feel free to contact us if you have any further questions call 510-450-8338ext 315 or 619-208-1306. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed.

Please let us know if you need any accommodations for special needs (e.g. hearing/sight impairment, physical challenges, dietary needs):

Appendix A - Agency Commitment Letter






Icommittosupporting [Nameofapplicant]’stoattendthis 4-daytrainingonFebruary 26, March 1st, March 7thMarch 8thfrom 9am-4:30pm., fortheUMASSTobaccoTreatmentSpecialistCoreTraining. Also, Iunderstandthatthistrainingwillpreparethemtobeabletoprovideverythoroughtobaccotreatmentinterventiontoclients. [Agency], isfullycommittedtoprovidingthestafftimeforournewlytrainedTTSstafftoprovidetobaccotreatmentservicestoclientsandtrainotherstafftodo provide tobacco treatment interventions aswell.

Authorized Signatory[Agency Director];______

Print Name ______


*Free training is funded by Alameda County Public Health Department Tobacco Control Program. ATOD Provider Network is based at Thunder Road Adolescent Treatment Center a member of Bay Area Community Services. For information regarding this training, please email or call 510-450-8338 ext 315