Spiritual Warfare Small Group Studies

Study Three: Deliverance – Part 2

1. What questions have arisen in your mind following the second Study?

2. We have previously identified that one of Satan’s schemes is ‘demonisation.’ This is the correct Biblical terminology, rather than ‘demon possession.’ The word is used to signify the malignant influence of an evil entity, which is oppressing someone, occupying a place of influence in someone’s life.

Is it possible for a Christian to be demonised? Read the story in Acts 19:8-20 about Paul in Ephesus.

3. What is the status of the people referred to in v18? What is it that they have continued to practice?

4. In v19, the burning of the scrolls is more than just a physical act. These people are effectively doing what through this action?

5. In deliverance ministry, renouncing and confession are absolutely essential. Why is this the case?

6. What is the principle and the application lesson arising from v20?

7. How do we reconcile Rom 6:2 with Rom 6:12-13? What does this mean in relation to potential demonisation?

8. Read Eph 4:17-32. In v27, ‘foothold’ is literally ‘place.’ Using the imagery of a house, discuss what demonisation looks like, notwithstanding that a believer is indwelt by the Holy Spirit.

9. There are many potential entry points for demonic spirits when we don’t deal with sin in our lives. Deliverance is essentially about closing off entry points. Obvious entry points ones are sexual sins; greed; pride; covetousness; deceit; unforgiveness; rebellious spirit to those in spiritual authority; lack of self-control thru substance abuse etc. Less obvious points are fear and anxiety. Why are these potential entry points?

10. In Eph 4:31 Paul identifies another entry point – bitterness. Consider Heb 12:15. Why are ‘bitter roots’ so diabolical for living victoriously as a follower of Jesus?

11. What are some examples of catalysts for becoming bitter towards God?

12. What are some examples of catalysts for becoming bitter towards others?

13. Discuss the following steps in being delivered from bitter root judgments:

  • Identify those relationships where you have formed bitter root judgments (including yourself)
  • Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal any bitter roots you are unaware of
  • Pray and release those whom who believe have hurt you
  • Forgive those you have judged and ask Jesus to forgive you for judging
  • Ask the Lord to bring the power of the Cross to bear on your bitter root judgments.

14. God has given us EVERY resource we need to live just that way – experientially free in Christ. Look at James 4:7

Draw near to God. This means……………………………………..

Resist the devil.

a)Identify potential avenues of demonic influence

  • Intentional invitation Eg………………………………………….
  • Influence from past Eg…………………………………………..
  • Habitual sin Eg……………………………………………………
  • Special attacks against Christians Eg. ………………………..

There are periods of particular attack against a believer - even when there is no past evil allegiances or current footholds. See Eph 6:13

b)Resolve to resist

c)Know who you are in Christ

d)Know your resources in Christ

In Christ, we have an ……………. to resist all demonic principalities and powers.

Christ has TOTAL …………over every evil power (Eph 1:19-21). And because of our union with Him (in His death, resurrection and ascension) we share in His ……………… over the whole demonic realm.

e)Renounce all evil

Turn aside from EVERYTHING that takes our devotion and allegiance away from Christ.

f)Deal with demonic spirit(s) if necessary

This should not be practiced in the life of our church without discussion / involvement with Senior Minister.

g)Prayer and fellowship

Prayer is the absolute heart and essence of spiritual warfare (Eph 6:10ff). We pray for ourselves. We pray for others. We ask others to pray for us.

Spiritual warfare is submitting to God; resisting the devil. And he WILL flee.

There is NO need for a Christian to be defeated. No need to be defensive. We have all the resources to stand firm and live daily in Christ’s freedom.

Rod McArdle

December 2009


Deep Creek AnglicanSmall Group Resources

December 2009