Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever. -- 1 Pet 1:23
For we are not as many, which corrupt the word of God -- 2 Cor. 2:17
Some time ago, we wrote an article entitled, "Did Our Inspired Bible Inspire?" The article has been critiqued by some, saying that we used "flawed logic," suggesting that we are making the 1611 KJB a "Saviour" and being Bible restorationists. For our critics’ sake, we state implicitly, "Our inspired Bible has not Expired,” since it was given to man, and it never will expire." We have God's promise on that! Bible believers, who believe in Bible preservation, do not "restore" the Bible. They, rather, confirm and proclaim its preservation. Bible Correctors are the real bible "restorationists." Yes, a man can be saved by an MV, a commentary, or a sinner's sermon or witness that contains mistakes, misquotes, and so forth. The gospel message does not have to be word for word perfect as some suggest. Still, the truth of the gospel gets the job done but not as efficiently nor as effectively as when it is presented purely.There are those that complain about KJO’s referring to MV converts as “perverted spiritual cripples, Jesus Freaks, Hippie Type Christians, and crippled fundamentalists,” claiming that ”makes God the spiritual father of spiritualperverts and cripples!”
Well, KJO’s do consider many born again fundamentalists, to be spiritual cripples, even while having God as their father. Still, we would not classify all MV converts as Jesus Freaks, Hippie or Coffee House type Christians or even born again "lose your salvationist" cripples. Moreover, we are not suggesting that Christians are automatically healthy, if converted under a King James Bible. Corrupt churches, bibles, sermons, commentaries, forums, and circles of fellowship are also reasons for the existence of saved, spiritual cripples. Often, the circles, in which born again folks run, cripple them. But, yes, we have never met a person, who has made a profession under a modern bible, who stuck with that MV bible, who was not become a spiritual cripple. We will even go as far as to say that we have never met a person, who has switched from the KJB to another bible, who is not a spiritual cripple. Corruptible seed corrupts even if you are saved and results in either stunted growth or no growth.
Why do some get bent out of shape, when anyone emphasizes the word of God as the instrument or agency of God, which is involved in a person's salvation? Why compare such rhetoric as making the word of God a "Saviour" (modernists prefer to call us "Bibliolators")? Especially when they turn around and respond with John 3:5, 6 and make the Holy Spirit the Saviour (even as one bible corrector made Him the Father of the born again)? The Person of the Holy Spirit is, as with the word of God, an Instrument or Agency by whom the saved are "quickened" (1 Pet 3:18)! Jesus Christ is the Saviour, not the Holy Spirit, not the Bible. No, we do not make the KJB a "Saviour" as some suggest.
We have, here, some men of "flawed character," who accuse KJO’s of "flawed logic," who prefers to sift the old confessions of faith and the various old church council decisions and words of the so-called church fathers in order to pin heresy on their KJO opponents, rather than using the Bible to do so. If some do not get to be spiritual cripples early, through MV infantile paralysis, from a corrupt Bible, they may later pick up a perverted bible which gives them MV multiple sclerosis. We are to mark such spiritual cripples accordingly, born of God or not (Phil 3:17).
Bible Correctors and other cripples are diseased and have noticeable limps,
1. Walking after the flesh - Rom. 8:1, 4
2. Walking as men - 1 Cor. 3:3
3. Walking by sight - 2 Cor. 5:7
4. Walking as Gentiles - Eph. 4:7
5. Walking in the vanity of their mind -- Eph. 4:7
6. Walking as fools - Eph. 5:15
7. Walking as enemies - Phil 3:18
8. Walking in darkness - 1 John 1:6
Bible Correctors and other cripples also have a problem walking,
1. In newness of life - Rom. 6:4
2. After or in the Spirit - Rom. 8:1, 4
3. Honestly - Rom. 13:13
4. Circumspectly - Eph. 5:15
5. As children of light - Eph. 5:8
6. Worthy of God and vocation wherewith called - Eph. 4:1, Col 1:10
7. By faith - 2 Cor. 5:7
8. In light - 1 John 1:7
9. In fellowship - 1 John 1:6
10. As he walked - 1 John 2:6
11. After his commands - 1 John 1:6
12. In truth - 3 John 1:4 -- by Herb Evans