Spiritual Abilities

Spiritual Abilities are gifts that, combined with the Spirit of God in us, make something special of God come out of us to our world.


I like to be the hands and feet of Jesus by going out in faith with complete trust that He will deal with obstacles so that God’s actions can be accomplished.


I like to be the hands and feet of Jesus by catalyzing and launching new ventures that broaden Christ’s work, presence and Kingdom in our world.


I like to be the hands and feet of Jesus by giving godly advice and counseling people to make wise decisions that reflect the will and heart of God.


I like to be the hands and feet of Jesus by inspiring others to reach for their God-given best through encouragement and empowerment.


I like to be the hands and feet of Jesus by redirecting my resources to support and fund Kingdom ventures through financial generosity beyond my tithe.


I like to be the hands and feet of Jesus to restore health in others who are sick and hurting using spiritual and sometimes miraculous means to do so.


I like to be the hands and feet of Jesus by serving behind the scenes in tasks, designs and constructions that incarnate Christ and help others come to know Christ.


I like to be the hands and feet of Jesus by passionately and persistently praying for others and experiencing God’s movement.


I like to be the hands and feet of Jesus by caring for a group of Christ-followers and growing them to live like Jesus.


I like to be the hands and feet of Jesus by extending compassion, care and love to those in our world who suffer physically, emotionally, materially or spiritually.


I like to be the hands and feet of Jesus by organizing resources and people as efficiently as possible to achieve Kingdom goals and purposes.


I like to be the hands and feet of Jesus by communicating the love of Jesus Christ with others so that they are drawn to follow Him and receive His grace as an eternal gift.


I like to be the hands and feet of Jesus by communicating messages from God that redirect the church and culture toward reformation and repentance, justice and mercy.


I like to be the hands and feet of Jesus through visions and strategies that promote and execute God’s purposes in the world.


I like to be the hands and feet of Jesus through clear and practical Scriptural instruction that is relevant and empowers people to live like Jesus.


I like to be the hands and feet of Jesus by creating safe, warm and welcoming environments that reveal Jesus to our world.

If you are interested in discovering your Spiritual Abilities, we recommend taking the Player Profilesstudy.