Lesson Plan 7

State Standards

GLE 0707.Inq.2 -Use appropriate tools and techniques to gather organize, analyze, and interpret data.

SPI 0707.Inq.3- Interpret and translate data in a table, graph, or diagram

0807.Inq. 5 –Design a method to explain the results of an investigation using descriptions, explanations, or models.

GLE 0807.12.1- Investigate the relationship between magnetism and electricity.

Learning Objectives

-Students will understand the pressures on the power grid

-Students will understand smart grid technology and how it will relieve some of these pressures.


35-45 minutes


-Promethean Board

-Worksheets (copied)

-Paper, pencils, calculators


Demand response system, smart grid, utilities

Attention Grabber(use promethean board)

“A power grid is a vast, complex network of power plants and millions of miles of transmission and distribution lines. The technology has changed very little over the last 100 years and the stresses on the grid have grown exponentially because of population growth and the enhancements of technology.


-power outages cost the U.S. more than 1 billion each year.

-In the next 20 years, energy consumption will increase by 40 percent

-During an air conditioner’s lifetime, only one-fourth of the total cost goes toward purchasing it and three-fourths is for the energy to run it.

-Idle electronics such as tv’s, vcr’s, dvd players, microwaves…cost consumers 3 billion annually. Even when switched off, they use 5% of domestic energy to operate the clocks on them.

“To face these challenges on the grid, a new concept is emerging… “smart grid”. By using computer-based remote control and automation, smart grid technology enables consumers and utility companies to monitor energy usage and to become more efficient.”

-Show students the pie graph(

-What are your observations about home energy use?

-How can savings be achieved?

-What are the rooms for improvement?

***Discuss with students


-Show students the video that introduces the smart grid(

- Also show the news story about smart grid technology in South Korea(

-Tell students to take notes, and afterwards, answer the following questions “Why is there so much pressure on the electric grid right now?”, “How can smart grid technology relieve this pressure?”, “Why is it win-win situation?” “How is technology essential to energy conservation?” Discuss with students thoroughly win completed.

Closure Activity

Go home and research 3 appliances that use “smart” technology to help relieve pressure on the grid. Bring your findings to school tomorrow.