Spelling Menu

This is your spelling menu for the week. You will choose 2 different assignments from this list a week (one per night). For each missed assignment you will have points deducted (taken away) from your spelling homework grade.

Each activity should be completed in your spelling notebook. Make sure that you write the title of the activity above the assignment, so that I will know which one you chose. Use the front and back pages of your notebook paper if needed. Do your assignments in order, don’t skip pages!!

**REMEMBER: This homework is meant to help you prepare for your test on Fridays. Try not to do the same activities every week; change it up.**


Rainbow Words – Write each letter of the word with a different color.

Vowel Fractions-- Write fractions for the vowels in each word:

Ex. magnetic-à 3/8 (There are 8 letters and three of them are vowels.)

Three Times! -- Write each spelling word three times. First, write each word in print. Second, write each word in cursive. Third, break each word up into syllables.

Ex: classroom classroom class-room

Hidden Words -- Draw and color a picture. Hide your spelling words inside a picture. Show your picture to someone and see if they can find your hidden words!


(See back for more options)

Consonant Fractions-- Write fractions for the consonants in each word.

Ex. magneticà 5/8 (There are 8 letter and 5 of them are consonants.)

Stairsteps-- Write words as if they are stairs, adding one letter each time. (If you are using lined paper, begin up against the left margin line. If you are using graph paper, begin on the left.)

Ex. s





Word Value -- Each letter has a value. Consonants are worth 10. Vowels are worth 5. Write your spelling words, and then add up the value of each spelling word.

Ex. said à 10+5+5+10 = 30

Spelling Patterns – Group the words based on their spelling pattern for the week.