Spelling Homework Expectations

Spelling is an important subject for your child. It will help them to become a better reader and writer. Spelling words will be introduced on Monday and a spelling test will be given every Friday. In order to maintain a predictable schedule for the students, the following are the spelling homework assignments each week:

Monday: 3x each

Tuesday: Spelling Choice (see below or Spelling Choice packet)

Wednesday: Spelling Choice (see below or Spelling Choice packet)

Thursday: Study for spelling test

Friday: Write any missed words 10x each and parent(s) sign test

Spelling home work is to be done neatlyeach night. If I can not read it, it defeats the purpose of the assignment. Students will be responsible for redoing the work if it is illegible. I will be checking spelling homework notebooks daily and spelling homework counts toward the overall spelling and homework grade. Remember, the goal of spelling is NOT to just get a perfect grade on the weekly spelling test; the ultimate goal is to carry the knowledge of the words and word patterns into daily work.

Spelling Choices

(Please encourage your child to make different choices each week!)

Choose 10 spelling words to write in sentences

Choose 10 spelling words and use them in a story

Small, Middle, Big words

Give A Parent A Test

Colorful Vowels

ABC Order

Dictionary Dynamo

Fun Fonts

Magic Words

Flower Spelling

Delicious Words


In addition to the 3x each on Monday and the spelling choices, I STRONGLY encourage your child to visit and take an online spelling test at the beginning of the week. This will help your child see the words that he/she is still struggling with so that he/she can really focus on mastery of those words throughout the week. All of the choices above have been explained to your child during class. A Spelling Choice Guide packet is also being sent home with your child that fully explains each activity. It is my hope that your child will reap the benefits of repetitive practice through the 3x each, while still feeling that he/she has fun and creative choices to keep spelling interesting and meaningful. Thank you for your support!

3 Times Each

Write each word neatly 3 times each. This must be done every Monday or first night of spelling.

  1. has has has
  2. wag wag wag
  3. bag bag bag
  4. six six six
  5. will will will
  6. sat sat sat
  7. had had had
  8. fix fix fix
  9. him him him
  10. if if if
  11. can can can
  12. glad glad glad
  13. hand hand hand
  14. about about about
  15. after after after
  16. also also also
  17. school school school
  18. study study study
  19. classroom classroom classroom
  20. September September September

10 Sentences

Use at least 10 spelling words to write 10 sentences. Sentences must start with an uppercase and end with correct punctuation. Please underline the spelling words in the sentences. Also, try your best to start each word with a different word!

  1. I see many stars up in the sky.
  1. The great white shark is huge and dangerous!
  1. Teachers are happy when students take care in their work.
  1. It is not polite to stare at someone.
  1. My hair is curly, but my daughter’s hair is straight.
  1. A snare drum makes a rattling noise.
  1. His dad has a special chair that he sits in every night.
  1. The girls were up late when they stayed over their friend’s house.
  1. Walt Disney used his imagination to create Disney World.
  1. Valentine’s Day is a special day to show others how much you care.

Spelling Story

Use at least 10 spelling words to write a story that makes sense. It can be funny, but it needs to make sense. Use correct spelling and punctuation. Please underline the spelling words you use.

One day, we had a visitor come to our cabin. He was our neighbor, but had never paid us a visit before. We invited him for Easter dinner. When we invited him, he did not object. He was excited to visit us! We set the table very carefully and used cotton napkins. My mom looked in the index of her cookbook for the perfect recipe. Together, my sister and I helped her make a perfect ham. My mom gently put the ham on the dinner table. Suddenly, before we knew what was happening, our dog jumped on the table and ate the ham! We were shocked! But our neighbor said, “That’s OK. I don’t like ham. Let’s order from Pizza Hut!” It turned out to be the best Easter ever.

Small, Middle, Big words

Write each spelling word small, the middle size, then BIG!

  1. has has has
  2. wag wag has
  3. bag bag bag
  4. six six six
  5. will will will
  6. sat sat sat
  7. had had had
  8. fix fix fix
  9. him him him
  10. if if if
  11. can can can
  12. glad glad glad
  13. hand hand hand
  14. about about about
  15. after after after
  16. also also also
  17. school school school
  18. study study study
  19. classroom classroom study
  20. September September September

Give Your Parent A Test

Read each spelling word to a parent, grandparent, or older sibling, like you are giving a spelling test! When they are done, you will have to check to see if the words were spelled correctly! You can even give a grade! Parents, it’s OK to get a few wrong :0),

Colorful Vowels

(Write each spelling, core and bonus words three times and write each vowel whatever color(s) you choose!

  1. eat eat eat
  2. mean mean mean
  3. need need need
  4. baby baby baby
  5. he he he
  6. leaf leaf leaf
  7. queen queen queen
  8. seek seek seek
  9. pony pony pony
  10. we we we
  11. sweet sweet sweet
  12. steam steam steam
  13. leaves leaves leaves
  14. find find find
  15. first first first
  16. from from from

ABC Order

Write all words (regular words, core, and bonus) in alphabetical – ABC – order).

  1. against
  2. baby
  3. eat
  4. find
  5. first
  6. Friday
  7. from
  8. he
  9. leaf
  10. leaves
  11. mean
  12. morning
  13. need
  14. pony
  15. queen
  16. seek
  17. shivering
  18. steam
  19. sweet
  20. we

Dictionary Dynamo

Write each spelling, core, and bonus word, what you think its meaning is, and draw a picture of it.


Stare: to look at someone for a long time.

Fun Fonts

Type your spelling, core and bonus words three times using different fonts.

1. star star star

2. shark shark shark

3. care care care

4. stare starestare

Magic Words

Write your spelling words (spelling, core, and bonus words) in WHITE CRAYON and then paint over your writing with watercolor paints. You can do this on another sheet of paper and staple it into your book.


Use your artistic ability to create a big flower on your paper. Make a petal for each of your spelling, core, and bonus words and write each word three times in the petal. See the example below.




Delicious Words

This activity is yummy! Use pudding, yogurt, peanut butter, whipped cream or whatever you choose to write all of your spelling words 3x each! A clean cookie sheet is a great place to write your words using one of these good items. Have your parents sign off in your notebook that you did this activity (don’t try to bring it to school! :0) Another variation of this if you don’t want to use food is to use alphabet stickers, magnetic letters, OR sidewalk chalk.


Type in your spelling, core, and bonus words three times each to make a cool GeoGreeting (and learn a little about geography, too!) You can print the words, cut them out, and glue them into your book. You can also email them to me OR have your parent sign your book that you completed this activity at home.

  1. Go to (you can access it off of my webpage, also).
  2. Click “skip intro.”
  3. Type in as many spelling words as your can (you may have do half the words at a time) into the box that says “type your message here.”
  4. Click the “preview here” button and then “click to view” on the next page and you will see your words displayed in a cool way.
  5. You can either send me the link, send me an e-card, print the words and glue them into your book, or have your parents sign your spelling book to let me know that you completed this assignment. Have fun!


Use of this site is HIGHLY encouraged to practice spelling at the beginning and end of the week.

1. Log onto .

2. You will find a box that says “start here.”

3. Enter in your spelling words (regular words and core words) into the box (HINT: choose to enter them as a “batch entry” and put a new word on each line).

4. Click on the button that says “test me.”

5. After it loads, you can take a test! Click on the “say it” button to hear a word or the “sentence” button to hear it in a sentence.

6. Type the words correctly into the box.

7. It will let you know how you did at the end. Print the report and staple it into your spelling homework book OR have your parents sign your book that you did the activity.

8. There is more to explore on Check it out!