St Peter and St Paul’s Church, Aylesford
Parish Notes forNinth Sunday after Trinity
24th July 2016 / We are a fair-trade church
If you have come with a child who is under 4 years old, your child is very welcome to stay in the pew during the service or go to the Children’s Corner at the back of the church. If your child is four years or more, and Sunday Club is running today, they are welcome to attend Sunday Club. Parents/guardians may accompany their children to Sunday Club if they are hesitant about going to the club, which runs from 10 – 11am.
Gracious Father, we ask you to revive your church; make us holy, strong and faithful and help us to be faithful in prayer to you. Amen.
8am & 10am Holy Communion. Theme: Prayer. Readings for today: Genesis 18:20-33 Abraham pleads with God for Sodom (OT p18) & Luke 11:1-13 Jesus talks to the disciples about prayer (NT p92).
We welcome today Rev Canon Alan Vousden who is taking our services for us today.
The Week Ahead
Tuesday 26th: 8pm-9.15pm Bell ringing practice.2pm Friendship Group.
Wednesday 27th: 10am Holy Communion.
Thursday 28th: 4.15pm Songs of Praise Queen Elizabeth Court. 7.15-8.15pm Juniors & 8pm Adults Choir Practice.
Saturday 30th: 9.30am Prayers for peace.
Sunday 31st: Tenth Sunday after Trinity. 8am & 10am Holy Communion. Theme: What do we invest in? Readings for next week: Psalm 49:1-12 & Luke 12:13-21.
Parish Notes are now available to download on the Church website. They can be found on the "main home page" and the "events page":
CCLI Licence No. 417757
Vicar: Vacant
Church office: Anita Keays Tuesdays and Thursdays 9am to 2pm.
01622 719366
Churchwardens: Brenda Sladen 01622 882395
Robert Halliday 01622 717426
Pastoral Assistant: Janet Holdstock 01622 710083
Cherith Bourne 01622 717267
Parish Evangelist: Jenny Relf 01622 710963
Parish Website:
Aylesford Church Prayer Line If you have a special request for a prayer to be said at the 10 o’clock service on Sunday, please telephone Richard or Cherith on 01622 717267 at anytime during the week and they will pass your message on.
Quiet Area for Prayer and Prayer Book - You are welcome to use the chapel on Sundays or during the week for prayer, and a Prayer book is available, in which you can write any prayer requests. These will be prayed through at the Wednesday morning service.
The Key to the Church - This is kept at the Village Shop. You are welcome to borrow it if you want to go into the church outside service times.
Institution of our New Vicar
Jonathan Hall is to be instituted as Vicar of Aylesford on Tuesday 9th August 2016. The service in the Parish Church is being planned by the Wardens in conjunction with the Bishop's Office and the Archdeacon.
Put the date in your diary: 9th August at 7.30pm.
Thursday 11th August 10am to 3pm Once again Aylesford Church is challenged to field a team of 8 players for this annual tournament; our opponents will be the BART group (Birling, Addington, Ryarsh and Trottiscliffe) and the East Malling group which also includes Teston and Wateringbury. There is a prestigious trophy which is currently held by BART.
The event is hosted by Medway Croquet Club based at Cobdown (Station Road near Ditton Corner) and is designed with novices in mind. All equipment will be provided as well as some basic tuition. You play with a partner (so no-one is on their own) in a sociable form of croquet with simple rules. Each match will have a friendly umpire and guide and whilst, we want to win, the play will be light hearted. Players are asked to bring their own lunch; tea, coffee and soft drinks will be provided. Flat shoes should be worn. Players should dress according to the weather; hopefully sun hats will be required! A contribution of £3 per player for green fees is asked for, payable on the day.
This has been a lively and enjoyable occasion in previous years and is a chance, perhaps, to try something different. So please do think of offering to play. Please let me know if you would like to be one of the team or have any questions. Gordon Hunt 01622 769634
Notes from Janet
Bible and Discussion Groups. No meeting in August.
Holiday Club – Monday 25th July 10 – 3pm. In the Brassey centre. Helpers arrive by 9-30am please.
Friendship Craft – July 26th Tuesday. 2 – 4pm.
Confirmation – Deanery confirmation is in December. June and Janet will hold 6 sessions starting in Septemberfor confirmation preparation.
Come and join us to ask questions and discuss your faith and decide if you wish to be confirmed.
Please pray for Wedding couples - Darren and Kayleigh who were married here on July 23rd and Neville and Amanda who will have their wedding blessed here on July 30th . Also the Baptism Families – Please pray for the families of Finley and Felicity who will be christened here on August 7th.
Church and Churchyard Clean-up This annual event will take place on Sat 30th July and as this is short before Jonathan arrives it would be lovely to have a real group effort to make the church and churchyard to look especially welcoming. Your hard work will be rewarded by sharing a picnic style meal afterwards - hopefully outside in the freshly manicured churchyard - or inside if the weather is bad. We will provide fruit juices and tea/coffee but feel free to bring any other drink you would like and also a picnic item to share e.g. A couple of rounds of sandwiches, sausage rolls, quiche, crisps, cakes etc or anything else you can think of. We usually have a lot of fun on this afternoon so please come and join us. Thank you for your support. Aline
‘Friends’ Proposed Trip to Bradbourne House East Malling.
Monday 22nd August 2016 1.15PM £16 ‘Friends’ & £18 ‘Non’ to include a tour of the House with tea & biscuits. Discover the history of this house part of East Malling Research Station a stunning Grade1 listed building part of which dates back to Tudor times. Please register your interest with
Brenda Sladen on 01622 882395 or Anita Keays on 01622 719589
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