Professional Supervision
Speech and Language Therapy and Occupational Therapy
Making the best use of supervision as a superviseeand basics of becoming an effective supervisor
This course aims to allow participants to obtain information and develop a framework for professional supervision both from the perspective of the supervisee and the perspective of the supervisor. It equips therapists at an entry level or basic grade level with knowledge that will allow them to develop evidence based habits which will make them an effective consumer of supervision. This knowledge may also assist them in developing effective skills as a supervisor later on their career.
Date: 19th of September 2013
Time: 9h30 – 13h00
Venue:HSE offices, Clonminch, Tullamore
Cost: € 20,- for IASLT/AOTI members
€ 50,- for non-IASLT/ non-AOTI members
Objectives for the participant
- To develop an understanding of the overall purpose of professional supervision
- To distinguish between different modes of supervision
- To develop knowledge of the three functions of professional supervision
- To be able to identify the primary foci of supervision
- To develop an understanding of the dual focus of supervision (operations and developmental)
- To develop the ability to discuss the role of the supervisee and the role of the supervisor in developing effective and productive supervision
- To develop knowledge of available supervision record forms and observe the practical application of a selected range of techniques
- To consider the content of a supervision contract
- Handling of conflict and ongoing review
- To participate in discussion on strategies to enhance their participation in the supervision process either as supervisor or as supervisee(scenario-based learning)
Who is this course for?
This course is designed primarily for speech and language therapists and occupational therapists at a basic gradelevels who have an interest in acquiring knowledge of the topic of supervision with the view to beginning to make an improvement in their own consumption of the supervision process.
Programme for the day
9h30 Introduction: What is Professional Supervision?What is Professional Supervision NOT?
10h00Modes of supervision
10h30Functions of supervision
The dual focus of supervision
The role of the supervisor and the role of the supervisee
11h00Tea and Coffee
11h20The process and measures to make supervision more effective
12h00Practical demonstrations
The supervision contract
Scenario Based learning
Edel Dunphy, IASLT Professional Development Manager
Margot Barry, AOTI CPD officer
Application procedure for AOTI and IASLT:
Please print and complete the attached application form. Send it along with you payment to the following address: (Places will only be confirmed when payment has been received)
Cheques to be made payable to AOTI
Professional Supervision
Suite 2.20
The Distiller’s Building
Smithfield Business Centre
Dublin 7
For any queries please contact Edel Dunphy at or Margot Barry at
E-mail applications will NOT be accepted, only postal applications.
Application Form
Professional Supervision
Speech and Language Therapy and Occupational Therapy
Email Address
Telephone number
IASLT / AOTI membership number
Experience level
Please summarise VERY BRIEFLY your current level of work experience with regards to the topic of this course
I enclose my fee of (please tick as apporpriate):
IASLT/AOTI member[ ] € 20
Non- IASLT / Non-AOTI member[ ] € 50
Important NOTES:
Places will be allocated on a first come first serve basis. The number of places is capped and if more therapists apply than there are places available, you will be refunded. The application fee is non-refundable on cancellations 7 days or less to the course date.
Lunch will NOT be served at this course and participants have to bring their own lunch.
All queries to be sent to Margot Barry: