Speech and Language Leadership & PST Meeting

Fall 2012

Meeting Agenda:

Mediasite Webinar

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

1:00-1:05Sheryl Thormann, Speech/Language Consultant, DPI

Welcome and Introduction to the Electronic Format

1:05-2:00Paula Volpiansky, School Administration Consultant, DPI

DPI Legal Update

This presentation will highlight recent IDEA state complaints and legal items that shape speech and language service delivery and practice. Selected topics that will be discussed include screening and RtI specific to SL, paraprofessionals, and specific information regarding IEP team timelines. Participants will learn how these determinations affect their practice in the public schools.

2:00-2:30Sheryl Thormann, Speech/Language Consultant, DPI

SL Practice Issues: A State-Wide Perspective

This presentation will examine current trends and practices regarding speech and language in Wisconsin public schools. The use of telespeech as a service delivery model, the updated DPI technical assistance manual for the assessment of Spanish speaking students, and the increased use of paraprofessionals in speech and language programs will be discussed.

2:30-2:45Sheryl Thormann, Speech/Language Consultant, DPI

Agenda 2017: An Overview

This presentation will provide an overview of Agenda 2017. To continue moving education forward, the state is advancing several important education initiatives and setting goals through “Agenda 2017,” a comprehensive plan for education reform, which will bring many important and exciting changes to Wisconsin schools. These changes include what and how students learn in school, how students are tested, and how schools and teachers are evaluated.

2:45-3:55Erin Faasuamalie, Cognitive Disability & Assessment Consultant, DPI

Peggy Roush, Academic Improvement Initiatives Consultant, DPI

Agenda 2017: Common Core State Standards; Academic Success for All Students

This presentation will provide an overview of the Common Core State Standards and Common Core Essential Elements and how these new standards are connected to the Department of Public Instruction’s Agenda 2017. Promoting a culture of high expectations for all students, including students with disabilities, is a fundamental goal of the Common Core State Standards and Common Core Essential Elements. Collaborating to meet the needs of students receiving special education services will allow schools and districts to improve their programs for all students.


Wrap-up and closing comments