Sped 4435/5435 Annotated Bibliography Assignment.

Select a topic. A shortened version will be used a running head. This topic needs approval from the instructor.

Conduct a literature review of referred journal articles on your topic. This can include texts, and the internet.

For each selected resource, cite the source using APA 2001 format.

You will need 12 individual resources; only 2 of the 12 can be internet or other types of articles. Ten of the 12 MUST be research articles and relate directly to your selected topic.

Your running head will appear at the top of the right hand corner of each page with your running head title, comma, your last name, and page number.

Next will be the citation of your source using APA (2001) style format.

The third item of the annotated bibliography is the abstract from the research article. This can be cut and pasted into your MSWORD document. It should be labeled and single spaced.

Undergraduate: The article analysis will be labeled and consist of your comparison and contrasts to other articles of your annotated bibliography, at the end of your annotated bibliography you will include a reflection section on how the articles you read relate to class, and how this impacts you as a special education or other related professional. There are 12 reference citations, 12 comparisons and 1 (ONE) reflection section for this assignment.

Graduate: The articles that you read will be presented as a formal research paper. A minimum of 15 pages (not including reference section) in length using APA format. I suggest you develop an outline and run it by the instructor prior to beginning the actual paper. You will be required to provide a short 10-15 presentation on your paper to the class (graduate only requirement). Expectations for graduate students will include more rigorous standards for writing and analysis.